☾Chapter 11 - The Book ☽

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*Your POV*

I awoke in the small twin bed, the thin mattress laid in the wooden frame. I groaned and groggily turned to lay on my stomach, tossing my arm over the side of the bed. The memories of yesterday rapidly flooded my head. I squeezed my eyes, covering my face in embarrassment.

That bastard.

I grabbed the covers that had been shoved to the end of the bed in the process of the night. I wrapped myself in the warm blankets, cocooning myself in warmth. I never wanted to leave that position, the position of solitude and safety. But, eventually my mind went off the wonder about other things.

Such as yours truly.

I squirmed in the blankets, so they now hung comfortably over me. I sat up, leaning back on my hands. I noticed the curtains had been pulled down in front of the window. I groaned, yawning.

Then I lifted up the curtain with my hand, to be revealed to the beautiful scenery of the farmland. But, in the distance I happened to notice two figures engaging in conversation. I inched my face closer to the window, the get a better view of the two. It appeared that they were both men, one short in stature, the other tall.

The taller man happened the notice me and pointed over at me. His face was unrecognizable by me, but the other I could identify. It was Levi.

I gripped my pillow, realizing that he must've left me within the night. For some reason this bothered me, causing me to mumble


The taller man began talking again, and Levi tossed me his signature annoyed look. I pursed my lips and lowered the curtains once again.

I couldn't help but wonder what business the man had with Levi, and if it involved me. Possibly the house. Maybe he had previously owned the house and wanted it back.

I quickly dismissed the thought, uninterested in the topic. I turned on the bed, my feet colliding with the hard wood floor. A shiver was sent up my spine at the sudden frigid feeling in my feet.

I stood to my full height, and sat back down, deciding I wasn't ready for today. Suddenly my eyes grazed a book on the bed side table beside the bed. It was a decent size, and I estimated it to be about 1000 pages. It was titled "Falling" with a blank baby blue cover.

I leaned forward onto my stomach and grabbed the book opening to the first page. It questionably began the story with the first chapter. No prologue. No table of contents. No introduction of any sort.

I flipped the book to the back, hoping to find a synopsis. And there was none.

I tossed the first page a puzzled look, but simply began to indulge in the book. After completing the first five pages, I began to question the author of the book, since the book just dove into a scenario I had no information about. I then noticed I hadn't even taken a moment to find the author's name.

I hurriedly shut the book to the cover page but yet to find no indication of any author.

"Hmph" I muttered, "too ashamed of the book to claim it as yours, huh?" But, for some reason I was still interested in the mysterious book. It had nothing to explain it and so I wanted to find what it was about.

Abruptly, my thought was interrupted but a grumpy man at the door.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" He shouted, strutting towards me. He slammed the book shut from the page I was on.

"Hey!" I snapped quickly regaining my spot. Levi gave me his regular "tch" noise and rolled his eyes.

"The guy out there wants that book" He explained snatching the book from my grasp.

"What...?" Was all I could muster as Levi strolled away with the book in his hands. "Woah! Levi, wait a sec!" I ordered stumbling after him.

Levi stopped in his tracks turning his head to the side,

"Yes?" He hissed menacingly. I gulped. Levi arched a brow, turning once again.

For some reason I felt small tears forming in my eyes. Am I crying? I questioned myself, reaching up and confirming, I was.

But, over a book?

Levi halted realizing that I was standing behind him. This time he turned fully to face me, tears descending down my cheeks, their goal to make a fool out of me.

Levi's facial expression quickly dropped into a concerned one as he stepped forward. My eyes blank with embarrassment as I stared down at the floor.

Fuck, is he going to kill me?

Was all I could think as the corporal stepped closer. But, instead of the vicious actions I guessed of him, he just placed his cold hand on my punctured cheek. Punctured with tears.

He used his thumb to wipe away my tears, and focused his eyes on my cheeks, being very indulged in his doing. Me, being the nervous wreck I am with romance, simply just stared at the ground, cheeks flushed red and I had also happened to be shivering.

But, all this halted to a stop as Levi stated:

"You're really weird, you know that" My eyes widened slightly as I tilted my head upwards to observe the harsh man.

"What...?"I mumbled, and I realized, that for once in a lifetime, the jerk named Levi was smiling as he continually wiped away my proceeding tears.

My heart seemed to leap, as it took over my brain. Was he smiling... Because of me? At me? My heart seemed to pound against my rib cage as he continually beamed.

Or was he teasing me?

Whichever reason it was, my heart had made it's decision, ignoring my nerves as I increased my height, going up onto my tiptoes. I pressed my lips against Levi's for the second time. But as I did so my brain had overcome my heart again.

I pulled away, clutching my chest. "I-- I'm sorry" I stammered, averting my eyes. Levi emitted another tch, but it seemed to be one of more happiness.

But, with that the man left with the book.

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