Back to the studio

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A/n: so, the song I chose for the two to sing is by Alex and Sierra. The boy parts are Diego's and girls are Fran's, the chorus is sang with the both of them. Do not play this song until I say. Please and thank you.
Fran's pov: yesterday was different without Diego with me. He is funny, I call him a clown. I called him again when I got home but he didn't pick up, I thought he was sleeping, so I didn't worry. I left him a message asking him to call me back but he didn't answer. I ran into Leon at the end of the day. He said he got in. He and I hung out for the afternoon. He was fun to be with, but all I could think about was Diego, and how he was fine the day before and then he was sick?

   I left the house and went to Diego's place to see if he was okay. When I got there I saw him sitting on the sidewalk.
   "Hey, are you alright?" I asked.
   "Hey, I'm fine... can I ask you something?" He asked.
   "Yeah, anything."
   "Is it okay to fall in love with a person you just met?"
   "Well, love at first sight, I believe that. But it depends on how they look at you. If they look into their eyes and immediately felt like the know everything about you, then that may be the one you love. If they look at you and notice you for their looks, then you can't trust that person." I said.
   "Thanks." He said.
   "Why, do you like someone?" I asked.
   "We'll be late, let's go" he said, a little giggly.

   We got to the studio, everyone was looking at me. I don't know why. All if the sudden, I hear...
   "Hey babe."
   I turned around and Leon was there. He smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a beat. Diego turned around and left.
   "Why are you calling babe!? We're not dating!" I yelled.
   "That's not what the magazines say." He said.
   He pulled out a magazine with us walking around in the park yesterday when we were hanging out but only as friends. I ran into the studio after Diego.
   "Hey what's wrong?" I asked
   "Nothing! Do you know what, I'm leaving, I'm going home." He said
   "I'll go with you and then I'll head to mine." I said.
   "Okay, let's go." He said.

   I got to my house and went to the piano.

Diego went to his piano as well.
Play the song now.

Diego: I fell in love with a beautiful girl and she still takes my breath away. I fell in love in the morning sun while the hours slipped away Sometimes when I hear your name, a smile creeps on my face. And for reasons I can't explain it's never out of place.
   Fran/Diego: cause I love you, more than I think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to. Cause I love you, more than you think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to.
   Fran: you ran your finger down my back and you spelled out your name. While we lay there on the soft warm ground for a week and 13 days.
   Fran/Diego: and I know that it sounds so wrong and you've heard all this before. I didn't come back and I wasn't there, I won't trouble you no more. Cause I love you, more than I think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to. Cause I love you, more than I think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to. Everytime I try to fight it, everything just turns out wrong. Maybe if I got my timing right I wouldn't end up alone.
   Fran: I fell in love with a beautiful boy and he still takes my breath away.
   Diego: When you left it was the end of my world, cause I never got to say.
   Fran/Diego: that I love you, more than you think you think I do. And I love you, now you don't want me to. Cause I love you, more than you think I do. And I love you, now that you, now that you don't want me to. Cause I love you, I love you. Cause I love you, I love you. Now you don't want me to.

listen to your heart- A Diego and Fran fanficWhere stories live. Discover now