the night of the dance

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Fran's pov: the next morning I woke up, got in the shower and put my make up on. I realized that I didn't have a dress.
   "Francesca? Can I come in?" Jade  said.
   "Sure." I said.
   She came in my room with a box.
   "What's that?" I asked.
   "Open it." She said.
   I opened the box and a beautiful turquoise dress with black at the top.
   "I saw you didn't have a dress, and this is the dress I wore to my first dance." She said.
   "I love it. Thank you so so much!" I said.
   "I also have this." She said pulling out a white mask, with feathers on the side.
   "You're the best." I said

   I went to the studio and into the stage, the party was going on all day until 1 in the morning. I was a little late. Everyone was there. When I walked in, I felt everyone's eyes on me, I saw that girls got jealous when the boys turned their backs on them.
   A boy cams up to me and asked me to dance. A song played, I remember it from one of favorite bands
  As we danced I look into his eyes, who ever this was, I wished I could know who this was, it was either that, or I would dance with him for the rest of my life. I felt that I knew this person. I heard it in his voice, I couldn't put my finger on it. We danced until 12. He leaned in after a slow song, before he could kiss me I told him I'm sorry and that I had a boyfriend. I ran out and I went to the bathroom, I took of the dress and put it in the bag that had my formal clothes in, I took off the mask and ran my fingers through my curly hair, I took my bag to the music room and started working on my new song. I grabbed the music and sang the chorus and put it through a modification app so it would sound more electronic or something. I went through some instruments to pit in it other than the piano. I made a mixture of a lot of music. Before I could start I heard the clock, it was 1, I had to run all the way back home I was so worried that Jade would be mad. I got to the house and saw that Jade wasn't home, I had to go upstairs and put on my pajamas. I had to go downstairs to get something, then I saw Jade was there and she looked mad.
   "Hey Jade?" I said nervously.
   "I was looking for you all over town. You never told me that the party would end at 1! You scared me, I thought something had happened to you."
   "I'm sorry, I know, I forgot to tell you." I said.
   "Now I have three days left in here. You will be grounded until then. After you go to the studio, you will come straight home unless I hear from a teacher you have to stay afterwards." she said.
   "Yes, I understand." I said.
   "Go to bed." She said.
   I went upstairs and thought of how mysterious that guy was. I wish I knew him. I felt like Cinderella, I loved it.

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