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"Aika-Chan!" I hear Honey cry as I descend the stairs. Smiling, I wave to all of my friends who are waiting in the lobby. They're all wearing summery clothes, and they all look really good. Glancing up to me, everyone smiles and greets me.

"You look great!" Mei cheers, hugging me. I thank her and turn to everyone else.

"Yeah, you do..." Kaoru says, looking me up and down, before covering his mouth and blushing cutely. Laughing slightly, I say thank you, and I can almost see the sweat drop above his head.

"Aw you look so cute!" Tamaki shouts, hugging me with crocodile tears in his eyes, and shaking me from side to side. Patting his back, I wait to be set down, before composing myself once again.

"So, shall we go?" I ask them, and they nod. Putting my sandals on, I go through the doors, and we get into the limo. We begin driving from the outskirts of LA and more into the city. A short while into the drive, Kyoya speaks up from next to me.

"Right, we have reservations for 5 o'clock, and it is currently 4:36 as of now. Therefore, instead of going to the beach before, we can go tomorrow. Okay?" Checking his watch once more, he looks around us all, and we nod. He then sighs, before scribbling something into his notebook. He seems really stressed, and he shouldn't be. We're on holiday, after all!

Looking up at him, I squeeze his arm gently, causing him to look down at me in surprise. "Hey, relax, okay? We're on holiday." I whisper to him, smiling, and his expression softens. Nodding, he allows a tiny smile to creep to his lips, before closing his book and sitting back into the seat. I feel him relax from next to me.

Soon, we pull up and park at a very prestige looking restaurant. Posh looking couples sit outside drinking expensive looking wines beside the only just beginning to set sun.

"Wow, nice choice!" Tamaki nods in approval with a thumbs up as we enter. Dimly lit, the atmosphere is very sophisticated, and I begin to wish that I had dressed up more. The twins agree with Tamaki, and we look around, admiring the scenery, while Kyoya asks for our table.

Looking over, I see Kyoya struggling to communicate to the waiter, a tall, lanky and old graying man in a tuxedo, and I overhear him just muttering random English words. Trying to refrain from laughing, I start to go over.

"Please... uh, table? Seat? Y-yes, table... good?" He stammers, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Uh, yeah, okay. Who is the table for?" The waiter says slowly, and Kyoya seems panicked.

Deciding he's suffered enough, I nudge him gently out of the way before speaking up.

"Sorry, haha. Table reserved under Ootori?" I ask, and the waiter smiles before nodding.

"Of course, right this way." He gestured for us to follow him, and we do so. Taking us to a table, he smiles as we all take our seats. Candles flicker between the menus as we decide what we would like to drink.

Scanning the menu, I decide on a cola, placing the small book down. Mei, who is opposite me, does the same, and I smile at her.

"What did you pick?" I ask her.

"Fanta, what about you?" She replied, and I tell her what I chose. "Fanta is way better."

"No! Definitely cola!!" Tamaki objects to her statement.

"But Fanta is really nice..." Kaoru says.

Hikaru butts in, "Pepsi is totally the best."

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