Chapter 10- Telling Belichick

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AN: I'm so sorry that it has been this long! I had this written but forgot to post it. Please please please VOTE AND COMMENT! I love hearing what you all have to say. 

"Julian we are going to be late!"I yelled into my bedroom as I made our protein shakes for the morning. We were heading to the facility early hoping to talk to my uncle before practice started. Julian tried to tell me that we should tell him after practice so that he won't work Julian to death right before their first preseason game and I told him it wouldn't be like he was playing anyways.

"Baby I need like ten more minutes before I am ready to go,"Julian said as he appeared in the door of my room with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He showered in my room this morning because that's where he slept last night and when I got up to shower he was still sleeping, when he finally got up he was too lazy to walk down the hall to his room.

There were still water droplets on his chest and abs. I bit my lip as I shamelessly checked him out. When my eyes met his they were dark with lust. He took two huge steps before meeting me in the middle of the kitchen. He used his arms to pull my body so it was pressed against his. I brought my lips to his as we started kissing in a frenzy.

We had kissed multiple times over the past couple days but this was different, we knew we weren't going to get interrupted and that we could continue this for however long we wanted to, even thought we really had to get to practice.

He brought his hands to rest on my ass and my nails scraped down his back as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and he tried to tug me even closer to his body.

I tore my lips away from his and he started nipped at my jaw,"Jules we have to get to practice." He sucked at my jaw leaving a hickey and I moaned and closed my eyes. Uncle Bill would believe that we were both sick right?

"Do you really want to stop?"Julian asked me as he slipped his hands up my shirt and under my bra. His fingers grazed my nipple and I groaned trying to think straight as he kept messing with me.

"Uncle Bill is going to wonder where we are,"As soon as I said that he withdrew his hand from up my patriots shirt. He glared at me.

"Seriously Abs? We were getting all hot and heavy and you had to go and bring up your uncle. Talk about boner killer,"I laughed and pecked him on the lips.

"Go and finish getting ready and maybe we will finish this later,"I walked back over to where our protein shakes were on the counter swaying my hips to tease him.

Julian groaned and I heard him shut the door. It was going to be a lot of fun telling my uncle.

30 minutes later we sat outside my uncles office and Julian was bouncing his leg up and down and his arms were folded across his chest. I could tell he was nervous and I set my hand on his thigh. He was wearing navy blue workout shorts. My hand rested against the silky material of his shorts.

"What are you doing?"Julian hissed. I was confused as to what he meant.

"I am trying to get you to calm the hell down,"I responded and I moved my hand slightly on his thigh. He pressed his lips together as he groaned and I realized what was bugging him.

"By doing what? Giving me a hard on right before we go into your uncle's office,"He whispered this and glanced at the door as if my uncle was listening. I inched my hand closer to his crotch and Julian's eyes closed.

The door opened and I grinned then pulled my hand away. Julian cussed under his breath as we walked in behind my uncle. We sat down at the chairs in front of his desk.

"Edelman if you hurt yourself doing something stupid I swear I will kill you,"My uncle threatened. Normally when I am outside his office with a player it's because the player is hurt and needs to be out for at least a game.

"He's not hurt Uncle Bill,"I promised and Julian grabbed my hand gently under the table.

"We are here to talk to you about something else Coach,"Uncle Bill raised his eyebrows as he gestured for Julian to go on.

"Julian and I are dating,"I told him in one breath and my uncle didn't say a word. He just stared at us.

"Abbi you had one rule and that was to not date my players. Edelman you specifically had one rule and that was to not date my niece,"He rubbed his hand over his face as we all fell into silence.

"Coach I'm not going to hurt her. We have been friends for years and you knew that I liked her as more then that,"Julian said as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye to gage my reaction.

"You knew that he liked me more than a friend?"I asked my uncle and he nodded.

"Julian has liked you since the first day he set eyes on you and I could tell right away. As soon as you left on your first day I made him promise me he wouldn't date you,"As my uncle told me this I looked at Julian for confirmation. He nodded and I shook my head. Only my uncle would outlaw players from dating me the day that I met them.

"But then you know that I truly have feelings for her. I backed off for the past few years and lately everything has become magnified. I do like her Coach,"Julian said as he interlaced our fingers under the table.

"You know that if you hurt her I will have to trade you,"My uncle threatened and I scoffed. I knew he would never trade Julian for something as stupid as breaking up with me. Julian took it seriously though and nodded somberly.

"I would never do that sir, but if I do then I give you permission to trade me to the Browns,"Julian said as he looked at me showing me how serious he was about our relationship working out. There are very few players who wish to play for the Browns in their NFL careers.

"We will have to talk about your work situation later but practice starts in fifteen minutes so you need to go get into pads,"After he said this my uncle stood up and walked out of the room. We followed him and then we walked to the locker room. I walked in with Julian as he pulled the door open and held it for me. The guys all pretty much got changed inside the shower area because a good percentage of our trainers are female. They knew better then to get changed in the main area unless they wanted us to see a little but more than we bargained for.

"I'm going to go get changed,"Julian said into my ear and then he pecked my lips.

"I will see you out on the field,"I told him as he walked to his locker. I noticed that the locker room had quieted down and that all of the guys were looking at me.

"I know that your relationship is a little more than friendly, but damn I didn't know that you were kissing each other,"Chris Hogan teased. Chris always teases me and Julian about our relationship, like most of the guys on the team

I realized that we had told Rob, Danny and Tom but we never talked about how to tell the team. I was totally improvising.

"Maybe we aren't just friends anymore,"I told them and a bunch of guys started cheering a grumbling.

"Come on Abbi you couldn't wait to get with Julian for like 1 more month. I had 50 bucks on it!"One of the other players shouted out.

"How many of you had bets on Julian and I dating?" Almost all the hands in the locker room raised. I laughed as I realized the guys who were grumbling weren't pissed that we had got together they were pissed because they had money on us not getting together for a while.

"It's been going on since day one,"Julian said as he emerged from the locker room with his football pants on and a puma wife beater. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Does this mean that you are going to be all over each other more than usual?"Danny asked teasing us. I flipped him off as Uncle Bill walked in.

"Now that we have wasted ten minutes caught up on all the latest gossip let get to the field,"My uncle yelled this and the players responded by walking out the doors to the locker room and to where they needed to be.

Julian kissed me one more time before jogging to catch up with his teammates. 

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