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"Can you shut your alarm up?!" Lauren screamed from her room as I reached over to turn my alarm on my phone off. "I have! Now you shut up!" I replied as I looked at the time. '0817' shit I slept way past 8.
I quickly checked my phone and it was full of Instagram notifications. I checked them all and it was all people following me. Fan accounts? I looked and saw that Nicola and Sophie had tagged Chris and I in some of the photos of us and I'm guessing other fans saw?
People had also saw that the other boys had followed me and liked some of my pictures. Some people thought I was just a very dedicated fan and others thought I'm Chris' girlfriend. I'm neither though so it's kinda weird. I've only met him once.
I got out of bed and quickly got a shower and went back to my room to find clothes. It's Summer and warm so I don't see why Chris wants me to wear something warm? Like it just doesn't make sense.
I settle on wearing a vest top underneath a warm jumper. I put shorts on but put my jeans and joggy bottoms in my bag in case it gets cold. I quickly did my hair and make up before looking at the time. Shit. Whoops it's already 9 and I haven't even got my clothes ready for tomorrow and all that.
"Someone is here for you!" Mum shouted upstairs. Crap. "Uh tell him I'll be down in 10!" I shouted back as I ran around like a crazy person looking, trying to find everything. I picked up my toothbrush, hair brush and toothpaste, all that and threw it into my toiletries bag before stuffing that in my bag. I quickly got pjs and clothes for tomorrow before stuffing them in my bag and running downstairs with my bag.
"Hi Chri- wait forgot my phone charger two sec." I told him as I ran back upstairs, hearing him chuckle while finishing off his conversation with my mum.
"It's all good. I got everything now." I smiled proudly as I ran downstairs to Chris and hug Chris, him hugging back. "Guessing you slept in?" He laughed and I nodded shyly turning back to mum. "I'm going out now I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled kissing her cheek. "Have fun!" She smiled before she went back inside.
"So where are we going?" I asked him as he took my hand and we began walking to a small café that was near my place. "Out for breakfast." He replied as we kept walking for about 10 mins. "I hope you like this place." He smiled as he took me in and I smiled. "I've never been." I laughed.
"Well today is your lucky day! Now you have!" He smirked and I shook my head at him laughing. "Funny. Funny."
"Hello how can I help you two today?" The waiter asked as she came over and smiled at us. "Well I'll have the waffles and syrup please and a cup of tea please." Chris asked and I burst out laughing, them both looking at me oddly. "What?" Chris asked me. "A cup of tea please. Tea really?" I asked and he nodded. "It's good." He smiled and I nodded. "Whatever you say."
"And what can I get you?" She asked and I looked up at her. "Pancakes and a water please." She wrote down my order. "It will be ready soon." We both thanked her before she walked back off.
"So what's wrong with tea huh?" Chris asked me looking at me smiling.
"It's a old people's thing." He just laughed.
"I must be pretty old then."
"Well you look it." I told him and he put his hand to his heart acting offended.
"I must be to old for you then." He smirked going to stand up.
"No!" I said a bit to fast making him smirk at me. Again.
"Well then." He laughed and sat down again.
"So my phone blew up this morning with fans."
"Sorry. How come? I haven't posted anything seen as I don't have any photos and Lara still needs to send me the ones of us." I showed him my phone of all the tagged photos of us and the two girls. "Oh I'm sorry." He frowned and I laughed. "No, no it's fine. I feel famous." He laughed as I put my hand on the table and he put his on mine.
"So what are we doing after this?" I asked smiling at him as he took his phone out. "We are going back to mine." He smirked as he unlocked his phone and went on his camera. "Oh yeh? What are we gonna do at yours?"
"Surprise. You're gonna have to wait and see."
"Chrissy noooo."
"Sorry babe. Food's coming now." He smiled as the waitress puts our food down on the table. "Hope you enjoy your food." I smiled nodding. "Thank you." She walked away as Chris and I started eating. "Wait we need to Snapchat this." He took his phone out and went onto Snapchat and took a selfie of us and our food and posted it to his story. "Let the fan girls go wild." We laughed and continued to eat our food.
"That was delicious!" I smiled as we finished our food. "Yeh it was. I'm going to go pay now. Don't offer to pay because I'm the one taking you out so I'm the one paying."
"No." He said as he walked up to the counter and paid. "Back." He smiled as he got back and picked my bag up. "What are you doing?" I asked him confused. "I'm carrying it for you."
"It's heavy. You don't need to." I tell him but he just ignores me as he walks outside with me following closely. "We have to catch a bus to my place from here." He said as we stopped at the bus stop and sat down. "Fine I'm paying for that then. Okay?" He rolled his eyes at first but ended up nodding.
"Oh my god! You are Chris Lanzon!" So girl shouted from across the street causing about six heads to turn round to look at us. Next thing I know there were six girls running our way. Wait. I thought there would be seven? "Fuck I'm moving out the way." I mumbled to him as I moved out the way of the girls.
One girl was walking behind the others when they got here and she went and sat at the side. Not even going near Chris.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked her as I went over to her. "Nothing." She replied looking over at Chris and the girls. "Why aren't you there? With the other girls? Talking to Chris?"
"Well this isn't a meet and greet is it?" She spoke and I'm guessing it's a rhetorical question, so I don't reply. "I'm not going to go up to him when he's doing something and is having a life outside of In Stereo. He's just trying to have a normal life of a teenage boy." She smiled and I smiled back. "What's your name? I'm Ella."
"Well Jasmine you are really thoughtful. You seriously have the right mind set. But I don't think Chris would mind if you went up to him." I told her looking at Chris who looked back at me.
"Nah. He's out with you. I don't want to spoil your time together." I shook my head. "You won't. How about I get him to come over?" She shook her head. "No I don't want to be a bother for him."
