☾Chapter 16 - Static☽

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//Who returned from the dead!? C'est moi!\\
*3rd Person POV*

Sadly, this moment didn't last long. After Levi's soft lips pecked the top of your head he parted from your grasp and ushered towards his office,

"Work," He stated, eyes lingering on you a moment longer before he whipped around. You could sense the affection being admitted from his hues.

How lucky you are.

You followed in Levi's footsteps but paused at the open door. Before -when you had finally been reunited with your lover- everything had happened so quick. Too quick. You were flushed with emotions and hadn't had time to observe the corporal's new office.

The stone walls were pristine and the wooden floor practically shining. An archway led to his bedroom to the left, similar to the previous headquarters and a door off to the right. A single window was hung at the back of the room and was the only light source. But of course this couldn't be Levi's office without the desk piled high with neat stacks of paper and the short-tempered man that sat hunched over his paperwork.

Though, instead of the busy noise of pen being scratched on the paper, the short man was dividing paper stacks into smaller categories, flipping through them at an anxious pace. His eyebrows furrowed, sweat beading on his forehead as if he'd been doing this for hours.

"Your pockets, (Y/N)" A static voice abruptly broke the silence, but was only to be heard by you.

What about them...?

"Inside th-..." There was a long pause. Your eyes fixated on the ground.


"Ahajanl--" Nothing but the occasional burst of unrecognizable sounds now and then reassured you of activities inside your head far beyond your knowledge. Something was going on, and it wasn't the most settling of things to happen in such a situation as now.

You shut your eyes and exhaled a sharp breath. You calmed yourself with the image of after. The future seemed so peaceful compared to now. You'd secure humanities freedom, and you and Levi could live happily ever after, considering the council agreed to you reverting back to a bot. And looking back on your loyalty and service these last few years it was almost certain. Everything would be fine.

"You can sit down, (Y/N). You look stupid just standing there," Levi's harsh, yet affectionate voice broke through your thoughts. It's weird how two emotions could be expressed so easily. It was confusing, yet soothing. Well, there it is again.

"'Course" You replied, a dumb smile across your lips. You were reminded of the director's instructions as a flash of static thumped through your head.

You shoved your hand into the pocket of your (Preferred/Bottoms) and found a delicate roll of paper. You extracted it from your pocket to find it secured by a blue ribbon, delicately tied into a bow.

"Have we caught the thief...?" Levi stated. You peered up at him to glimpse a teasing grin.

"Possibly" You emphasized the bly as you strode towards the crowded desk. You bent forward to place the roll in front of the captain and he greeted you with a kiss.

Neither wanted to seperate, so it rather turned into a messy, too long kiss that would've been awkward with any other couple. But you two didn't mind.

"Can't keep it in your pants..." You murmured, eyeing the bulge in the corporal's jeans. You barely caught the pink hue rapidly spreading across Levi's  cheeks as he crossed one leg over the other. You smirked.

As Levi continued his work you made your way into Levi's bedroom. As suspected, everything was in order including the made bed, recently broomed floor and books categorized by titles, rather than authors because Levi could never afford to remember names. You didn't bother to open the closet, but could only picture his perfectly folded clothes and ironed jeans.

You grinned to yourself the second most sincere smile you had mustered since you'd been promoted to freedom angel.

You plopped down onto Levi's bed, the springs creaking in response. It's as if everyone wasn't going off into a life changing war the next morning. Your gaze was directed to the window above the bed.

Everything was normal. Light bubbly clouds hung in the sky, the trees rustled in the wind, birds chirped, citizens attended to their chores off a while a ways and the walls were as normal. But the stress that hung heavy on your chest wasn't avoidable. You weren't oblivious to the fact that you were alone in sealing freedom.

It's all up to you now.

"Levi...?" Your eyes whipped to the door through the archway. The voice was not yours, nor Levi's. No. It belonged to her. You were sure.

Hanji Zoe.

Your eyes narrowed at the being at the door. But, surprisingly you didn't see Hanji, but rather someone you'd recongized from your previous day's as a member of the survey corps. Petra (let's pretend she didn't die for now). She was a sweet girl. But, it's those of innocence who attract them.

"Levi, I need to talk to you right nowww~" She whined, pouting. A scowl formed on your lips a new opinion shaping towards this girl.

Don't you even dare, you slut.

You know she had no choice but, damn, they're acts are so convincing.

"Petra, how many times have I told you to knock?" Levi sniped. You steadily crept into the safety of the shadows of the wall. You had a feeling it was going to put everything into turmoil. The thought pricked at the back of your head. But, you couldn't stand by and watch any longer. You knew things you wished you didn't. And because of that you regret being so ignorant as a child. But, the past is the past, that is that, but the future is yet to be determined.

"Awh, but Levi~~! That's so unfair" It was so cancerous it hurt my ears. Her voice screeching out in this unknown language. It hurt my every essence.

But, I was willing to sacrifice.



I stepped out from behind the wall to witness horror itself. Petra must've thrown herself over the desk, scattering Levi's most precious paperwork everywhere. Her head stretched out as she sucked on Levi's pale neck. Levi struggled, but even humanity's strongest was no match for a demon.

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