We Fought

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Fran's pov: I walked into the studio and went to my locker. I heard a voice that was so amazing, singing "love is in the air." I turned around and Leon was there, his voice was enchanting, he asked me to sing the chorus with him. I agreed, and as I sung I thought of only one person who should be singing with me, Diego, I have to admit, I love singing with him, and I kinda like him. Leon is nothing like him, Leon is sweet, but he made YouMix think he and I were dating, and he does make me laugh. But Diego is not a liar, he makes me laugh without trying.
   "Hey Fran, Gregorio is is looking for you." Diego said.
   "Oh, okay." I said.
   I left and went to the rehearsal room and saw Gregorio.
   "Hey, Gregorio, what did you need me for?" I asked.
   "Oh yes, Francesca. I need you and Diego to to choose the song as soon as possible so we can work on the choreography." He said. "I already talked to Diego about this."
   "Yes sir." I said.
   I walk out and back to my locker where I saw Diego and Leon. Then I hear Diego say...
   "You need to stay away from Francesca!"
   "Hey! Diego, what did I hear?! Did you tell Leon to stay away from me?!" I asked
   "No, no it's not what it looks like!" He said.
   "Why would you say that?" I asked.
   "You have to understand, I would never do that! I would never hurt you." He said.
   "Well you just did." I said.
   I ran out of the studio and as far away from Diego, who was following me, as possible. I got to the park and sat at a bench.
   "Fran. Can we talk?" Diego said
   "I don't want to talk to you." I said.
   "Listen, I got mad, I knew he was bothering you." He said.
   "He was, but I can take care of that. I don't need people to do that for me."
   "Please, understand me, I need a friend like you. I protect you and you protect me. We have been friends for a long time!" He said.
   "Listen to me, I do understand, what I don't understand is why you told him to stay away from me? I love you, you are my best friend, but you don't have to believe that I can take care of myself." I said.
   "Wait so, do you forgive me?" He asked.
   "Ugh, I hate that you have to be a great friend. Fine!" I said.
   "Haha, thank you!" Diego said, with a big hug. I still like him! He is to cure and sweet to stay mad at.
   We walked back to the studio and had to go to the stage, we were late, only by 3 minutes, so we weren't on Pablo's bad side.
   "Diego and Francesca, do you have a song yet?" Pablo asked.
   "Um, we haven't had time to." I said.
   "Fine, but I am calling your parents to tell them you will be staying tonight to go over songs." He said.
   "Perfect." Diego said.

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