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Francesca's pov: after the hospital, I was let go, I went home, but things never changed, my Aunt Becky left me a note saying she couldn't take 'it' anymore, the note said: Dear Francesca, I wanted to leave, I payed for the whole year in advance and it will continue like that, I won't be returning. I'm sorry, but you have your uncle's eyes and when I look into them, I see your uncle. I love you, I will visit.

   I got changed and went to the studio. I was upset, when I walked in, everyone was looking at me. It was my first day back since the accident with the stage and the hospital.

   "Hey babe."
   I turned around and Leon was there. He smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a beat. Diego turned around and left.
   "Why are you calling babe!? We're not dating!" I yelled.
   "That's not what the magazines say." He said.
    "Hey, sorry I'm late traffic was horrible." I said.
   "It's fine." Diego said.
   "Why did you call us down here, I have class right now."
   "Stop, I need to tell you two something." He said.
   "Get to it." Gregorio said.
   "Well I'm leaving to go live with my mom back in Madrid tomorrow." Diego said.
   The dream:
   I was at the studio and Leon came up to me.
   "Hello beautiful." He said.
   "Hello hun." I said.
   "I have to go." He said.
   He got to the doors.
   "Wait." I said
   He walks over to me.
   It was Diego this time.
   "I love you!" Diego said.
   "Do you? If you did, why weren't you there, when my uncle died, or when I fell in the rain, did you catch me? You see, I wish I didn't fall in love with you. But if I could choose to fall in love with, I would still fall for you. I wish I could forget you, but I don't want to. When I walk, I wish you were walking with me, when I sing, I hope you will sing with me. You were and always will be my best friend, but I still am waiting for the day, I go down the isle and the love of my life will be at the end of it." I said.

  "Fran?" Diego asked.
   "Diego?" I asked.
   "How have you been?" He asked hugging me.
   "Not that well, my aunt left to who knows where." I said.
   "Woah, I'm sorry." He said.
   "I just need to have someone who will help me. Make me happy, there must be someone to do that, I haven't found that person yet." I said.
   "I think you just did. Wanna get a bite?" He asked.
   "Yeah, yeah let's go." I said.
Diego's pov: I saw going back there was hurting her, and she needed a friend. I took her back to the studio before class started. She talked about a lot of things, I saw she was hurting. She may not be my girlfriend, but she is still my best friend. I walked in as Leon ran up to her.
   "My love, are you alright? Do you need anything?" He asked her.
   "No, my love, Diego had just taken me for breakfast to talk. Thank you though." She said.
   "Can we talk alone, beautiful?" He asked
   "Sure, see you later, Diego."

   I turned the corner but didn't leave.
  "My love, I think you should stay away from Diego." Leon said.
   "Why, he is my best friend. Why are you jealous? I love you and no one else but you!" She said.

   Hearing that, I walked away. Before I did, I texted her. Using the unknown trick with the number.
   Don't forget to look at the song, we have rehearsal tomorrow. Also, you can't forget all had best times together.

listen to your heart- A Diego and Fran fanficWhere stories live. Discover now