☾Chapter 4 - Sorry, Breakfast?☽

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

"H-H-Hishiko... Ramos" I muttered softly, until pulled back into reality. I inhaled deeply, springing up into a sitting position. I shut my eyes, calming myself down before standing. I rubbed my aching back, remembering I had decided to sleep on the floor.

I crossed my arms, rubbing them gently, as I was extremely cold. And, I could still feel a slight breeze from outside. I exhaled sharply, sitting down on the bed provided, pulling my knees to my chest. I barried my face into my knees, inhaling to prevent myself from sobbing. My dream-- nightmare, was the same thing that happened earlier yesterday. My friends... Gone.

I heard a door open and slam shut, causing my face to rise. I noticed Levi bound around the corner, then slow to a walking pace once he noticed me. I smiled towards him, noticing his hurry to reach me. But, it seemed he was pretending not to notice me.

"Levi?" I murmured, groggily, my voice a tad raspy from not using it over the night. He held out his hand to one of the guards, him passing him a key. He took it, unlocking my cell.

"Come on" Levi ordered, opening the cell door. I tossed him a confused look, but obeyed him, stumbling over to the door.

"Uh-- Why are you doing this?" I stammered, rubbing my eyes. Levi simply locked his gaze with mine, blocking my path. I groaned, a little annoyed at this. I looked up into Levi's grey hues, my eyes not fully open, since I had just woken up.

"Why are you teasing me" I exclaimed, more a statement than a question. A ghost of a smirk played upon Levi's lips, as he continued to stand within the door.

I groaned, an exasperated groan, as I collapsed my head onto Levi's chest. I shut my eyes, desiring more sleep, but knew I wasn't going to be given this. I noticed a cold hand being placed on my head. Soon realizing it was Levi, a slight red hue was sent to my cheeks.

He ruffled my messy (H/C) hair, then tightened his grip, causing me to wince. "Get going" He demanded nonchalantly. He tugged my hair as he continued to lead me towards a room upstairs.

He opened the door, revealing the neat room, with simply a bed in the corner, and a desk as well as a door at the right.

"You'll be staying here" He explained, as I strolled into the room, immediately collapsing onto the bed. I hummed in response, to lazy to actually say something.

Abruptly, a burning chill was sent through my body. "AGH!" I yelped, leaping up from my bed. I started jumping up and down, racing around the room in attempt to cool myself from the hot liquid tossed onto myself. The whole time, screaming my head off. I took quick sharp breath, quickly moving, as if the floor was hot as well. Soon, I was calmed as the heat subsided.

I moved my glance towards Levi, who had been smirking the whole time. I gave him an annoyed glare, running a hand through my now soaked hair. Suddenly, I noticed a cup in Levi's hand. He was holding the cup by its rim, and I happened to notice a light brown stain inside. Tea. What do you know.

I pursed my lips, walking up to the door. Without saying a word, I shut the door, walking over to my bed. I sat down on it, resting my head in my hand. That's one way to wake someone up... I sighed, yet again running my hand through my hair. When, all my feelings came back to me at once. Or, at least all the negative.

Levi had, somehow, distracted me from my pain for a short period of time, making me forget all my problems, with his... Dare I say it... Goofiness? I flinched, looking up at the door, preparing for it to be barged in by Levi, holding two swords above his head. But, gladly this didn't happen.

I pulled my hair down over my eyes-or hands if you have short hair-, as tears began to fall from my eyes. One after the other, etching down my face. I inhaled, forcing my wails in. I placed my hand over my eyes, embarrassed by this. I wasn't often one to cry. I was usually happy, or just not sad. I hadn't felt sad a lot of my life, and... I knew, when it hit, it hit hard.

"You know, you can't stay in there all day" A monotonous voice exclaimed. I peered at the door, where the sound was coming from. Was he standing outside my door this whole time?

I decided might as well not reply, as I knew for a fact I could stay in here all day if I pleased. I had no job, and no need to steal, as... My partners in crime were gone. More tears raced down my face with faster speeds. And, I knew if I were to say anything, my voice would crack, revealing my pain.

"(Y/N), get out, now" Levi ordered. I scowled, quickly wiping away my tears and opening the door.

"Yes." I said, crossing my arms. Levi studied me for a moment, leaning against the frame of the door.

"You're joining my squad for this week" He explained, going straight to the point. My eyes widened, shocked at this news. I scratched my neck, thinking about my response.

"Well..." I averted my eyes from Levi's. "Nuh-" I was cut off by Levi's face inching closer to mine.

"That wasn't a question" He replied. I stepped back slightly, a scowl across my lips.

"I'm sorry, but you were standing outside my door this whole time, you can't just force me to join your 'squad'" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Tch" I raised an eyebrow at this, "Infact, I can" Levi stared into my eyes, but I still didn't believe this, but had no intent to argue.

I raised my hands in a surrendering motion. "Alright, captain!" You replied. Levi nodded, turning to leave, when I piped up once again.

"Levi--" Levi turned his cold steel eyes towards mine. "I wanted to tell you I'm not a cooperative type" I added.

Levi shrugged at this, "Stop wasting my time. I'm already late for breakfast"

My eyes widened, "B-b-breakfast?" I stammered. Levi nodded, turning his gaze ahead.

"WAIT! WAIT! I'll be one second!" I hollered, quickly shutting the door and pulling on the grey hoodie over my head and joining Levi outside my door.

"QUICKLY!" I shouted, and without thinking intertwined my fingers within his, dashing off to the dining hall. Which, I forgot I didn't know where it was.

"You missed it" Levi informed, nodding backwards. I narrowed my eyes to the door he was gesturing to, and bounded towards it.


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