Chapter 22 ✔️

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"But seriously, call or something next time..." I finally spoke, ruining the moment we just had.

He looked at me sheepishly and chuckled, "To be honest...I got my phone taken away recently."

I raised an eyebrow and back away, staying silent for a few moments, "Really?..." I trail off. "You were grounded..from your phone?...." I cover my mouth as a muffled snicker manages to escape. He looks at me sheepishly and nodded his head hard and urgently. It was funny watching him try to be so serious, it really doesn't suit him. He acted more like an innocent child trying to prove he didn't knock over the vase in the living room.

"Pabo," I muttered and sigh with a laugh. "So what did you and Tae-Tae do this time?"

"Aish, I like how you just automatically assume that I did something..." he grumbled, slightly puffing out his cheeks and crosses his arms over his chest. "And for your information, it was Taehyung and Jungkook's fault."

"Little brats," he added under his breath, "using my phone for their silly prank calls."

I giggle thinking about the two youngest members pulling off their childish pranks. I wiggle out of his grip, and walk past him heading back towards the playground to help clear my head. I was still a little mad, and wanted to have some fun.

"W-wait, where are you going?" I could hear him shouting behind me. I refuse to answer him and continue walking around the park. Out of nowhere he jumps in front of me, from above on the jungle gym, scaring the shit out of me.

"You have to believe me," he said worriedly. "Please."

"He really thinks I'm still upset with him."

I glare up at him with a very annoyed expression, like I'm about to blow up, while he looks like a terrified puppy.

"I do," I said with a smile.

He quickly stood up straight, "Huh?" Tilting his head to the side, he looked at me puzzled. "I do," I repeat myself, "I believe you." I lightly snicker. He takes a big step towards me with a serious face, "Then where were you going?"


His face went from serious and sexy to plain confused and cute. "Why were you ignoring me?" He whined.

I smirk, "Cause it's fun to mess with you sometimes," I pinch his pouty cheeks.

"Yah!" He swats at my hand, giving me a death glare. I walk past him again, continuing to ignore him.

I take a quick glance back and see Hoseok running towards me. I scream and run into a full sprint laughing, trying to get away. "Yeah, you better run!" He cries.

It turns into an intense game of tag. He catches up to me easily, taking me by surprise he wraps his arms around me and I lose my balance causing both of us to fall down the hillside. After laughing for awhile we stay there, laying in the grass for most of the night, holding hands, talking, and watching the stars.

I woke up a few hours later in Hobi's arms. "I guess I fell asleep..." I look up to find him staring down at me with a soft smile. I notice something laying in my lap, a small box with a beautiful white ribbon. I look at Hoseok puzzled, his smile grew wider at my confusion, "Happy Birthday, Ollie."

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