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"Breakfast is ready!" I heard mum shout up the stairs as I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my clock which was on my wall. It was 11am so pretty early. For me anyway. "Be down in a minute!" I heard Lauren shout down and I just rolled my eyes as I rolled over onto my other side, but as soon as I did I felt the need to throw up so I quickly got up and walked to the bathroom along the hall, going in and locking the door. I walked to the toilet before throwing up. I cried as I throwed up. I hate it.
"El? Are you ok?" I heard Lauren asked through the door as she knocked and I sighed. "Mm. I'll be out in a minute."
I sat back for a second as I wiped my mouth on my sleeve. Gross I know. Whoops. I stood up slowly before I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. Ew. Was all I could think. I looked rank. My hair was all messy, my eyes were red from crying and I had bags under my eyes too from staying up late.
I walked over to the door and unlocked it, walking out to see Lauren has left and probably gone downstairs for breakfast so I decided to do the same.
"Morning Mumma." I smiled as I walked to the counter to see she'd made French Toast. "Morning hunny! How are you?" She asked as she passed me my plate of food. "I'm ok. You?" I asked back as I went and sat at the table where Lauren was looking at her phone.
"I'm good thank you." She fake smiles but I just ignored it, seen as if I brought it up we'd probably end up arguing. "That's good. Where's dad?" I asked and she looked around for a second. "Work." She mumbled as she came and sat at the table with us. She was lying. I could tell, the way she didn't answer straight away, they was she looked around uncertain, the way she mumbled. "Ok." I replied dropping the subject of him.
"So what are you girls doing today?" She asked as we all started eating. "Watching Netflix all day. Fangirling." Lauren replied and I laughed. "Fangirling over my best friend?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Just cause you were lucky enough to become his best friend, don't mean I gotta stop fangirling." She answered and mum laughed.
"What are you doing today El?"
"I told you the other day. I'm meeting up with Chris." I smiled as I took a bite of my food.
"Oh yeh sorry. It slipped my mind. When are you going?" Sure it slipped her mind. Something's going on here.
"It's ok. Um I don't know. I guess whenever Chris says." I shrugged and she nodded.
"Why were you sick this morning?" Lauren asked and I looked at her. "I wasn't." I smiled trying to forget about it. "Yeh you were. You were also sick yesterday morning."
"No. No I wasn't." I glared at her and she rolled her eyes.
"I hope you're not coming down with something." Mum said as she placed the back of her head to my forehead. "No. I'm fine." I reassured her as I finished up my food. I sat thinking about Chris and the others. Trying to imagine how tonight will turn out as I waited for mum and Lauren to finish eating.
"Mum? Can I go now?" Lauren asked as mum nodded at her. "Yes. Remember to feed Salt and Pepper." She told Lauren as she got up.
Salt and Pepper are Lauren's guinea pig's. I have no clue why she named them that and if I'm completely honest I don't wanna know why. She got them last year for her birthday. Mum and Dad thought it would be a good way to teach her about being responsible and it's actually working.
I asked for a dog but they said it's to high maintenance and I wouldn't be able to look after it seen as I apparently can't even look after myself.
"You can go to." Mum said as she brought me away from my thoughts and I nodded before going upstairs to take a shower.
As I got out the shower I reached my my towel to wrap around myself seen as I forget to bring my clothes into the bathroom. I wrapped my hair up in a towel before going back to my room.
I shut my door before walking over to my bed and sitting down and picking up my phone, seeing I had a few texts from Chris.

C: Oi!! Wake up!!!
C: Lol why do you sleep sm??
E: Jheez Chrissssss. Calm downnnn
C: Yay. You're alive!! 😋
E: Yes. I'm sorry I didn't reply. I was having breakfast and didn't have my phone downstairs, then I went for a shower
C: Oooo sorry. What did you have for breakfast?? I had pancakes!!
E: Well I had French Toast and for some reason I was hungry today but it was actually real nice so I ain't complainin
C: lol. Use full stops and commas 😂😂
E: Oh sorry Sir 😱😱😱
C: Should think you are 😎
E: Yeh yeh.
C: So when do you think you'll be reAdy?
E: Hmm idk. I'm just sitting in my towel atm cause cbf to move ;))
C: Smexy 😸
E: Haha. No
E: When do you want me to come over btw??
C: Whenever you want, Gala and Lara are out atm and Ethan and Jakob are also out somewhere idk where haha. So I'm all alone :((
E: Poor you :/ I'll be over when I'm ready
C: You still remember how to get here yeh?
E: Yah. If I get lost I'll just use google maps
C: Ok! Can't wait to see you again!! ❤️
E: Can't wait to see you again either! We need a lot of photos for my memory book 😘😊
C: Now I can do that 😏
E: I know you can 🔥😋
C: Well I'm going to let you get ready cause I'm bored and just want you to come over :0 xx
E: Ok! I'll talk to you later xx

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