XXXVIII - Final Goodbye

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joaneverthhere's your request. sorry if its not like what you told me. but i wish you will still like it

Joan x Kai

The floor thumped to the footsteps of the boy, and the girl was totally awestruck by just looking at his dance.

The girl, Joan liked to dance but, knew that she couldn't dance like this boy. Kai was so engrossed in his dance, that he didn't realize Joan was noticing him and his dance.

Once Kai finished his dance, there was a huge round of applause from the few spectators in the college auditorium. And, the audience response assured him that he had cleared the dance audition for entering the college fest.

Being part of the organizing committee of the college fest, Joan was also taking the auditions for the upcoming college fest, apart from the other four members of the organizing committee and three teachers of their college. Joan had given full points to Kai for his dance, and waited for the other members to complete their marking. The selection was to be done, on the basis of the results by all the judges present there. Once, all the participants had completed, Joan quickly glanced at the other judges sheets to check for Kai's result. And was happy to realize, all the judges had given him good points.

The results were to be announced the next day.

Once the auditions were finished, Joan thought of meeting Kai.

She went towards the backstage, and couldn't find him there and neither anywhere around. She thought that maybe some other time she would try to meet him and tell him that he is an excellent dancer.

The next day Joan spotted Kai, in the corridor .She rushed towards him and told him that he was an excellent dancer.

"Thanks." he said.

"Do you know Kai; you have been selected for performing in the upcoming fest. Remember I was one of the judges for the dance auditions." Joan blushed telling him.

"And, you are Joan.If I am not mistaken."

Joan wondered how come he knew her name.

"How come you know my name Kai?

"Well!! Let it be a suspense."

Joan smiled.

"Kai, even I like to dance."

"Oh!!Really .That's nice."

"I can't dance like you though."

"I have an idea, why don't you dance with me in the party after the fest? "

Joan couldn't believe her ears. The most popular boy of the college was asking her to dance with him.

"Okay. I don't believe that you are asking me to dance with you."

" C'mon Joan, that's ok."

"Sure Kai I would love to dance with you." Joan blushed telling him.

They parted ways to attend their respective classes.

Finally, the day of the fest arrived. There was a festive air in the atmosphere on the day of the fest.

All the students were in a state of joy.

Joan was eagerly waiting for the party after the main event as she wanted to dance with Kai.

The whole event really well, and as expected Kai had won the dance competition.

After the event got over, the party began. Joan was waiting for Kai to take her to the dance after all she was shy in asking him about the dance. She looked around and could not find him anywhere. Her friends caught up with her and congratulated her for organizing such a wonderful event and took her to the party. She wanted to look around for him, and at the same time did not want to disappoint her friends.

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