☾Chapter 3 - Can't Get Her Off My Mind☽

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I slammed the door of the prison, not daring to look back. I knew if I did, I would force myself to return to that girl. I stomped upstairs and towards my office. But, for some reason I couldn't clear my mind of that damn girl! And no matter how hard I tried, I kept refreshing myself with the look of terror upon her face, watching the military taking her --supposed friends-- away after being murdered.

I refreshed myself with the way her anger took over, stabbing those men mercilessly. Honestly, it was somewhat attractive the way she held power... I scolded myself for thinking this way of an insane girl. Then, I realized, it wasn't anger. Yes, her eyebrows were slanted, fists balled, frowned on her lips. But, yet tears strolled down her face, her (E/C) eyes showing terror. She was scared. Terrified. And, if anyone knew, it'd be me.

The last time I felt that was when my friends were, basically, brutally murdered in front of me. But, ever since then I had been numb to this feeling "fear". I clenched my fist, only knowing that this same fate may fall upon this helpless girl. But, I didn't care. Or so, I kept telling myself this.

I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.

But, secretly I knew I did. I had been through the same thing, and I felt pity for her. Angered with myself, I opened the door to my office, slamming it shut after I entered. I leaned against the wall, striking it with my balled fist. I just needed to calm myself. The girl was going to be fine, and either way, why was I to care? Just some scummy brat who was stealing. She deserves to feel this pain for her sins. It's her fault.

Suddenly, my mind flashed back to my dream, which was the core message of me even having an interest in this girl. Her beautiful wings born... She was freedom itself.

"Freedom" I murmured. I shut my eyes, coughing to regain my regular composure. I couldn't lose myself right now. I had work that had to be done, and I couldn't let feelings come before that. There was no such thing as someone simply being freedom, you had to earn it. And to earn it, you need to have no distractions.

Abruptly, there was a loud banging at the door. "HEY, LEVI!" A voice shouted from behind the door. More pounding came after this. "OPEN UP!" She added. I rolled my eyes, opening the door to reveal Hangi.

"Tch" I muttered, my facial expression in an obvious state of annoyance. Hangi chuckled, saluting me. She grinned at me, letting down her salute. I frowned at this dis-respect, but didn't expect any more from Hangi. I was surprised she hadn't been kicked out of the Survey Corps by now.

"I heard you found something very interesting, Levi" She began, smirking crazily. I tilted my head slightly.

"Hanji, I don't have time for this" I replied, beginning to close the door. But, I was interrupted by Hanji shoving open the door, hollering,

"WAIT, WAIT! I JUST HAVE A QUESTIOOOON!" She told me, in a whiny voice. I crinkled my nose at this, holding open the door. I arched a brow, waiting for her to continue.

"I just need your permission to run a few tests on it" She explained, exasperatedly. Suddenly, a few words of (Y/N)'s flashed back into my mind.

"You let them kill my friends, you prison me all because I'm fascinating. You treat me like I'm some merchandise. You kick me like I'm a piece of scrap metal! I won't stand for it"

I took a shaky breath. "What kind of tests are you going to run on, her?" I questioned, hoping she'd get the fact I didn't appreciate her calling (Y/N) a 'thing'. (A/N: I just realized how bad this sounds... I'll go home now)

"Oh, just some DNA tests to find out if i--she's human" Hanji replied, cutting herself off midway. I nodded off into thought, coming up with many questions circling around this statement.

"When?" I exclaimed bluntly.

"Tomorrow morning"

"Have you run this by Erwin?"



"She may be useful" I paused to think about this. Useful... Freedom. I shut my eyes, refreshing myself on my goal.

"Well, I'll need five days before you do this" I concluded, again attempting to shut the door, unsuccessfully.

"WHAT? Five daaays? I can't wait that long!" Hanji complained, pouting her lip.

"A week" I added, slamming the door on her face. "Brat"

I rested my hand on the nape of my neck, stretching my back. Gosh, I was so stiff, and surprisingly. I was just out on my 3Dmg. I stared nonchalantly at all the paper-work piled on my desk. I wasn't in the mood to do this all. But, I'd be up all night anyways.

I plopped down into my office chair, crossing one leg over the other. I eyed my tea, for once not interested in taking a sip. I couldn't get my mind off (Y/N). What would she be doing right now? I rested back in my chair, closing my eyes slightly. No bother in doing my work, I was too distracted at the moment. Hanji had caused my mind to wander off into things I wouldn't usually bother with. And, a spark of hope happened to flutter within me. What if, (Y/N) was a god-send? What if she was freedom?

I couldn't bother myself with these questions anymore. There was no doubt about it, I had to go see (Y/N).

I swiftly grabbed my green Survey corps cloak, and rushed down into the jail. Fuck, it was so dirty down there. I hated ever going down there. I wrapped myself in my cloak, goose-bumps slowly appearing on my arms. It was so fucking cold.

Soon enough I'd made it down into the jail, and spotted (Y/N)'s cell after wandering around. The guards immediately saw me, saluting me. I dismissed them, ordering them to go attend other business, as I'd watch over (Y/N).

I carefully placed my cloak on the dirty ground right next to the bars. I cringed as I used the bars in help to sit down. Why the hell am I doing this again? Once in a sitting position, I spotted (Y/N) sleeping next to the bars. Her hand gripped on one of the bars, tightly, the other resting behind her. She snored softly, her chest slowly rising, then falling once again. She looked so... at peace. Which was surprising, considering her friends had died just this morning.

I swear, I wished I slept more. I wished God would have given me the gift of sleeping. Escaping from the hard-core reality. To be at peace, like (Y/N).

I placed my hand gently over top of (Y/N)'s, which gripped the bars with extreme force. She seemed to be as cold as I. And, fuck, I didn't blame her. Mid-November and the winds were harsh.

Once I placed my hand over her's, she seemed to stiffen slightly, but soon relaxed, dreaming dreams that must be wonderful. I could only wonder what she was a dreaming about.

I watched her sleep peacefully, when I strand of hair happened to fall in front of her eyes. I leaned forward, reaching in and gently moving the strand back. I returned my hand back to the bar, lifting myself up.

Well, my question had been answered, at least. I lifted up my cloak, draping it over my shoulder. She indeed, was beautiful.

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