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"I'm not going to believe what?"

We all turn round to see Tamaki standing in the doorway. His eyes meet mine and he freezes, unable to talk. Grinning I walk towards him.

"Hey!" I say, opening my arms for a hug. He steps into it, and holds me close.

"Is it really you?" He asks and I laugh into his shoulder.

"Yup! What are the chances huh?" I reply. I'm about to pull away, when Tamaki's grip grows tighter, and he begins spinning with joy.

"My daughter I'm so happy to see you finally! You look so pretty it makes me so happy!" He cries in excitement. He sets me down and I wobble dizzily before finding my balance.

The twins then each put a hand on my back and begin leading me through the door that they came through. There, I find Haruhi, Mori, Honey and Kyoya sitting round a table. They're talking, but they look up when we come in. They seem shocked, but I simply smile and wave.

"Hey guys." I say, and they reply with a 'hi' back. I'll admit, I'm not as close to them as the other three, who I spoke to nearly every day for this past month and a half, but I still found them nice. Haruhi smiles and Honey gestures for me to sit down.

Sitting down I smile at everyone again. I can't believe I'm actually meeting all of them. Tamaki takes a chair from an unused table and pulls it up next to me. He sits down on it and turns to me.

"This must be very overwhelming, huh?" He says to me and I nod.

"Just a little." I laugh.

For the next hour or so, I sit talking and laughing with the science club of whatever school they go to. They all seem pretty chilled out for a science club, I must admit, and none of them seem nowhere near nerdy. I guess people can like what they like though.

Sadly, after an hour, my dad comes to pick me up as I have a doctor's appointment. Saying goodbye, I hug all of them before leaving. It was fun meeting them in real life anyway.

Looking back at the restaurant where I met them for the first time, I drive away, hoping maybe to see them once again.

**** In the evening ****

Kaoru: How did your appointment go?

Me: Good thanks. I've got nothing wrong with me so that's good ^~^

Kaoru: Good. I can't believe we actually met you today! It doesn't feel real

Me: It really doesn't. It's kinda crazy in all honesty.

Kaoru: Hikaru won't stop talking about you

Me: Aha

Kaoru: Actually it's kinda annoying tbh ¬.¬'

Me: My parents kept asking why they'd never met any of you guys before so I had to make up some story aha

Kaoru: Why are they strict?

Me: Yeah, they can be about somethings, but they're generally pretty laid back.

Kaoru: Oh okay. Our parents kinda let us do what we want

Me: Oh cool. You have a lot of freedom then?

Kaoru: Well yeah I guess.

Me: That's cool.

Kaoru has added Hikaru to the conversation

Hikaru: Hi Aikaaaaaaaa

Me: Hola

Kaoru: Hikaru why did you add yourself

Hikaru: You left your phone open when you went to get cookies and I saw you were texting Aika and I wanted to talk to her to so I joined

Kaoru: Alright then

Me: Damn I want some cookies now

Hikaru: Same Kaoru gimme some

Kaoru: No go downstairs and get your own

Hikaru: But I don't want to and you have a giant bag all to yourself.

Kaoru: No

Hikaru: But yo always share with me

Kaoru: Fine

Me: Did you need to text this?

Hikaru: Yes ^-^

Me : Okay whatever.

Hikaru: We should all meet up again soon

Kaoru: Yeah

Me: Well idk because I do a lot with my family and I often have plans with Mei and Ryuji so

Kaoru: Oh okay that's fine

Hikaru: I'm sure we can find a time to meet though

Me: Yeah I'm not saying I don't want to I'm just saying I can't make any promises or meet up all the time.

Hikaru: I understand.

Me: Thank you

Kaoru:  Anyway it was really good to see you in the first place

Me: I know it's so crazy

Hikaru: I couldn't believe it was real tbh

Me:  Anyway it's late now, bye guys speak soon ^~^

Hikaru: Byeee

Kaoru: Bye Aika

Hikaru has removed theirself from the conversation.

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