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I dumped my bags on the kitchen worktop as I got in the front door.
"Oh what'd you get?" Dad asked as he looked over from where he was standing cooking.
"Oh just some jumpers and joggy bottoms. Nothing interesting really unless you're into that I guess?" I smiled putting my phone and purse next to them.
"Did you have fun?" He asked politely.
"I mean shopping on my own was boring and the fact everyone looked at me stupidly when I bought clothes way to big. When I went into a baby shop some boys around 14 called me a slut." I told him as I shrugged. I guess I was going to get used to that wasn't I.
"You know you're not a slut though right?" I nodded and looked in the bags.
"Yeh I mean I've only shagged one guy, which was Chris." Proof I'm not a slut right there.
"Yes yes Ella I understand. You don't need to keep going on about that. I don't need to know about it." Oh how rude is he? Rolling my eyes at him.
"Sorry. Just saying." I picked up my bags and walked out the kitchen with them and upstairs to my room and dumped them on my bed.
I guess they can just stay there until I need them right? I mean that's where everything else lives. Either there or on the floor.

C: 6. Gotcha. Do I need to look fancy or what??
E: Just look how you normally do
C: So hot? ;)
E: Hm or like a douche ;)
C: Heyyyy don't bully me
E: You're the one bullying me matey
C: See we best friends again 😏😌
E: Right. I'll see you at 6

Why. Why did it have to be him? Him out of everyone. It just isn't fair. Nothing is going to be the same. Our friendship is going to be weird now.
Why do I always fucking fuck up?! Fucking douche bag!
"Heyyyyyy!" Lauren burst in disturbing me from my thoughts.
"What do you want?" I asked rudely. You can't blame me. She was a bitch.
"Just came to see how you are." She giggled. Ok she's either drunk or just wants me to somehow hook her up with Ethan. I'm going to go what the second option.
"Right. Cause you care so much." I glared at her and she rolled her eyes.
"I do big sissy. You mean everything to me and I always want you and Chris to be happy with each other! You're kid is gonna be so fucking adorable! Can you name it LJ?" She jumped around looking like a horse on drugs if I'm honest.
"No you don't, no I don't, you only want him to be happy, no we aren't naming him LJ," I rolled my eyes looking at her, "Why would I call him LJ anyways? Don't tell me it means Lauren Junior."
She looked down thinking of a reply. "Ok it means Lanzon Junior and I think it would be nice." She smiled. With a fake smile.
"I'm not naming him Lanzon Junior. If anything it would be something nice and normal like Alex or Calum." I rolled my eyes at her stupid, idiotic behaviour.
"Do you know if you keep rolling your eyes they'll fall-"
"Oh just get out my room will you? I need to get ready for Chris." I pushed her out my room and shut my door, locking it. Thank the lord I have a lock to keep stupid kids out.

I opened the door as the doorbell went for the second time tonight as I looked the boy in front of me up and down.
He had a two bunches of flowers in his hands. One a bunch of roses and the other some mixed flowers. "One for you babe." He handed me the roses as he smiled his award winning smile.
"And the other?" I asked as I walked backwards into the hall.
"For your mum if she's in?" Oh he's so sweet and thoughtful! Wait snap out of it Ella. He's probably just finding a way to let me down lightly, to the fact he doesn't want a kid.
"She's in the kitchen." I smiled before walking ahead into the kitchen with him hot on my tail.
"Mum where do you keep your vases?" I asked and she pointed to a cupboard under the sink. I opened it and poked around before I came across two very pretty glass vases.
"These are so pretty." I grinned taking them out and placing them in the worktop.
"Mrs Williams, these flowers are for you. I hope they are alright." He smiled as my mum took them off him.
"I told you. It's Vanessa." She smiled.

"So Chris. I hear you are in a band? Is that right?" Dad asked him as we ate our food slowly as we savoured it.
"Yes that's right sir. I am in a band 'In Stereo' we are pretty big around the younger girls and teens here in Australia." He smiled a beautiful smile, something I could get used to seeing all the time.
"Oh yes. Lauren likes your band. She has pictures and posters all over her walls in her room."
"What the hell dad?! Shut up!" Lauren shouted slamming her cutlery on the table causing the rest of us to jump.
"What has gotten into you young lady lately?!" Mum shouted looking directly at her and she looked at me.
"Nothing! I'm just fed up of the whore getting everything she wants!" She pointed at me and I looked down.
"I'm sorry." I whispered barely audible.
I felt a hand on my left thigh figuring it out to be Chris' hand. It somehow made me feel a little safe.
"Ella maybe you should take Chris upstairs?" Dad spoke calmly and I nodded standing up, Chris following my actions.
I quickly went upstairs with Chris following as I let him in my room and I shut the door behind him. "Sit down if you want." I nodded towards my bed and he walked over and sat down.
"We should probably talk..." He said trailing off at the end.
"Not now please and please excuse the mess but I'm to lazy to clean it." I said picking up some of my dirty washing and put them in my washing basket.
"It's cool." He smiled and I nodded sitting at the opposite side of the bed to him.
"The wifi password is on my bedside table," I said looking away from him, "I assume you want it." He didn't reply, he only reached to my bedside table.

"We really need to talk." He spoke breaking the awkward silence.
I nodded. "Probably best."
"So what um are you gonna do with it?" He asked and I looked at him finally making eye contact.
"It? It?! He Chris! He! A boy! What do you mean what am I gonna do?! I'm keeping him. More of the question is what are you going to do?!" I shouted he looked taken aback as I threw my arms up in the air.
"I'm sorry El.." He whispered looking down at his fingers.
"I'm sorry for shouting." I moved closer to him.
"It's ok. I want to be involved Ella. I really do but I just don't know how it would work out." He looked at me and I nodded.
"I figured. Your career is more important Chris. Don't worry. I really understand." I smiled. Fake.
He smiled and hugged me. "Thank you. I'll give you money. I'll see him. I just don't want anyone to know I'm his dad." My heart shattered. I wouldn't show it but it did. That hurt. Hurt more than anything ever.
I had to look strong though. Even though I was broken inside.
"Here you might like this." I smiled as I reached over him and opened my bedside drawer. I picked up the scan as I handed it to him.
"Your son." He grinned.
"My son. Thank you for this." I nodded.
"Yeh. It's ok. You might as well go home though. Take good care of the picture though." He nodded and stood up.
"I'll see you later then?" He smiled walking over to the door.
"Yeh." I whispered.
He left.
He left me.
He doesn't want anything to do with me.
He hates me.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Mum asked as I pressed enter on the computer keyboard confirming my purchase for my plane ticked.
"Yes," I nodded looking at her. I printed off my ticket and looked at it, "It's ok mum, I promise this is the best thing for us all." I smiled.
She nodded and looked at the piece of paper. "You'll enjoy it in the UK. Well Scotland."

"I'll miss you so much, stay safe." I bent down to hug mum as I wiped her tears that slipped out her eyes.
"I will. Don't worry I'll text and call you and dad all the time." I smiled and kissed her cheek before standing up and turning to my dad.
"Thank you for this." I hugged him and he hugged back tightly.
"Tell your Auntie that I say hi." I nodded and he smiled.
"Stay safe kiddo." He ruffled my hair.
"I should go. Bye guys."
I walked on. That's when the tears came flowing down. I couldn't show it to my parents. We were on our own now.
Me and my bump.

A/N: This is kinda a mess I hope to update a lot due to the fact it's the summer holidays. I have an idea so if you think this is kinda boring, stick around.

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