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Ella POV
"Ella? Lauren? Are you ready? Have you said bye?" Scott one of the other care workers asked as he came over to us. "Yeh. I just gotta say bye to Shayla." I smiled at him before running up the stairs to the room that I had used.
"Shayla. I'm leaving now." I smiled as she was watching something on her phone. "Yeh that's ok. When I get out of this dump I promise I'll come see you! I think I'm coming to Sydney for a dance competition soon so we'll have to catch up!" She grinned and I nodded.
"Of course. We can go hunting for that band you like if you want?" I laughed as I looked at her In Stereo posters on her wall and the photos of her and each boy and as a group, she'd had printed out in frames on the side of her bed.
"You'd really do that with me?" She questioned and I nodded. "Yeh. Of course. I know all their secret hiding spots from fans." I winked at her.
"Oh yeh of course you do." She laughed and shook her head. "Haha. Well yes. Just text me or whatever and we'll sort something out." She nodded. "Thanks for letting me share your room with you." I hugged her.
"It's alright. You were pretty annoying at first with your stupid phone constantly going off but you're alright as I got to know you." She laughed. "Yeh. I seem to have that effect on people." She hugged me back.
"Right I gotta go now but I promise I'll text you when I can." I smiled as I wiped my eyes as a couple tears ran out them. "Have a safe flight. I'll see you soon." She smiled as we hugged again.
"Bye!" I shouted as I went downstairs.
"Are you ready?" Scott asked and I smiled, nodding. "I'm ready, what about you Laur?" She nodded. "Bye you two!" Mandy shouted from upstairs. "Bye!" I shouted back from Lauren and I.

"Ella. Wake up." Lauren shook me and I groaned as she woke me up. "Shh. I'm sleeping." I turned my head away from her. "No. We are at the airport." I heard her open her door and get out. "Oh." I mumbled as I got out the car and went to the boot and got my suitcase out.
"Right you two have your passports yes? Your tickets for the plane?" Scott asked for the millionth time and we nodded.
"Alright. Let's get yous checked in then." We walked in through the busy airport till we got to where we check our suitcases in and stuff.

"Ella. C'mon we have to go board the plane." Lauren said as she pulled my arm to try wake me up. I never had any sleep last night. Shayla and I stayed up all night watching 'Riverdale' as there as a bunch of hot boys. Especially Cole Sprouse and just talking about our general life's. Of course I left the part out about being friends with Chris and knowing the other two.
"Yes ok." I muttered as I got up out the seat I was sitting on and picked up my bag and put it on my back.
We walked over and showed out tickets and passport stuff before we started walking towards the plane. "We should come back sometime." I said to Lauren and she nodded.
"Right do you wanna sit at the window or no?" I asked her as we got to our seats and I had the window seat and she had the one next to it. "Window, so I get a heads up if we are gonna crash." I laughed as I stuffed my bag in the over head locker thing, as she sat down and I sad next to her.
"Let's not think like that."
"It could happened though." She looked at me and I nodded.
"It could but let's hope it doesn't." I told her and she nodded.
"Yeh we couldn't have Chris' heartbroken now could we?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up."

"Lauren." I nudged her and she took her earphones out. "Hmm?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "We are gonna be landing soon so you gotta put your phone away."
She muttered stuff under her breath but I couldn't understand so I just ignored her and she put her phone away.
"Right once we've landed we have to go get our bags and stuff ok? You gotta stick with me so you don't get lost." I told her. "Why would I get lost? I'm not stupid."
"Lauren you got lost at the mall once." I reminded her and she nodded.

"Right. That's your suitcase there." I pointed at her suitcase as it came to us. "Get it then. You're in front of me."
"Don't give me attitude or I'll tell Chris that he don't need to come get us." I smirked at her. "Actually I'll get it." She smiled and got her suitcase. Well I've just found my way to get her to do stuff for me.
"Can you get mine while your at it? I see it coming." She nodded and got my suitcase. "Thanks. Now let's go yeh?" She nodded and we started walking to the bit where people can pick you up.

"Chris!" I shouted as I saw Chris with the other boys and Lara. He turned round quickly and I could see as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he began to run towards me. "Ella!" He shouted as he got to me and picked me up and spun us around.
"Hey." I laughed as I kissed the top of his head. "I've missed you so much it's unreal." He mumbled into my hair as he put me down and we hugged.
"He is real." Lauren breathed out as I turned to face her still in Chris' arms. "Yes he's real. So is Ethan, Jakob and Lara over there." I pointed and Lauren looked at them. "Holy crap. I don't have any make up on!" She covered her face as Chris and I laughed.
"You look fine Lauren, plus I'm gonna let you know a secret," Chris smiled at her as she looked up at him, "Gala and Ethan broke up. She broke up with him and he's in a state so maybe you could try cheer him up?"  He asked and she nodded.
"I can try but y'know I don't know if I can cheer him up." She started walking over to the three of them pulling her suitcase behind her.
I looked up at Chris. "Thanks for coming, but can you do my a favour?" I smiled at him. "Sure. Of course," He smiled down at me, "What is it?"
"Take a picture with me? So it looks like I met you randomly?" He looked at me confused. "Why? You can just have a normal picture with me, you are my friend after all." He smiled and I laughed. "Not to a girl I met."
He nodded. "She's a fan?" I nodded and he laughed. "Well sure let let's go get Lara to take it?" He took my suitcase out my hand and started walking over to the others.
"Chris what you doing with my suitcase?" I asked trailing behind him. "I'm taking it for you? Like a real gentleman."
"Yeh but real gentlemen don't sleep with stuffed animals." I said randomly and he looked at me. "How'd you know?" Well this just got awkward. "I didn't," I chuckled and his mouth turned to a 'o' shape, "I do now though."
We got to the others and I smiled awkwardly at them. "Hey Lara babe can you take a picture of Ella and I?" Chris asked his best friend who nodded. "Of course. Pass me your phone." Chris handed her his phone as he stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my back.
"Why you two standing like that? Shouldn't you be kissing or something?" Jakob smirked, causing Lara to elbow him in the stomach. "Ow."
"No. A girl I met she's a fan of you guys so I'm gonna tell her I met Chris at the airport to annoy her." I laughed as the others joined in except Ethan. He was standing back looking at the ground not saying much.
Lara took the picture of us and Chris sent it to me but I went over to Ethan.
"Hey Ethan." I said quietly as he looked up at me. "Hi. Can we talk later? Like not where there could possibly be a fan?" He muttered and I nodded. "Sure?" I questioned.
"Are you ready to go babe?" Chris asked as he put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded looking at Lauren who was talking to Jakob. "Is she?" I asked him.
"Yeh she's fine."
"Alrighty! Let's go then!" I smiled as we all walked out the airport to Chris' mum's car. We all managed to fit in somehow. I think it was a bit illegal seen as there was five seats in the car and seven of us. Five of us were squished in the back. Ethan was siting up the front cause he didn't want to be a apart of all the commotion, which I totally understand.

"Alright kids. We are home." Chris' mum said as we all piled out of the car.
"Thank you for picking my sister and I up." I smiled at Chris' mum and she smiled back.
"It's no problem sweetie, you make my Chris smile a lot so it's the least I could do." She said before she walked off inside.
"How about a good night out in? A movie night?" Chris asked and we all nodded before going into his house and to the living room to start our movie night.

A/N: I just want to say I have nothing against Gala btw. I love her and she's absolutely gorgeous and I know she makes Ethan very happy, but I'm just saying they broke up for the book, thanks x

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