This is so fic is so bad wtf? I know only one person reads it (hey ava) so idc but still..Its cathartic.
Josh pov
I walked into the dining hall to get some lunch, the smell was familiar, like a fart your friend does in the car but starts talking to distract you from it. I went over to the line seeing the greenish white substance being put in paper plates-cabbage, ew, they had a selection of cabbage, potatoes, plain chicken and salad, none sounded good to me but I didn't want to raise suspicion.
I got some chicken and salad and went to sit down at the back of the room like i always did. I looked around as i ate, this place is full of so many different people..its kind of scary. Not everyone is in here for the same reason. Suicide attempts, self harm. Anxiety, manic episodes, schizophrenia, so many other reasons. I blanked out for a moment but was snapped out of it by a girl screaming and rolling on the floor, staff ran over holding her down to sedate her-its a scary thing to see but if they don't sedate her she could her herself or others.
I put my plate in the bin after eating all my food. Knew karen was watching me so instead of waiting for her to get me i just went to her at the door with some of the other counsellors. We didn't say anything but she just followed me to the music room.
We usually were happier in silence during this time as there was no need to talk. I sat down at the piano-i couldn't play very well though. I played some random keys passing the time. I was never comfortable playing in front of people.
Tylers pov
I stood outside the group therapy room not wanting to go in, i hated groups of people, the dinning hall was pure hell. I finally got the courage to go in and everyone stared at me.
There was a load of brown chairs in a circle and people sitting there with hoods up not paying attention "hello! Just sit anywhere" i nodded sitting down beside a guy with his hood up looking down-i think its the person i saw this morning."Hello! Im Carol, im your group leader always here to help! There are some new faces so we will go around the group saying our name and something we like" great i had to talk. There was a collective groan as it started closest to Carol and everyone was looking up paying attention.
I wasn't paying attention till the person next to me looked up finally and spoke.
"Hi im josh i like music"JOSH DUN.
Then it was my turn and i was freaking the fuck out. Im a dead man walking "i-i um uh" I couldn't breath. Then he looked at me. I ran out of the room. Why the fuck was Josh Dun here? What was i going to do?! He's going to kill me. I was startled by someone touching me and i screamed "Its okay its just Karen" i relaxed "why did you leave group??" "I c-cant go back" "why??" "H-he's going to get me" i cried "come down to my office" i nodded wiping my eyes trying to breath.
Joshs pov
Tyler Joseph.
Tyler fucking joseph is here?.
I felt my heart drop. Im the reason hes here. I drove him insane! I felt like crying. The type of crying thats not just shedding a tear but full on sobbing. I didn't want to talk to my counsellor because well who the fuck wants to talk to a counsellor? I was startled by the guy beside me "you okay??" I looked-it was only vic "im in a mental hospital you tell me" "its that guy that just left thats bothering you isnt it?" I sighed "we will talk later, I don't want carol to think you're trying to fuck me too" he smirked "im not some sex crazed lunatic you asshole" i rolled my eyes.
I sat in the music room waiting for vic as i said id talk to him later but half of me knew he wouldn't show up because he's probably off fucking kellin quinn-how he gets away with it ill never know because they are strict on the no touching policy and also that we are always supervised.
I was playing around on the drums when he finally came in. I got up and sat down at the piano beside him-not too close, im not getting a yellow card.
Red card: if caught harming others or self
Yellow card: touching any patient for any reason
Grey card: ????I never knew what the grey card was, I didn't want to find out. "So what was wrong with you earlier?" Vic asked banging away hopelessly at the piano "i told you about what i did in school didn't i?" He thought for a moment "yeah you did and-wait is he..." "Tyler Joseph" "sucks to be you" "yeah..but how would you feel if someone you bullied was in here?" He smirked "id fuck him" I rolled my eyes-why did i talk to vic? He tries seduce everyone and everything-even people working here I've heard "kellin is an exception, what if Oliver was in here??" He froze "hes not! What are you trying to achieve asking me this" "what would you do?" He sighed "what could i do? I cant get him out so theres no point having a pity party about it" "wouldn't you feel guilty?" "Its not like i put the gun to his head and shot him, our minds can do crazy shit who's to say its all my fault?" "But knowing you drove him there" "if your trying to make me feel bad to make up for how shitty you feel its not working" "no..i just don't understand how you wouldn't feel in some way bad" "as i said, i didn't shoot him so stop blaming yourself for why tyler is here! And if you feel that bad talk to him" he was right...but i still couldn't shake the guilt.
But now we're stressed øut
Fanficcathartic kəˈθɑːtɪk/ adjective 1. providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. "crying is a cathartic release"