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Note: it's been about 1 1/2 months since Aika began talking to the host club. She spoke to Hikaru Kaoru and Tamaki almost everyday and the others occasionally.

Hikaru: Hey Aika

Me: Hikaru, do you know what time it is?

Hikaru: Yeah 11:30 why?

Me: you know some people like to be alone in the evenings

Hikaru: sorry.

Hikaru: how are you.

Me: fine

Hikaru: what you doing

Me: if you must know I'm up in my room crying by myself.

Hikaru: Why? What's happened?

Me: It doesn't matter just people at school and stuff...

Hikaru: if you ever wanna talk I'm here.

Hikaru: sometimes it helps to talk to someone.

Me: I'm fine

Hikaru: okay. I'm just worried for you.

Me: I'm fine. Just average bullies you know?

Hikaru: fine? How the heck are you fine if you're crying in your room by yourself at nearly midnight because of bullies?!

Me: It's really nothing it's been happening for ages I shouldn't have bothered you. Good night.

Hikaru: It's not a bother. I'm gonna call you up.

Me: No it's okay I'm going to sleep.

Hikaru: no you're gonna pick up the phone and let us help you.

Me: no.

Hikaru is calling you

Sent Hikaru to voicemail

Hikaru: Aika please don't hang up.

Hikaru: Aika please I'm really worried

Hikaru is calling you

Sent Hikaru to voicemail

Hikaru: I'm gonna keep calling you until you pick up.

Hikaru is calling you.

"Hello?" Hearing me pick up the phone, Hikaru greets me. His voice seems very nice. Its edgy, but in this moment seems also warm. "Aika? Are you there?"

"Hi." I manage to squeak out between sniffles. In the background of the call I hear a gasp and a small rustling before a second voice accompanies Hikaru's. It's very similar to his, but it seems a bit softer, more gentle.

"Is that...?" The voice asks, before speaking again. "Is she crying?"

"Yes she is. Go away I'm trying to help her." Hikaru shoos the other person but they apparently stay.

"No, I wanna be supportive too!"


"But why?"

"Kaoru, go back to bed." So the other voice is Kaoru. I should've guessed, it's obvious. I guess what those girls said about me being "too dumb to function like a regular person" was true. Remembering this causes another tear to stream down my face.

"How am I supposed to sleep while you're talking to Aika? I wanna hear her voice too!" I hear Kaoru whine causing Hikaru to sigh. He mutters a small 'fine' before remembering he's on the phone.

"Sorry Aika," he clears his throat.

"It's okay." I manage to reply.

"Why are you crying, Aika? What's happened?" Kaoru asks softly, more so than when he was speaking to his brother. Sighing, I run my hands down my face and inhale sharply to calm myself down. I can tell them right? Who are they gonna tell that knows me?

"Well, you see, at my school I don't have many friends," I begin, "apart from Mei-Chan and Ryuji-kun, who are my only real close friends, I barely have anyone else. There's also these really popular girls who really don't like me."

Hikaru asks me another question, "And why don't they like you?"

Sighing again, I continue to talk even though I don't feel like I can. "They think Ryuji-kun is really good looking and they get angry that I'm friends with him and not them. Ryuji-kun doesn't like them either because they're mean and spiteful. Anyway, they think me and Ryuji-kun have something together because he asked me to the last school dance and I went with him. But me and him are nothing more than friends.

"In the end, they are angry that I'm closer to Ryuji-kun than them. So they always call me horrible names and make me feel like an outsider everyday." My voices begins to crack, "they make me feel like an alien, like I don't belong in the same room as them because I'm friends with someone they're not. They don't do this to Mei-Chan even though she's friends with him because she's friends with the others too."

"Hey Aika... Shhhh it's okay... We're he-"

"But it's not okay!" I cut him off, crying now, " and even though you're supporting me you can't do anything. They hit me today! The main girl, Tsubasa, she hit me. They've never gone that far before. Ryuji-kun got really angry at them and shouted at them, but they just laughed and scowled at me. I appreciate your worries though. It's nice to have someone to talk to."

Someone on the other end of the phone whispers something I couldn't understand, but then Kaoru speaks. "Aika, I really wish we were with you right now. I wanna be there and hug you and tell you it's all gonna be okay. Those girls at your school seem horrible."

"Aika," Hikaru speaks up, "trust us, you are beautiful and strong and kind, okay? And to us, you are important. The girls at your school are just jealous that you're all of these things that they're not.

"Do you really think that about me? Or are you just saying that because you pity me?" I sniffle once more.

"No. I promise you that is exactly what I believe." Hikaru says firmly.

"The same for me." Kaoru adds.

"Thank you guys. So much. I wish I could hug you right now but, you know." I giggle sadly. They agree, before I remind them of the time. We say our goodnights before hanging up the phone. Smiling sadly at my phone, one last tear rolls down my damp cheek.

Hikaru: Goodnight Aika. We hope tomorrow is a better day x

Me: Thank you guys. I hope so too x

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