A Serious Talk

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Hey everyone, um this is kind of a serious topic I want to talk about. Um well, there's been some bully and/or harassment happening to my friend and I. First it started out as some banter. The girl who would do it would call me and my friend names. Nothing to bad. She then came to me and two of my other friends, after school, she was talking suicide. I kept quiet but the others tried to tell her not to. (Please understand I'm do not support bullying, I am against it, so I couldn't have caused it. Non of my friends are bullies, so they couldn't have caused it either.) Later that day, I was tagged in a post on Facebook by the girl. I'm not gonna say what she said, but I tried talking with her and reasoning, it didn't work. I told my friend what she did, and she thought about writing a statement at school, they could stop her, so we did. I don't know what happened. A few days passed, nothing really happened. After school as my other friend (who isn't being bullied) were waiting for my other friend. As he was coming to us, the bully purposely ran into him. I got irritated but thought eh whatever she can't do any really damage to anyone. So that went on for a while, the bully kept running into us (me and my friend are dating, so he walks me to my classes everyday.) The hits have gotten harder, and out of control. There have been a few times where the bully would come up to us and say something but I didn't think anything of it. Um recently, I've heard from my friend (aka spy) that the bully plans to break me and my boyfriend up, I know that won't happen we just reach out 6 mouths mark. There's nothing she can say or do to make us split up. I have told one of my teachers and that teacher told another teacher, who is with the girl who bullies me, and they took me to write another statement. Um this is really hard to talk about, and it's really hard for me to talk about. It's been a week since I wrote the one where the teacher took me to write it, but things have gotten bad, and out of control. When I am writing this it is January 10th, 2017, so yesterday the 9th, as I walking to second hour, I was dazing off, and I felt something on my arm. It felt like a spike going into it, then went numb. I looked up and it was her. It hurt... a lot, I had cried, my boyfriend was very mad. She had punched me. Now what I am about to tell you, are conversations I had, and one thing is very disturbing, but it goes with what's happening in my life right now. My boyfriend had posted on something on Facebook about the situation, and asked should he fight her? Others did not very much like the idea and neither did I, he could get in trouble for it. So he didn't fight her and she never showed up to the place where he wanted her to meet him. After the school day, my brother had saw the post and asked what's going on. I had explained to him. He was very upset. I have told my mom about this, since the first time she laid her hands on one of us. I've kept her up to date with everything, but yesterday, she last her shit! My mom was telling one of friends' mom, cause ya know parents tell each other stuff. This is when we found out something really disturbing. I was home on the phone with my little spy, and my mom kept calling me, so I said hey I'm gonna put you on hold. My mom came on the phone, she said this person has seen her (the bully) drawing pictures of you and your boyfriend DEAD! I was in so much shock, I couldn't process it. After my mom had hung up, I went back to the other call. I was crying, my spy asked what's wrong. Now I don't know how anyone could understand what I was saying, but I told her about the drawings. She was so done with this stuff. I was like I need to tell him, so I texted my boyfriend to see if he could call me. He said yeah, so I told her I'd call her back. I was still crying only a lot harder, and I explained why. He was done this too. So after he had to go, I called my spy back. I was a little calmer, I had stop crying. Also when I say spy I don't mean I only talk to her cause she has connection with the bully. She is my very best friend, I don't what I'd do without her, and she gave herself the name, so it just stuck. We were talking for a bit about what happened, and what we should do. My mom has came home, and told me some more stuff nothing to important to this. Time had passed, and I was napping from my head and body hurting. My mom came to my room, and said (this isn't going to be exact but here it goes) when you go to school, you are going to show what she looks like to your boyfriend brother, and he will confront her. If that doesn't work he'll get more seniors on her. (Yes, his brother is a senior and we are freshmen.) I want you to tell this dean about the pictures, and if this work we are getting the police involved. Well that's not exactly what happened. My mom called the dean herself and told him about it. My spy had, had enough and went to report the bully herself, well, they ended up keeping her there, to talk about it. Also this is what happened today, early this morning. I was in my second hour, and waiting for her to come back, someone had told me where she was. She came back and as we were about to work on our work, my teacher hands me and note. They wanted to talk to me now. Not a lot of people know, but I do have depression, anxiety, I am bipolar, and I have asthma. I was diagnosed with that very recently. So as I received the pass, I started to have a panic attack. As I reached the office, he got a little worse. I signed in, and waited to be called. Once I was back with the two deans, that had taken on this case (that's what I call it) I was still in the mist of it, but before we talked about anything I had time to calm down. They first asked how my mom knew about this one dean, and I explained that. We then began to talk about this whole problem. I explained my side of the story. They asked questions, and one of them was why do you think she is doing this. I calmly said, well my friends and I talked about this, we think it's either for attention or she's jealous. I had explained that we think attention, because I've talked to people outside my school who know the bully, and they've said she did this for this type of attention. Then they had me write another statement. As I was writing they sent another pass, I know who it was. It was my boyfriend. After I finished writing it, they sent me back to class, and on my way going I saw him. I wanted to hug him, but I was scared. I had been scared for so long, and I hope after four, maybe five people complained about the bully, they were finally able to stop it, but I'm not completely sure.
Also everyone I'm not telling you this to get reads on the book, or for attention. I felt I was taking a long time to update a part, even on my personal account, I can't get an update out. I felt I should explain myself, and I will try to get a part out. This has affected me by so much, I've gone to moments where I felt I couldn't go on anymore, but here I am.
Bullying is a very serious problem, people get bullied all time, sometimes it's really bad to where some victims vomit suicide. It's a serious thing. If you've been bullied before, I'm sorry. If you are being bullied now, please get an adult involved, I know you may think that'll make it worse. That's not true, adults will get to the bottom of it, and get it to stop. If you've ever been the bully or are, just stop now. You're not only hurting someone else, you're hurting yourself as well. Thank you all for reading this, and I really hope you all can understand.

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