"You won't be. Especially since I'm the one asking him to come over." I smiled and she finally agreed.
"Hey Chris?" I asked and the girls looked at me.
"Yeh bab-Ella?" He quickly tried to cover up but I think the girls noticed seen as they started whispering.
"Can you come over here?"
"Sure." He said as he came over to Jasmine and I.
"Chris this is Jasmine. Jasmine, Chris." I said smiling at her and Chris grinned. "Hey! I remember you from the meet and greet. You got the boys and I frames with pictures of you and each of us from our last meet and greet!" He grinned and she nodded smiling. "That was me. I hope you liked them." He hugged her and she hugged back. "Yeh! I have mine in my room." When he said that I don't think I've seen a girl smile so wide.
"Jakob and Ethan also have them in their rooms. I was going to follow you on Instagram because girls normally leave their users on the back of presents but yours wasn't." He frowned and I looked over at the girls who were staring in amazement at his interaction with her. Stupid jealous little girls.
"I didn't feel the need to put it. I didn't need your follow or anything. Just meeting you then was enough for me." She said putting her head down like she was upset? "Hey cheer up. I want to follow you. What's your user?" He asked as he got his phone out and I smiled at how cute he's being with her.
"It's _.jasmine._ but you really don't need to follow me." She smiled shyly but he just shook his head. "I'll do what I want and what I want to do is follow you." I saw him quickly pull up Instagram and type her name in and asked if it was her and followed her when she said it was.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. That seriously means everything to me." She said to him and he smiled. "No problem. If you ever need anything DM me." He whispered as he hugged her again.
"Thank you. You and your girlfriend should go now. They just put in a group chat that you are here. I don't want you getting mobbed in the streets." She whispered back so her friends couldn't hear but they weren't even paying attention to her or him anymore.
"Ella? She isn't my girlfriend. Thank you for the warning." He smiled at her. "Yet. She's not your girlfriend yet. I can tell by the way you look at her you like her as more than a friend." He blushed? Chris Lanzon blushed?! How cute. They pulled away from the hug as he turned to the other girls.
"I'm sorry girls we have to go. It was nice meeting you all!" He said and they all said by and hoped him a good rest of his day.
"Bye Ella! Bye Chris!" Jasmine smiled at us before we left. "Bye Jasmine!" We both smiled and hopped on the bus as it pulled up. I paid for the both of us and we went and sat up the back. Chris waved to his fans as the bus drove off. Towards his house I'm guessing.
"Thank you." I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "For?"
"For coming over to Jasmine. She didn't want to go over to you." I told him and he looked at me confused.
"Well in her words and I quote, '"Well this isn't a meet and greet is it? I'm not going to go up to him when he's doing something and is having a life outside of In Stereo. He's just trying to have a normal life of a teenage boy.'"
"Wait she didn't want to come up to me because it wasn't a meet and greet?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No she didn't want to come up to you because she didn't want to bother you because you were out with me. Trying to live the life of a normal teenage boy." I explained and he understood.
"I'm going to DM her when we get back to mine seen as this is our stop." He said standing up as I followed him as he walked down to the front of the bus just as I pulled up. We both said our thanks to the bus driver as we got off and started walking.
"What one is your house?" I asked looking around the street of houses. These houses are amazingly beautiful.
"That one." He pointed over at a house with a blue door. "Race you there!" I laughed as I ran off across the street. "Ellllllaaaaaa! This bag is slowing me down! It's to heavy!" He complained as he ran up to me and I laughed. "I didn't force you to take it. You took it yourself" I smirked as he got his keys out his pocket and unlocked the door, walking in.
"Welcome to my crib." He said putting his hands over his chest, doing the peace sign backwards. Trying to be a gangster? I think? I just laughed at him as I walked in and shut the door.
"Your house is pretty or should I say crib?" I asked copying his actions from before.
I jolted my head at his hands that now had his phone in them. "Did you just take a picture of me?!" I said going to grab his phone but he stood back.
"No?" He said as he started running upstairs and I was close on his tail until he turned a corner and went into a room. "What room did you go into?" No reply. Great.
I opened the first door to revile a very big bathroom. Ok so it's not that room. Next room maybe? Nope that's a bedroom. Only two doors left it gotta be this one? I opened it. Nope that's a cupboard. Next one definitely. Yes bullseye! Chris' room but he wasn't anywhere?
"AHHHHH!" I screamed the most high pitch scream I've ever heard as I turned around to see Chris again with his phone pointing at me! "And that guys is how to scare someone." He smirked into his phone.
"You are a actual dick!" He just laughed at me and pressed something on his phone. "Your phone's gonna blow up again." It already blew up earlier when he posted the selfie of us at breakfast.
"Ugh seriously. How do you live with that?" I asked as I looked at my phone which people had already started posting about that video. I'm guessing he put it on snapchat.
"I turn notifications off." I ignored him and started looking at everything. Lots of people were being really nice about it well most people were. The odd people were posting stuff like-
'Bitch deserved it.'
'Who does she think she is? Hanging around with Chris looking like a slut'
Yeh ok I took my jumper off earlier this morning, so I only have a vest top on and shorts but that hardly makes me a slut.
There was a bunch of nice stuff like-
'Figure goals'
'She's so pretty how do I get like her?'
'Chris is lucky'
'She looks fun to hang around with'
They made me smile. I'm glad I wasn't getting hate. That's the thing I was most worried for when people saw I hung around with Chris I thought everyone was gonna hate me.
"What's got you so happy?" Chris asked walking over to me and looking at my phone. "You're fans. They love that video." I laughed and he smirked. "I shall make you famous." He laughed and I roll my eyes at his dorky ways.

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