he is leaving

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Fran's pov: I went to the studio and looked for Diego, after last night we couldn't find a song, so I have to get the sheet music from him. I looked in the dance room and saw Diego and Gregorio arguing. I wanted to step in but I wanted to hear what they were talking about before I did.
   "I don't get it, one day you will loose the most important thing in your life!"  Diego said.
   "You're wrong, for three reasons: 1: The studio is not in danger. 2: the studio is not the most important thing in my life. 3: you are the most important thing in my life!" Gregorio said.
   "That's what I mean." He said.
   "Diego, what's going on?" I asked.
   "Nothing!" He yelled.
   "You don't talk to girls like that, Diego." Gregorio said.
   "No it's fine, all though I won't allow your talk to me like that, Diego."
   "Wait. What do you want?" Diego asked me.
   "I was looking for you to see if you had the sheet music for the song you wrote." I said.
   "So why are you getting between my father and I?" He asked.
   "Just give me the sheet music, please! I won't be attending for the rest of the day. My aunt and I haven't go see my uncle in the hospital today, he is sick and I just came for the music sheet." I said.
   "Here you go. Is your uncle okay?" He asked.
   "I hope."
   I left home and got ready for seeing my uncle. He has cancer and I want to see him. I grabbed the diary Vilu gave me and decided to write in it.

   Today I found Diego and Gregorio fighting in the dance room. I shouldn't have gotten in the middle, but I can't stay distant when my friend is fighting with his father. I got the sheet music but I might not be able to look at it today. I remember the time that I first danced with my uncle. It was at a father daughter dance but my father couldn't go cause of work. My uncle was visiting and he said he would go with me. But when I think about that, I also think of the first time I sang with Diego. He seemed like I understood him and that I knew everything about him. Even his deepest, darkest secrets. Well I can't worry about him, maybe I'll shoot him a text soon.
    I grabbed my phone from my purse.
D= Diego. F= Fran.
   F: hey. Can we talk for a bit?
   D: Hey. I'm sorry for the way I talked to you. Have you seen your uncle yet?
   F: No, we might soon.
   D: I know it will be hard, but you have to be strong, and if you can't can't for any one else then be strong for me.
   F: well my mom is calling for me, I need to go, thank you.
   D: ok, good bye. No problem.

   We got to the hospital and I got to see him right away.
   "Hey uncle" I said
   "Hey sweetie, I'm fine. How is the studio?" He asked.
   "The studio is awesome. Would you like me to sing for you?" I asked.
   "I thought you would never ask." He said.
   "cause I love you, more than you think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to. Cause I love you, more than you think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to." I sang.
   "That is beautiful honey. Did you write it?" He asked.
   "Yeah, I wrote this one night at the piano." I said.
   "Excuse me, ma'ma, visiting time is almost up." The doctor said.
   "Yes, well, honey you should be on your way. I love you." Uncle said.
   "I love you to uncle." I said.

   In out way home I got a call from Diego.
   F: hello?
   D: Hey Fran. When you get back home, come meet me at the studio.
   F: okay, is everything alright?
   D: just come meet me, please.
   Then he hung up. He was acting weird. I didn't worry until I got home. I immediately ran to the studio I saw Diego and Gregorio waiting for me in the lounge.
   "Hey, sorry I'm late traffic was horrible." I said.
   "It's fine." Diego said.
   "Why did you call us down here, I have class right now."
   "Stop, I need to tell you two something." He said.
   "Get to it." Gregorio said.
   "Well I'm leaving to go live with my mom back in Madrid tomorrow." Diego said.
   "What?" I said.
   "I know you don't understand-" he said, getting cut off by Gregorio.
   "No. No, please don't leave. I am sorry for all the times we fight. You are the most important part in my life, I don't want to loose you." Gregorio said.
   "It's not just us. It's that, I can't stop thinking about all the times something bad has happened here." He said
   "Can I talk to you out in the hall?" I asked since it was after hours.
   "Sure." He said.
   We went out to the hall.
   "I don't understand. You can't leave. I have never seen your dad so happy than when you were in his life. Please, please don't go." I said.
   "I wish that I didn't have to go. I feel like I am not trusted anymore." He said.
   I started crying.
   "But you can't go, if no one else trusted you. I will no matter what." I said sobbing.
   "Fran I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for leaving you behind. You will always be a very important part in my life." He said.
   "I hope you will change your mind before tomorrow." I said quietly and walked away back to home.

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