Best friend Forever?

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Diego's pov: I said goodbye to my dad and headed out the door. As I was walking I saw Fran across the street on her phone and it looked like she was arguing. Once she was finished talking I ran over to her.
   "Hey Fran, what's wrong?"
   "My cousin said he was leaving his school to come to the studio. His parents would kill him and then kill me for encouraging him." She said
   "You're funny. You need to stop worrying to much." I said giggling.
   "Yeah right. Let's go, we're gonna be late." She said laughing.

   Once we reached the studio, I could tell that admissions were going on. We walked inside to find the group all together. Fran and I walked up to them but they were hiding something.
   "What's up?" I asked.
   "Nothing." Maxi said.
   "Well your faces tell me otherwise."
   "Do you know what? Fran, come with me." Cami said.
   Cami took Fran into the singing room to talk. The guys and I stayed in the hall.
   "Guys what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked.
   "Diego, you need to say what you're feeling to Fran." Marco said.
   "What? No, there is nothing romantic between Fran and I." I said.
   "Yes you like her!" Maxi said. "And Cami is talking to Fran about the same thing!"
   "No, no, no! We don't feel anything for each other. Leave Fran alone."

   The day went by the same as usual. All though there was this point in the day when a boy I have never met before probably up for admission, started singing "this can't end" on the guitar but once he saw Fran, he changed to "love is in the air." It made me feel jealous, a little.
   "Hey, guys, do you see him? Who is he?"
   "Yeah, that's Leon. He is signing up for the studio." Broduey said.
   "He is singing to Fran!" I whispered loudly.
   "Why does it matter if he is singing to Fran, by the way, you are just friends." He mocked me.
   "Yeah, yeah, but, as my friend, I don't want to see her get hurt. He looks like a player you can hear it in his voice." I said.
   "Okay..." Maxi said.

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