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Tamaki: Hey Aikaaaaaaaa

Me: Hi Tamaki

Tamaki: How are youuuuu

Me: I'm bed running a fever how about you

Tamaki: Oh no poor Aika is sick. I wish i could help youu

Me: Aha thanks.

Tamaki: we could sit and watch movies all day long until you're better and eat yummy snacks like commoners ramen

Tamaki: I mean ramen just ramen

Me: Yeah that would be fun.

Tamaki: So how did you get this fever then

Me: well normally me and Ryuji walk home together, but yesterday I guess he left without me. He hadn't texted me or anything so I assumed he was helping clean the classroom.

Me: It began raining really heavily and I didn't bring a coat. But I didn't want to leave Ryuji to walk by himself so I waited in the rain for an hour. After that hour I got a text from him saying he walked home with someone else and he was sorry.

Tamaki: What the heck that's so rude.

Me: it's okay I don't mind. He's allowed to have other friends.

Tamaki: but he could've told you instead of making you wait in the rain.

Me: I'm sure he didn't mean to. It was an accident. I'm not mad or anything.

Tamaki: You're too nice. Even I probably would be a little.

Me: Oh well.

Tamaki: anyway you should really sleep, you know?

Me: yup! Byeee

Tamaki: Sleep well and get well soon ^•^

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