Chapter 3 ✔️

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"OLLIE!" I hear a bunch of cheerful cries behind me. Before I know it I'm tackled by, what felt like a truck, BTS in a group hug.

"Hi, guys," I giggle at their warm greeting, attempting to hug them back, "I missed you all so much."

After I finally caught my breath from my little "morning run" and from being crushed by a group of seven guys. They let me go, and I have a chance to give them each a proper greeting, a hug.

What can I say? I'm a hugger.

"We missed you, Ollie," Rap Monster started and in English, "How are you doing?"

"Hey, Namjoon! I'm good thanks," it was so nice to speak in my native language. "So how are you guys?" I asked them in Korean as I hugged their leader, "GREAT!" They all shout. "Oh, I missed you all so much."

Rap Monster flashes me a bright smile showing off those signature dimples of his. "So..." Jimin comes up, out of nowhere, putting an arm around my shoulder, "How long is my jagiya staying with us this time?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I roll my eyes shaking my head as I gave him his hug. He then gives me a smile, seductively biting his bottom lip, and winks.


"Yah!" Hoseok shouts, punching the singer in the shoulder, "Knock it off." I chuckle, as Jimin rubbed his shoulder in pain, and respond to his question. "I'm here for an art program, so I'll be around all summer long."

As I reach Jungkook I saw his face light up, after hearing my answer, showing off his bunny teeth. Seeing how happy the maknae was made me giggle even more.

"Hi, Kookie," I smile, his ears start turning red. "Hi, noona," he replied. I roll my eyes and sigh, "Not this again." He couldn't even look at me, it was kind of cute.

"I told you, call me Ollie." He awkwardly nods. I then gave him a big hug, sorta—this guy is huge. I could feel him stiffen up. "I guess you're still shy around girls, you little bunny." An evil grin curls up on my lips as an idea pops in my head.

I held him there in my embrace for a few seconds which turned into minutes, not letting go. Purposely making him feel awkward, and it really was getting awkward, but I refuse to give in. The others were next to us snickering and teasing at how nervous he looked, and how red his face was turning.

"You know...I'm not letting go till you hug me back," I inform him. He chuckles. "Yeah, yeah," sighing shyly and hugs me back. Letting go, he looks down at me smiling.

"Oh, stop being so adorable, you little bunny," I said in a somewhat aegyo voice, as I pinch his cheek then give him one more quick squeeze. Jungkook's ears were still red like a tomato along with a very visible shade of pink on his cheeks. "Cut it out," he whined. "And do you have to call me that?"

"If I'm your noona, then you're my bunny. Deal with it," I sass back and playfully stick my tongue at him. He shook his head and let out a laugh in disbelief that I'm the older one.

I then get to the calm sweethearts, Jin and Suga. "Anneong, 'eomma' and 'appa', oppas."

They both cock an eyebrow and look at me with an expression on their faces telling me to "just shut up." It didn't last long as they both broke into a smile. I try to hold in my smile and brought my hands up to my face, suddenly feeling shy, covering my pink cheeks.

"Come here," Jin opens his arms and swallows me in a warm bear hug. I always felt so secure in the broad-shouldered princess's arms. He shines a sweet smile at me, "You excited?"

"Of course she is, she's going to be with us all weekend," Suga cockily implied before I say anything. "Grae, I am excited," I giggle as I reply to Jin, and look back at Suga, "I mean, Oh. Em. Gee!" I squeal acting like a crazy fan girl, "I am going to actually hang out with BTS! Eeeep!" I scream and fan myself like I'm about to faint or something. "Ohmagawd—ohmagawd—ohmagawd! I'm gonna die! Ohmagawd!" I cut my act and smirk at him, chuckling, "But yes, Yoongi, I really am." I give him a sweet smile, and earn a side hug from him along with a gummy smile.

And last but not least, V, Kim Taehyung. The only person I know who's crazier than Hoseok, "Libby-ssi!" he shouts, and jumps towards me wrapping his arms around me, almost knocking me over.

When I first met BTS, I introduced myself with my real name, Olivia. I was trying to be polite and proper, and leave a good impression, you know? There was some difficulty with the pronunciation, so I told them to call me Ollie, but V was determined to use my full name for some reason. I guess he wanted to be different or something? I don't know, so I told him to just call me Livvy, my nickname back at home. He still had some trouble with pronunciation and could only say "Libby." It stuck. That's what he's called me ever since.

"Hi, TaeTae," I laugh as he squeezes me to death.

I usually never use the Korean honorifics with their names, like "ssi", "nim", or "ah", etc. Honestly, I just forget to use them. I don't even say "oppa" very much, and I can't stand it when someone calls me "unnie" or "noona" when we're basically the same age or only a year apart. I don't know why, but it's kind of annoying to me. When I first met BTS, I could never get used to saying it. I just wanted to use their regular names and they completely understood, since I'm a foreigner. They didn't hold it against me for being rude or anything.

Sometimes, I use it. It just kinda pops out, but I could never use oppa with Hobi. Oppa is used for a "friend," "older brother," or "boyfriend." And if I ever called him that people would get the wrong idea.

"Daebak!" V cries with joy, "This is so exciting!" Then he pokes my stomach. I'm extremely ticklish, and I accidentally yelp, quickly covering my mouth. I see the look in his eyes, and he starts moving closer to me. Uh oh. I back away, and quickly make a run for it. He kept up with me easily. I'm running for my life all over the lobby, while the guys are cracking up and of course, none of them help me. "Gee! Thanks a lot, guys..."

"I just ran twice this morning. Ew." I thought, "Who does this?"

"Ok, c'mon V, leave her alone. She's had enough," finally Jin sticks up for me. "Thank. You. Jin!"

"Oh-kay fine," he shrugged and pouts a little. Then starts clapping and giggling like a little kid again, "We're gonna have sooo much fun this weekend!" Jungkook starts to join in clapping. Gosh these two together....they're so childish, it's so darn adorable.

These guys can always put a smile on my face. I can't help, but giggle at these goofballs.

Welp, I guess that's everyone—

"Ahem!" *cough* *cough* *cough!*

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