Chapter 14 ✔️

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I wake up to a glow from the bright sunlight seeping through the windows. There's a nice warmth consuming my back. I turn around, and was a little surprised, to find Hoseok fast asleep with his arm draped over my waist. I thought he would have gone back to his room by now. I felt so happy that he stayed with me all night.

His mouth is slightly parted with a clear line of saliva in the corner. "Oh that's attractive."  The room is silent, all I can hear is the faint sound of birds chirping outside, along with his even breathing, and light snores as he slept. I can't help, but smile at the sight.

"What would I do without you?" I mumbled and slowly brought my lips to his. The corners of his mouth curl up in the smallest grin and his grip tightened around me. He must have heard me. I can tell he was still sound asleep, he looked so peaceful. "You're really mine," I lightly chuckle. "My little ball of sunshine." I turn myself around so that I'm completely facing him, and snuggle up against his chest soaking up this wonderful moment.

I bring my hand up to him and gently trace his face.

His features were always so soft and perfect. A simple touch of his skin felt so delicate and smooth. The lighting from the windows made him look almost like a porcelain doll. His skin is so beautiful, I've always been envious of it - of all the member's skin.

I trace his forehead, moving the hair out of his eyes, and slowly bring my fingers down the sides of his long face and to his sharp jawline. His cheeks had the slightest bit of chubbiness, you could really only tell when you were close up or when he smiled extremely wide, showing off his little dimples. Then I started to go over his sweet, thin, rosebud lips. They were soft, the bottom lip was more plump than the top which had a tiny little freckle on the edge, everything about them was perfect to me. He was perfect.

He started to squirm as he felt the tickle of my touch. His eyes fluttered open, immediately landing on me, and he gave me a sleepy grin and brought his hand up to my cheek. The whole side of my face is covered with the warmth of his large hand. He drew circles with his thumb on my cheekbone.

"Good morning, sunshine," I greet him. Hoseok sat up and stretches, letting out a big obnoxiously loud yawn and falls back into the covers. Propping himself up with his elbow he looks at me. After awhile, I start to feel a little self-conscious and look down, "W-what?"

He quickly plants his lips against mine taking me by surprise. I can feel his smile against my lips as I kiss him back. "Morning, puddin'," he greeted back and flashes me a smile. I raise an eyebrow, "Did you just call me 'Puddin'?" I chuckle and start to sit up. He smirked, "Would you rather me say-"

"DON'T even think about it," I warned. He looks at me cute and innocently, "Think about what?" I shake my head and sigh, "You are such a dork, you know that?" I say as I stretch trying to rub the sleep off.

"And you are a clumsy olive," he sits up and threw an arm around my shoulders with a big smile on his face, and kisses my cheek.

My blood starts to boil and I lift an eyebrow glaring at him with intense eyes, as an idea pops into my head. Unhooking his arm from around me, I turn towards Hoseok and suddenly straddle him.

"Ollie? W-what are you doing?" He asked, thrown off guard by my sudden actions.

Ignoring his question I wrap my arms around his neck, and gently roam my hands over his chest and shoulders. "Oh? So that's what you think of me, huh?" I say in a low teasing voice, trying to be sexy, "Your little clumsy olive..."

It must be working cause there is a nice visible shade of pink on his cheeks. He was frozen and stutters, "U-um..uh-no, no! It's just-I mean...uh, ha," he breathes out a nervous laugh.

"You just mean what, Hobi? You can tell me." I lean forward and whisper in his ear, "I won't bite."

"Uh-um.." he opens his mouth, but was at loss of words. I graze my lips under his ear, and slowly move down his jaw line stopping at the corner of his mouth. Then with the tip of my nose I slowly drew a line up and down his neck leaving little butterfly kisses.

I notice the small beads of sweat on his forehead and goosebumps prickling his skin. Hoseok was completely taken back by my actions and is now a very dark shade of pink. It was like he was paralyzed.

Slowly I start to back off, no longer straddling him. "Uh-w-what are-" he can't even finish his sentences. I lean down and press my lips softly at the base of his throat and then work my way around him; neither my hands or lips left his shoulders, neck, or back. I start to chuckle as I sense a sweet victory.

When I turn back to his face I gave him a smile as I bring my finger up and trace over his lips again. Bringing my face closer to his, and tilting it to the side, my eyes never left his. He starts taking deep breaths, as if he's trying to control himself and closes his eyes. As my face comes closer, I stop only a breath from his mouth, "Sucker," and push him off the bed.

"Wha-!?" He cries, completely caught off guard, and tumbles landing on the floor in between the beds. He laid flat on his back with his feet sticking high in the air as his legs rested against the other bed. I burst out laughing uncontrollably; the look on his face, priceless.

"What the-did you just...what the hell Ollie?"

"Ahahaha, sorry hopesters, but that's what you get for calling me, olive!" I say with a smug look, so not sorry. "Oh, that was too easy!" He looked up at me from the floor completely flustered and wide eyed.

I was pleased.

His blank face, soon turned irritated. "That wasn't funny," he complains as he puffed out his cheeks and made a pouty face.

"Oh no, that was gold!" I said in between laughs and stuck my tongue at him, "And you know it."

Grumbling, Hobi finally accepts defeat, "Ok, fine you win this round." I can't stop laughing. He continues to look at me with an annoyed expression and lets out a loud, heavy sigh, "Are you done yet?"

"Nope," I pop the p and continue laughing. He finally got up and cocks an eyebrow, glaring at me.

*cough* "Now I'm done," I hold in a smile.

A mischievous grin curled his lips and he tackles me; a pillow fight and tickle war began.


I finally got out of bed to get ready for the day. Hoseok also got up behind me picking me up bridal style and spins us around. Being swarmed with giggles again, I hold onto him tightly getting extremely dizzy, "Ok-ok! Hobi, put me down-put me down before I barf on you!"  I warn him in between laughs.

He finally puts me down and I try walking over to my bag to get my change of clothes. Being as dizzy as I was, I almost fell into the nightstand. Hoseok quickly catches me, "Careful jagiya."

"Klutz," he mumbled.

"I heard that," I smack his arm. "Now quit messing around, we need to get ready for today," I grab my clothes out of my bag and head for the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulls me back towards him. "Bathroom, I need to get ready," I reply. "You know, you can always change out here," he whispered in my ear seductively.

"Wha-? Jung Hoseok! You pervert!" I scoff and punch his arm as hard as I could. "Yah! Ok, I'm sorry." He lets go of me, snickering, "I was just kidding. Aigoo, calm down." He couldn't stop laughing at my extremely blushed out face.

"Sure you were..." I said sarcastically.

"You are so easy to mess with," he teases.

"Byuntae," I hissed as I try hiding my face in embarrassment. He pulls my hands away holding them above my head and traps me against the wall. "Don't hide your face from me," he said capturing me with his eyes. "You're too beautiful."

I snicker and shake my head, "Cheesy." I mumble.

"Maybe, but it's true," he said and kisses me. I smile against his lips as I return the playful kiss.

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