☾Chapter 6 - Tu parles français?☽

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*Levi's POV*

Training had just ended. After (Y/N)'s boohoo session I had sent her off to go practice her 3Dmg. I simply showed her the basics hoping she'd be able to manage.

I was walking over to the entrance to the building, when I remembered (Y/N) must've still been practicing. I dismissed my squad, running up to the forest.

"(Y/N)!" I hollered, standing to the entrance of the training forest, when a too familiar wringing sounds of wires was echoed through my ears. (Y/N) sprung out of the forest, her legs flailing behind her as she flew above me, landing a few feet away. I turned my face slightly, just enough to see her bent over, her drenched (H/C) hair covering her eyes.

She stood to her full height, visibly grinning. "That's fun" She admitted, chuckling afterwards. I simply clicked my tongue, strutting up to her.

"You ok" I inquired, face stoic. She nodded, forming a weak smile. "Good" I added, turning on my heels to enter the building, (Y/N) trailing behind. And close at that. I swear I could almost hear her breathing, and this happened to twist my stomach with a bitter-sweet feeling.

As I was about to open the door, when Erwin flung it open, almost catching my face.

"(Y/N), perfect. I need you for a moment" Her mouth hung open slightly, in a delicate 'o' shape, staring at me. I simply stared back at her, admiring her (E/C) hues. Erwin eventually turned.

"Ah, yes. Levi, may I take her?" He requested. I nodded, 

"Go ahead" Erwin nodded, turning and striding down the hall towards his office.

*Your POV*

Soon enough we had made it to our destination. I seated myself in a chair, Erwin sitting on the other side of the desk.

"Alright, getting to the point, I'd like to know about your wings" My chipper expression hardened into a fierce one. Erwin gave me a serious look, and we simply stared at each other. 

I was ridiculously close to murdering you, yet you still feel you're in charge...

I retained my composure-which was rather difficult-, clamping my mouth shut.

"(Y/N), you are obligated to follow orders" Erwin explained, clasping his hands on top of the desk.

"Not true" I replied, shaking my head. Erwin closed his eyes, sighing calmly.

"(Y/N)-" I was tired of this. If he wanted to know about my "wings" he'd have to find out for himself. I wasn't spilling.

With that, I stood from my chair, causing the chair to screech back. And, I turned leaving his office. I was initially heading to my room, when my eyes grasped Levi's office, the door closed. I abruptly came to a stop, pursing my lips. I didn't want to bother him with my problems, I knew that burden was possibly worse than the one I was bearing, but he was just easy to be around. His stoic and snappy personality reminded me of my family. All of us short-tempered and snappy.

I heaved a sigh, knocking on the short corporal's door. "Name and business" A monotonous voice exclaimed from inside the door.

"(Y/N) (L/N), just want to talk, sir" The door was opened revealing the corporal.

"Why are you here?" He questioned, blocking my entrance. I sighed once again, shrugging.

"I just enjoy your company" I replied, averting my eyes and a faint pink dusted my cheeks. I looked up to see Levi rolling his eyes. He moved to the side, me entering. Levi plopped down onto one of the chairs, crossing one leg over the other. He placed both his hands on his knee, watching as I sat down across from him.

"So." Levi said, staring me dead in the eyes. I crossed my legs on the chair, causing Levi to click his tongue. I gave him a puzzled look.

"I'd prefer if you at least tried not to get my chairs dirty" Levi exclaimed, shoving my foot down gently, wiping off the dirt afterwards. I simply watched him, my eyes droopy from the long hours of practice. I noted Levi's speediness, his eyes dazing off into thought as he sat back down.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, watching him intently as his glance intertwined with mine.

"Nothing" He replied blankly. I leaned forward, staring into his eyes. Suddenly, a shrill pain was sent through my cheeks, and I soon noticed Levi had slapped me once again. I scowled at this, standing.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, turned off by this. Levi simply glared at me with his normal monotonous frown. You scowled, turning to leave when you heard Levi speak.

"You were being weird" He explained. I arched an eyebrow, turning to face him. I noticed him sipping his tea, holding the cup by the rim, staring at the chair I was previously seated in. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Shut up" I ordered, causing a flicker of anger to be shown upon the corporal's face.

"Excuse. Me?" He exclaimed, pausing in between the words.

"Shu-" Before I could repeat myself, Levi cut me off by standing, pushing his chair slightly back.

"That is no way to talk to your superiors!" Levi spat, stomping closer to me. So close I could feel his warm breath against my nose.

"Out" Levi muttered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Levi, I was just-" 

"You are wasting valuable time. Cadet (L/N)!" He interrupted, pointing towards the door. I furrowed my brows, and stubbornly obeyed by walking outside of the door. Levi blocked the entrance to his office, one hand above his head gripping the door frame, the other on the door-knob.

"Only come for important business, (L/N)" Levi demanded, and with that shut the door on my face.

"Psh" I sighed, crossing my arms, "Talk about anger issues" I muttered under my breath, and was about to stroll down to my room, when I heard some soft murmurs from inside the room, singing:

"Je peux te chanter de dormir... Si tu veux que je le fasse (I will sing you to sleep... If you want me to)"

Immediately a handful of emotions were brought back into me. The song I could be reminded of just by a single sentence. My cheeks flushed a deep red, as Levi continued.

"Et je m'assurerai que tu es calme et beau pendant que tu dors. (And I will make sure you are calm and beautiful as you sleep) Et quand tu te réveillera, je m'assurerai que te rêves ne te quittent pas. (And when you wake, I will make sure your dreams don't leave you)"

My breathing hitched as some too familiar memories of my mom singing this to me, with her delicate voice flooded my head. When, suddenly I became dizzy, my vision blurred as I began to stagger from side to side, eventually leaning against the wall of Levi's office for support.

"Fuck, what's happening to me?" I murmured to myself as I squeezed my eyes shut. Abruptly, a series of memories came back to me... Except these memories I didn't remember. Suddenly, my eyes closed, as I felt my weight increase, the wall supporting me crashing down, me on top of it.

All you remember was a figure leaning over you, chanting,

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!"


Heh heh heh, cliff hanger! Also, at this point in time I've somewhat created a plot twist for the end, so be expecting that. So, saying this I have kind of molded and ending for the story. Also, this happens to be my second draft for this story, and is completely different from the first version, but whateves! Well, I'll see you in the next chapter Reader~Chan!

(PS: Any suggestions for nicknames for Reader~Chan are welcome, and I'll give a shout-out to whoever posts one I use! :D)

(PPS: Sorry if the song part was super cringe, and if my french is bad any french experts out there! I was just using the shit out of WordRefrence and Bon Patron xD)

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