8. Jealousy

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It's bittersweet

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It's bittersweet. Our group is reunited but we have a funeral to attend for Otis. I pull Ashley closer to me at the sound of Patricia crying. Milly scoffs, walking away from the gravesite that has no body.

Daryl meets my eyes, neither of us tearing away from each other's gaze. Maybe we didn't want to be the weak one. Maybe we needed the reassurance from the other. Finally, we look away as the group disperses.

"This is perfect," Rick says, huddling over a car with Maggie and Hershel. I head over, leaving Ashley with Marie.

"We can finally get this thing organized." There's a map laid over the hood of the yellow car we have been using. "We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams."

Daryl leans behind me, looking at the map as well. My breath hitches at his closeness. We haven't been intimate since getting drunk at the CDC. I want to keep it that way.

"Not you. Not today. You gave three units of blood today," Hershel says to Rick, who does look a bit unsteady on his feet.

"I can search," I tell the cop.

"Not alone," Daryl says almost inaudibly beside me. "We're going to head to the creek and work our way back from there."

I want to argue but he honestly has a good tactic going for searching. Instead, I keep my mouth shut and follow him.

We trek on foot, looking carefully for signs of movement other than the typical. Unfortunately, we don't find anything and the sun starts to quickly set.

We come past a set of trees to a clearing that has an older home. I can tell there's hope on Daryl's face the moment he sees it but I'm more apprehensive. There could be people inside that aren't friendly. Thankfully, he does pull out his crossbow.

We carefully go through the home. It's hard to see with the light going away with the day leaving. He opens a closet door, his face falling when he doesn't find the little girl, just what looks like bedding of someone staying there, walking away. 

Sighing, I fill up my pack with some of the food before joining him outside. I know we didn't find her but we did find valuable items today. I don't want to say the obvious to anyone, but the little girl is gone. Just like mine is.

When we get back, Daryl is in a bad mood.

"I have something to go do. Don't follow me."

"Like I would." I mutter 'asshole' after it but he can't hear me as he's already gone, heading to the RV, to where Carol is. A jealous green monster rears its ugly green head, surprising me. Where did that come from? She just lost her daughter. I should be there for her, too. Yet, I'm not.

"Aunt Lil!" Ashley runs to me, engulfing me in a hug. I return it, smiling to myself and pushing the temperamental redneck out of my head. This is all I need in my life.

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