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E: It's been 1 week are you ok?
E: Please text me back?
E: I don't know what I've done wrong
E: I understand you might be busy but you don't need to ignore me, at least just tell me you are ok
E: C... I'm really worried
E: Alright fine. Bye

C: Oh god. I'm sorry I didn't reply
E: Thank God you're ok but yeh sure
C: I am. My mate broke my phone so I was getting it fixed
C: You proper spammed my phone
E: Yeh whatever. I thought something was seriously wrong
E: I was actually worried
C: I'm really sorry
E: Yeh.
C: So how's life?
E: It's ok.. my ears have been hurting for the past week :/
C: Why's that?
E: That bands new EP. My sister has it blaring 24/7 and as much as I like their music hearing it ALL the time gets very annoying
C: Oh so you like the band now? That's good :)
E: Yeh they are pretty good. I wouldn't like spend money to go to a show or something but if someone bought me a ticket I would go ;3
C: Fair way. I think you would be good friends with Lara
E: Yeh? That'd be cool, more friends I like the sound of that
C: Yeh Lara is a cool person
E: I'm sure she is! Anyway how's your life?
C: My life is pretty good. Nothing interesting has happened really that I can think of
E: Aw aha. I like interesting stuff as well, what are you doing?
C: I'm with the two usual guys. They are playing Xbox and I'm just talking to you, what are you doing?
E: Listening to music 🎶
C: Oh yeh? What music?
E: The 1975
C: Heyy! I love them
E: Really? That's sweet
C: Yeh aha 😂
E: Lmao I just followed the members of that band on Instagram and Chris commented on one of my posts 'This photo is pleasing to the eye😍🤔' and he followed me 😂😂
C: Oh really?
E: Yeh the only thing is he must of been stalking my page seen as I posted that like 6 months ago 😂😂
C: 😂😂 you have a stalker
E: Yeh but now a bunch of little fan girls are liking my post 🙄
C: Sucks to be you 😂💯
E: Yeh anyway I gotta go sorry :( I'll talk to you later cya xox
C: Bye have fun doing whatever xox

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