Chapter 17 ✔️

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The word was out; BTS might be on vacation somewhere in South Korea, and A.R.M.Y. is on the look out. So we have to be a bit more careful. The boys decided to do a quick V app video and approve that the rumors were true that they were indeed on a small vacation. We still had another day left so we were gonna take our time and have fun on our way back to Seoul. They played games and goofed off with each other, answered questions from the fans in the comments, but refused to say where they were. No matter how many begging comments they received.

Again, I stay in the back lounging deep in the seat, so no one could see me. Jimin was holding the camera, pointing it away from me. I'm nervous, of course—this is a terrible idea. Hobi must have sensed my tension, because he grabs my hand lacing them together and smiles. I return the smile, and nod. I quickly grab a book and put in my headphones trying to distract myself from their goofy ways, and hoping I won't burst out laughing.

Easier said than done, but I made it.

As soon as Jimin turned off the camera I explode in laughter, which made the guys laugh. The whole car was swarmed with laughter and giggles as if there was a leak of laughing gas from the dentist's office somewhere. Eventually, we all calm down, and continue driving.



We're now somewhere in Daejeon, "Hyung! I'm bored," V whines, "lets go do something."

Jin sighs, "And what do you suppose we do?"

There's a slight pause, "Arcade!" V shouts. Suddenly Jin got really excited, "What? Where?" When it comes to video games he goes nuts.

"There!" V points ahead towards an outdoor mall or market place, coming into view, with a big arcade on the side. "Grae! Lets go!" The others cry in excitement. Jin quickly turns the car and we head towards the arcade. I was kind of uncomfortable though. "Uhm..guys?"

They all look back towards me. "I-I don't know if this is a good idea," I stutter. All of them look at me, down and confused, "Wae?" Jimin complains. "Yeah, c'mon noona, it'll be fun!" The maknae pleads with his bunny face and a face full of excitement as he tries to persuade me.

"Well, everyone knows you're out on vacation now, and A.R.M.Y. are looking all over the place so they can maybe get a glimpse of you. If anyone saw me, rumors will form and scandals could start and—"

"It's ok, jagi," Hoseok interrupts trying to reassure me, "look, the place is disserted." He did have a point, and I was dying of boredom. "I don't know, Hobi..."

"Oh, c'mon Ollie! Pleeease?" All of the guys start begging me. "Yeah, you worry too much. You need to let loose," says Rap Monster.

"Well..oh alright," I sigh, giving in. "Yay!" They all cheer and, the ones closest, giving me hugs like I saved their lives. It's funny watching how excited they get over games, especially video games, it cracks me up.

Jin parks the car and we all walk around the area. The market was full of older people, ahjumma and ahjussi, buying and trading different goods, surprisingly the arcade really was disserted. There was only two or three people in here, all gamer geeks who probably don't pay attention to music, and the place was huge. BTS scattered around like kids in a candy store, trying to get to every game in the whole arcade. I'm not very big on arcades or video games, but I played a few rounds of air hockey with V. Undefeated.

"Ok, best 3 out of 5!" He demands.

"Oh, come on, Tae-Tae. Again?" Wow, I thought Hobi was competitive... Jungkook started to tease him, "Aigoo, hyung!" He laughs, "You really suck at this game."

"Yah! Shut up!" V exclaimed, "Respect your elders, twerp!" He's really starting to get annoyed as the youngest member continues to tease him. "This game is so easy. How could you lose?" Jungkook starts to get a little cocky there.

V huffs getting frustrated, "Ok, then why don't you play? Since it's soo easy." He suggests.

"Andwae, I wouldn't wanna embarrass you even more," he starts. V looked at me for some help, I smirk, "Oh, c'mon bunny. You're just playing against me, it should be no problem."

"Hm...ok, sure," he smirked. And the game begins, best 2 out of 3, I win no problem. "Victory!" I shout. "Whatever, I went easy on you," he grumbled. "Ok, let's play another round, and don't go easy," my competitiveness comes out. I won again then it was 3 out of 5, then 5 out of 8, etc. The members start to gather around, loving at how the Golden Maknae was finally losing at something...and to a girl. "How sexist."

"Admit it, you lost!" I giggle. He stayed quiet with his lips pressed in a thin straight line. The boys kept giving him crap, getting so fed up he turned around and walked away with his arms crossed. The boys were still laughing. "Ok guys, shows over," I announce. "Now, go have fun and play some more games." I sound like a mother. I walk over to Jungkook, who's still sulking.

"Hey," I spoke softly, surprising him, "are you that mad?" I ask with a sheepish smile, but he stayed silent. "You know, Kookie, it's just a game," I chuckle. He sighs, "I know, it's just the hyungs," he nods toward BTS, who are all huddled up intensively watching Jin play pinball.

"Pabos," he grumbles. I giggle and wrap an arm over his shoulder. "Come on Mr. Golden Maknae, lets go shut them up and beat those pabos in more games," I grin. His face lit up, showing off his adorable bunny smile. We gave each other a high-five and ran back to the others.

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