Chapter 13 ✔️

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"I love you."

All I can do is stare, "What?..."

He whispered so softly, I'm not even sure if I heard him right. Those words I've been dying to hear, to say, for so long, but too afraid to do anything. My heart swells up and I can feel tears stinging my eyes again.

"Did he say 'I love you'?"

We sat in the room for what feels like forever just staring at each other, speechless. My head won't stop spinning. I was so thrilled and still in disbelief on what happened. I look up giving him a shy and teary smile.

His expression was intense, yet still tender and playful. I bite my bottom lip nervously, he suddenly gives me a sweet playful smile in return and took my hand. My gaze kept dropping to his lips, slightly parted from shock, and swollen; they looked so perfect. I wanted to feel their touch again, so badly.

I notice his eyes were also traveling between my eyes and my lips, like he was craving for that same special touch and affection as much as I was. This time I lean in first and close the gap between us. He doesn't hesitate and smashes his warm mouth against mine, covering it in a hungry kiss. Our lips moved together so perfectly, it was like magic.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, while his other hand cupped my cheek, deepening the kiss. Automatically, I bring my arms up, hooking them around his neck and play with his hair, both of us smiling in between kisses. He had the softest of lips, softer than I could ever imagine.

We lightly pull away for breath and I look into his eyes. They were so full of love with a big smile on his face that could light up the darkest of rooms.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time," he said with a half laugh, still out of breath. I can't help but smile.

"I'm in love with you, Ollie," he murmurs, "you can't imagine how long I've wanted to tell you that and—" I press my finger to his lips stopping him. "I think I can," I giggle and pecked his nose making him smile.

I start to get teary-eyed again and shyly mumble, "I love you too."

After saying those words, it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest, and fresh tears started to swell up my eyes all over again. He rested his forehead against mine, our noses touching, "You know, this is suppose to be a romantic moment, right?" He teases me as he peered into my eyes. I know I'm being a sensitive mess right now and probably look ridiculous, but I couldn't help it. I start to laugh at myself.

"Sorry, I-I just..can't believe—," I pause for a moment trying to get a hold of myself. I brought my hand up to his face, placing it on his cheek, "Hobi, I've been in love with you for as long as I've known you." His eyes softened and his face lit up even more, while I speak faster as I continue. "And now you're the one confessing to me, I-I'm just so happy. I can't believe it—I never thought you would have feelings like this for me, and I can't stop—ugh! These stupid tears just won't turn off, and now I'm just rambling on like an idiot—" I let out a big frustrated sigh, "I think-I think I'm gonna shut up now..."

He chuckles at my confession, and pressed his lips at the top of my head, holding them there for a few moments. "I love you, Hoseok," I whisper. A smile plastered on each of our faces. It felt like the world around me completely lit up.

"Will you go out with me?" He peers into my eyes. I try to answer, but nothing will come out, my throat was parched and I couldn't find my voice. I simply nod, giving him a small shy grin.

He shines me that signature Hoseok smile, that I loved so much, and tackles me.

Attacking me with kisses; on the lips, the cheeks, nose, jaw, neck, etc., and with tickles. More tears escape my eyes from the torture. He catches one with his lips.

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