the date

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Francesca's pov: I got ready for the date with Leon, he is a good and funny and smart guy that loves me and I know for a fact that I love Dieg- I mean Leon.

   Hey, are you alright?" I asked.
   "Hey, I'm fine... can I ask you something?" He asked.
   "Yeah, anything."
   "Is it okay to fall in love with a person you just met?"
   "Well, love at first sight, I believe that. But it depends on how they look at you. If they look into their eyes and immediately felt like the know everything about you, then that may be the one you love. If they look at you and notice you for their looks, then you can't trust that person." I said.
   "Thanks." He said.
   "Why, do you like someone?" I asked.
   "We'll be late, let's go" he said, a little giggly.
   End of flashback.

   Leon makes me happy, but I can't help thinking about how different life may be if Diego and I were together.


    "You need to stay away from Francesca!"
   "Hey! Diego, what did I hear?! Did you tell Leon to stay away from me?!" I asked
   "No, no it's not what it looks like!" He said.
   "Why would you say that?" I asked.
   "You have to understand, I would never do that! I would never hurt you." He said.
   "Well you just did." I said

   I need to call Diego.
Diego's pov: I just lay on my bed thinking about Fran and how much I wish it could have been me on that date.


   "That was beautiful." I said.
   "DIEGO?!?" She shouted and ran over to me.

   End flashback.

   I was interrupted by my phone going off. It was Fran.
   "Diego, hey." She said.
   "How are you?" I asked.
   "Well, I have a-"
   "A date, with Leon. I knew, I heard." I said.
   "Listen, I need to go. I need you to know that, I haven't gotten a chance to look at the sheet music for the duet we sing in the show.
Fran's pov: Leon took me to a fancy restaurant and then to the movies. There was a time in the movie where a girl, Elaina, went on a date but couldn't stop thinking about a her friend/crush, James. That made me think about Diego.


   "Diego, hey." I said.
   "How are you?" He asked.
   "Well, I have a-"
   "A date, with Leon. I knew, I heard."

   End flashback

   Once the movie ended he took me home. The next morning I woke up to sunshine, my aunt wasn't home, she was with the insurance people, trying to find a funeral home for my uncle's funeral. I got ready and headed out the door. As I was walking, it started raining. I ran and slipped in the in the mud. Before I hit the ground someone caught me.
   "Diego?" I asked.
   It was Leon. But I didn't feel anything when he caught me, I was hoping Diego would be there. I don't feel the spark Leon and I had before. I still love Leon though. He got closer to me and felt his lips against mine. I felt nothing. I stood up and ran to the studio. Leon ran after me.
   "Fran, we need to talk."
   "What's wrong, is it that I ran away when you caught me, or when I didn't kiss you goodnight when you dropped me off last night, or-"
   "I think we need to break up." He said.
   "What?" I asked.
   "I don't feel like you love me." He said.
   "But nothing, I love you, but I can see that you are still in love with Diego." He said. "Goodbye. Also, I hope you are happy with Diego."
   He left the studio. I saw Diego in the zoom, he looked like he was singing a song. I went in there and saw the guys rehearsing as a band. I ran to Diego and hugged him.
   "What's wrong?" He asked in a calming voice.
   "Leon and I broke up." I said.
   "Why? Could you guys give us a minute?" He asked.
   "Because I realized that I was In love with someone else."

listen to your heart- A Diego and Fran fanficWhere stories live. Discover now