Chapterc 16 ✔️

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We took a pit stop to quickly stretch our legs, go to the bathroom, and etc. but it was a little crowded. I hope Jin realizes this might not be the best idea, but everyone's bladder was about to explode so we didn't care. I put on my glasses and kept my mask in my pocket in case—it may not help much, but the glasses hide my blue eyes and I always wear a hat so you couldn't see my brown curly hair very well anyway. I know I still look like a foreigner, but it helps to be disguised.

After doing my business I took a small walk around the area, and went to get a drink from a nearby vending machine when a group of girls pass me acting snobby and giving me weird looks. I heard them gossiping about BTS as they went to the restrooms, they were very loud, so it was hard not to listen. Don't judge.

"Did you hear? BTS is on vacation!" one of them squealed.

"They went to some beach area—probably Busan!" They all gasped. I really started to pay attention. "That's not far from here! Omo! Maybe they're still there?!" a girl with an extremely annoying high pitched voice shrieked. They all start giggling and fan girling. "We should get going and try to catch them!" she suggests.

"Good thing we left," I thought.

"No way!" Another one squealed, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What is it?"

"There's a girl with them!" They all dramatically gasp. I froze while my eyes widen a bit. "See? Look, here's a picture of them."

"Uh-oh." Now my full attention is on the conversation.

"Do you think one of them has a girlfriend?"

"What? No way, they can't date anyone. They're too busy, and besides, Jiminie is mine!" Squeaky chick said with a slight attitude.

"Look, it's even a foreigner!"

I could feel the blood drain from my face. This is not good.

"So what, she's probably a fan, or the manager's assistant, or something like that." One of them says. They all start agreeing with her. "More foreigners are starting to get jobs around here, especially in the music industry," another pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. BTS is too smart to date a foreigner," one said, saying foreigner with such disgust. "Besides even if they did, it would at least be a pretty one."

"She's probably a westerner. I mean, look at how fat she is." They start to giggle and continue chatting along.

"Yeah, they really could do so much better."

I know I shouldn't even think twice about what they say, they're just jealous fans. Afraid an "ugly foreigner" stole their man. That always bothered me how some fans talk about the guys, as if BTS was an object, like they belong to them. I know some fans think they just want what's best for them, but they're only thinking for themselves. And what they said still hurts though.

"She's probably just a crazed fan who follows BTS around everywhere," said squeaky chick.

I silently laugh to myself, "Says the one who suggested they drive down to Busan to maybe get a glimpse of the boys..."

"C'mon lets go, the others are waiting," one of them announced. I heard their footsteps echo off of the tiled floors of the restrooms and were coming my way. I quickly face towards the vending machine with my head down like I'm deciding on a snack or something. They pass me giggling, there was four of them. "Omo, you're never gonna get a date if you don't lose some weight, westener," the short one in the middle, "squeaky chick", said loud and clear thinking I can't understand her—he looked like the leader—they all muffle in their laughter.

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