☾Chapter 15 - Will you?☽

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*3rd Person POV*

Your cheeks flushed a bright red as Levi uttered these meaningful words into your forehead. His hushed tone made your knees shake, and it was a delightful feeling to be reconnected with this jittery feeling again. But, how words can change your look on a person. It's like magic. And, at this point in time you were up to believe anything.

You grasped Levi's shirt, clenching it with one hand. "Levi..." You could only beam up at the man who'd blessed your heart with his presence. Levi heaved a sigh, ruffling your hair on the back of your head.

"I'd love to stay, (Y/N), but as you are aware I have to make some urgent plans for the attack. You nodded, still in a slight daze. You staggered back as Levi loosened his grasp on you. You were shocked at the sudden frigid room-temperature. You gripped the edge of a chair, stabilizing yourself. 

"I can help..." Your eyes locked with the man, "I will help" Levi's lips curved into a smirk as he tucked his hands into his pocket.

"Sure, brat. You go do your voodoo while I go do the plans" Levi retaliated. You narrowed your eyes in a playful manner, then standing and leaving the room. But, how you dreaded doing so. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when abruptly, a voice became your main focus in your head.

"Alright, (Y/N). Your task is simple. Get out into the middle of the battle field, hold up your hands and spread your wings. You register this?"

"Uh--" Your mind went blank as this intruder entered. You steadily became more informed of your task as you repeated his words.

"Wait... In the battle-field?" 


"During the.... war?"


You gulped. How was this sealing their freedom? Most of them might be dead by the beginning of the war!

"That's true... But, this is the only way. Try to live until then" The voice explained. With that, a clicking noise was heard.

Well, my mission has been received. And now all I have to do is follow it. You clenched your teeth together as you wandered aimlessly through the halls of the head-quarters. I've been following this corporation of angels blinded, unable to make decisions for myself. Now I know why us angels find humans so disturbing.

We (humans) have the will of free-choice, and we aren't afraid to use it.

You looked up, only to be collided with a younger boy with shaggy brown hair. Alongside him was a raven-haired girl and a blonde.

"Ah, sorry!" The boy apologized, moving along swiftly.

"EREN!" A voice snapped. The brunette whipped his head forward towards the sound. "MY OFFICE" You shifted your gaze behind you, to realize Levi was calling him. You must've made a full circle and wandered back to Levi's office. Without realizing you trailed silently behind the teens.

Soon the boy, Eren, had entered the office, the others being shoved outside. You stared blankly at the door. Why was this Eren boy needed? And, you'd never noticed him before when you attended the scouts. Infact... Isn't this whole head-quarters new?

"Hello?" You snapped from your thoughts to be greeted by the blonde kid. "I don't think I've seen you around! The name's Armin! And, this is Mikas-"

"I can introduce myself" The supposed, Mikasa, interrupted the chirpy Armin. Armin let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Hm" You nodded towards the two in a silent greetings.

"So..." Armin began, "Why are you here? I would've expected you to be a new recruit, but you don't have a uniform so..."

"Oh- Uh..." You averted your eyes, pursing your lips. How were you going to explain this?

"I guess I was... Here to visit Levi" You decided on this answer, glancing at Armin to see his reaction, which was an odd one. He grinned at you, showing off his pearly teeth,

"So your the corporal's girlfriend? I never thought he actually had a heart..." Armin trailed off into thought.

"AGH! No, no, no, no! We're just--" You were about to finish off with the cliche "friends", but you were anything but that. After all this, you felt closer to Levi than anyone else except your... Deceased friends. You took a deep breath, desiring to end the conversation so simply accepting your fate.

"Ok... Yes" Armin giggled, grabbing your hands.

"Perfect! I need to help you with him! I love playing cupid!" He grinned a childish grin, "I haven't helped anyone with a relationship since Mikasa and E-"

"SHUT UP!" The angered Mikasa demanded, pulling away Armin. "I'm sorry" Mikasa apologized, "He isn't usually like this" She glared at Armin, who averted his eyes in shame.

All you could muster was a quiet, "Y-Y-Yeah" And, as if on cue, the door to Levi's office barged open, the Eren boy rushing out.

"Eren!" Mikasa almost shouted, letting go of Armin and approaching him. "Come on..." She gripped his shoulder with obvious force, lugging him down the hallway, a shouting Armin in tow.

"Tch..." Levi muttered, crossing his arms as he watched the teens dart down the hallway, "Brats" You let out a small chuckle, Levi then shifting his eyes towards you.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, eyeing you. 

"Ah..." You let your eyes trail off to the other wall, "I can't do it now..." You explained half of the situation. Levi audibly blew air from his nose, and you looked back towards him. A smile was placed on his face as he examined your features.

"What are you doing, Levi?" You inquired, inching your face back. 

"Well..." Levi dragged on the 'L' stepping towards you. He placed his long, delicate finger against your chin, sending a tingle up your spine. He tilted your head upwards, gazing into your (E/C) hues.

"I couldn't help but hear you talking to the cadets... You told a lie I believe" Levi leaned his face closer to yours, his lips grazing your nose.

"Well-- I-I" You heard Levi chuckle, and your eyes widened at the foreign sound.

"No cadet of mine will tell a lie" He exclaimed, moving his finger along your jaw-line and dragging it up to your cheek, then resting his hand against your cheek. Your cheeks blushed a deep red, and you couldn't help but admire the same coloured cheeks of the corporal.

"Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?" Levi inquired. You grinned, peering away from him.

"You said it yourself, no cadet can tell a lie" Levi grinned at your obedience, shoving your face towards his with his free hand, pressing his lips against yours. You parted a few seconds later.


"Levi, I love you" You interrupted, wrapping your arms around his waist. Levi smiled a warm smile, placing his hand against the top of your head.

"So much" Levi replied, teasing your hair. "So much..."

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