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Me: Hey can I ask you something?

Kaoru: Yeah? What do you need?

Me: what do you do if someone you don't have a crush on confesses to you?

Kaoru: You tell them you don't like them back. Why?

Me: Thanks.

Kaoru: No problem.

Me: Kaoru I messed up

Kaoru: What do you mean?

Me: I told Ryuji that I didn't like him back and now I think he hates me.

Kaoru: why would he hate you?

Me: Because I said I didn't feel the same way about him.

Kaoru: I'm sure he doesn't hate you.

Me: He seems really angry though

Kaoru: He's probably just upset.

Me: Are you sure?

Kaoru: I guess. If he's as popular as you say he is, he's probably never been turned down before and just doesn't know how to take it.

Me: But he said that I had lead him on. What if I did without meaning to?

Kaoru: Its not really leading on unless you know you're doing it.

Me: Isn't it?

Kaoru: No, leading someone on means you know that you don't have feelings for them but you make them think you do on purpose, and tell them you do only to shut them down later. Did you do that?

Me: Well no I don't think I did. And even if I did, I didn't realise I was doing it...

Kaoru: Well then you didn't lead him on then.

Me: I just feel really bad. What if I've now ruined our whole friendship? It would be all my fault.

Kaoru: It wouldn't be your fault. He chose to confess to you and he overreacted. He should have just respected your feelings.

Me: Really?

Kaoru: Yes of course! That's obvious isn't it?

Me: Well I guess so. Sorry I've just never really had someone have feelings for me before so I don't know what to do or say.

Kaoru: That's fine, and really?

Me: really what?

Kaoru: You've never had someone confess to you before?

Me: No...

Kaoru: Sorry, I just thought someone must have.

Me: Why?

Kaoru: Well because you're really nice and pretty, it seemed just like common sense to me.

Me: Aha no...

Kaoru: Sorry did i make you uncomfortable?

Me: No, I'm good.

Kaoru: Ok. Are you sure you're alright though?

Me: Yeah, I'm just a bit overwhelmed.

Kaoru: Ok. Have you been crying at all?

Me: Only a tiny bit. I've mostly been confused

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