Chapter 11 ✔️

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As the ride home went on the conversation I had with Jin kept playing in my head over, and over again. We had to stop at a nearby hotel, poor Jin could barely keep his eyes open and everyone else was just plain exhausted. So Rap Monster checks us in and came back with the room keys.

"Ok guys, Jin and Suga-hyungs have 300, J-hope and I have Room 302, Jimin, V, Jungkook Room 305, and Ollie you're in Room 306.

"Aw, lucky, how come Libby-ssi gets a room to herself?" V pouts, *smack* "Yah!"

"Because she's a girl, pabo," Jin said, "She's still lucky," V mutters. "Doesn't have to listen to Jiminie talk in his sleep."

"Well at least you don't have to listen to Namjoon-ah snore," Suga adds. "Yah!" Rap Monster cries embarrassed, "You're not even in the same room as me."

"Yeah, but I'll still hear it," he adds. Rap Monster pursed his lips, while the maknae line snicker.

The leader shot daggers at the younger members while handling everyone their room keys. As I take mine I felt my chest tighten a little, not wanting to be in a room by myself.

I grew up being the only girl in the neighborhood, so all of the kids were my brother's friends. I was always shy and quiet, so I didn't have many friends. My dad was a military man, very strict, and was never home. After my mother died, I was always alone, which caused my anxiety and depression to grow even stronger. Alone time is ok once in awhile, but was not my cup of tea.

We all head up to our floor, I said good night to the boys and went into my room for bed. It was a cozy room, nothing too big or fancy. A lot of times you can tell when a hotel tries too hard to get that warm, homely feel to it and can look tacky. I quickly change into my pajamas, then jump into bed wrapping myself in the blankets, feeling cold, but I can't sleep.

"Oh, come on. Sleep already!" I groan to myself, "If you have to deal with those hooligans tomorrow than you need sleep." I start getting frustrated and sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. I put Hobi's jacket back on, it was so warm and the scent of his cologne still lingered; it helped me relax. I laid back in bed tossing and turning. I don't know why, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I know they were being respectful with me being the only female and all, but I really wish I was with the others. I hate being alone.

Too many bad memories.

I decided to text Hoseok...

ME: Hi Hobi
You asleep?

HOBI: Not anymore... 😑😓😐

ME: Oh...sorry! 🙊😨

HOBI: It's ok 😙
So what's up? Everything ok over there??

ME: Um yeah but can you come over?
I know it's really late and all, but I just hate being here alone so can you come over...please?

HOBI: Ohh does somebody miss me? 😜💋

ME: Shut up.


ME: So will you?? Pretty please Hobi?🙏🏻

HOBI: Fine but only cause you said please 😏
I'll be right over 😁👌🏻🕺🏻

ME: Thank you Hobi! ❤☺️❤

HOBI: No probs babe, see you in a bit 😘😘😘

ME: Stop trying to be a flirt, you're not good at it lol

I sat on my bed hugging my knees. I knew Hoseok was coming, but I could feel my anxiety kicking in.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I rush to the door, throwing myself into his arms as soon as it opened. "Long time no see," he chuckled and hugs me back; his voice was soft and full of concern. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just some small anxiety issues," I say in a small voice. "Sure it's anxiety, and not just you being too scared of the dark, ya wimp?" He teases, trying to annoy me and make me smile. I head back into the room with Hoseok right behind me, "Oh-ho-ho, look who's talking, mister 'I hate snakeu'," I mock him.

"Yah! That thing was HUGE!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I saw the videos," I snicker as I thought of his face in the Bangtan Bomb video. "You still freaked out like a little girl though," I mutter.

"Yah! I heard that."

I laugh even harder. As much as he denies it, he really is a little scaredy cat. I don't know why I felt so depressed, but having him here really helps. "I see you're wearing my jacket," he smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow, I could feel my cheeks heat up. "S-so?"

"You really must have missed me, huh?" He said cockily giving me a wink.

"Oh, shut up," I push him, and playfully stick my tongue out. I purse my lips out of frustration, but a tiny grin manages to curl at the corners of my mouth, "It's just chilly in here." I sat back down on the bed hugging my knees again. Hoseok walked over and sat down next to me. He didn't say anything just put an arm around my shoulders and held me there; I automatically lean into his embrace.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He whispered. "There's nothing to talk about Hoseok. It's just my stupid anxiety messing with me again, ok?" I reply a little too aggressively. I bitterly laugh at myself thinking of how ridiculous I was being. "Here, let me help with that," Hoseok said, something in his voice was suspicious.


I felt a sudden tickle at my side. With a small shriek I jump away from him covering my mouth in surprise. "When it comes to cheering someone up, I'm the master."....Oh, no..I know what he's thinking. I start to back away, "Don't. You. Dare." I warn him, as he slowly approaches me, like a lion who had found his prey.

"Hobi, no. People are sleeping," he continues to come closer with a smug look on his face. "Then I suggest you be quiet," he advises in a low husky voice. He sounded so sexy, but I wasn't going to let that distract me. I made a quick escape, jumping on the beds with some lucky dodges, and even threw pillows at him, but my luck ran out and he caught me. Tackling me on the bed and started to tickle me.

It's not very pleasant when I'm being tickled; I shriek, I scream, and I am violent, very violent. I don't mean to, it just happens. I squirm trying to get away, but he's too strong.

"What's the matter Ollie? The tickle monster only wants to help." Hoseok said in a creepy, aegyo like voice, and gives me an innocent and mischievous face. He sits on top of me trapping my arms with his legs and continues to torture me with tickles. I am seriously dying. "No! Get off! Get—get off! Oh my God please!" I beg.

"Are you a happy little ball of sunshine yet?" He taunts me and suddenly stops. "Ugh," I let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm not you, you idiot," I squeal in between laughs, "Now get off me!"

"Hm, fine then...," he shrugs. Lifting his hands up and wiggles his fingers slowly moving them towards me, and preparing for his next attack. "Ok-ok, I'm a little ball of sunshine! I'm a little ball of sunshine!" I cry. He smirks down at me, "That's what I thought." Hoseok finally rolls off of me and lays down on his side, propping himself up with his elbow holding his head in his palm.

"You sir, are a cruel, cruel person," I huffed, still out of breath from my torture. "Yeah, but you still wuv meeee!" He does aegyo and makes kissy faces. I giggle, "Yeah, yeah, and always will," I reply in a goofy voice squishing the lower part of his face with my hand.

"If only I could really say those words to you."

"Yah, stop it!" He laughs and swats my hand away. Giving me a cheerful smile he presses our foreheads together. "Things will be ok, Ollie. I promise." He pokes my side causing me to squeal. I nod back.

We, well mostly me, were getting pretty tired, so we curled up in the blankets. Positioning ourselves with me sitting in between his legs with my back against his chest. He is always so warm. I got out my laptop and we watched movies to pass the time, it felt like we were back at home. I didn't last very long and fell asleep snuggled up against him. I wish we could stay like this forever, but time was catching up and I know that he will probably be gone when I wake up, which made my heart ache.

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