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Nearly at 5K! *~*
Chris POV
"Huh?" She mimicked as she looked down at me. Why was she here? She ignored my calls, my texts even my tweets.
I sat up as I looked at her she looked the same just skinner.
"Where's my son?" I asked as I looked around the room hoping to see a baby but I never. All I I seen was Ella. She looked beautiful but something was different. Something was off. I could feel it.
She looked at me blankly. I wanted to repeat myself but I didn't know if I should.
"Chris.." She sat on the floor at the side of my bed so I turned onto my side so I could look at her.
"Ella? What's the matter? What's happened? What's wrong?" I hoped and prayed that she'd say he was at her mums, Lauren had him or even he was downstairs with mum. She didn't though. Her next words killed me inside.
"He didn't make it. He was very sick when he was born." She spoke quietly and softly as she wiped her eye.
"No! No!" This couldn't be real. She'd laugh and the boys would come out with a camera laughing right? Right?!
Why aren't they popping out from anywhere?! Why isn't she smiling? Laughing? Why?
"I'm sorry." She began to cry as I got out of bed and sat next to her pulling her into my side, I pushed her hair out her face.
"Baby, baby." I whispered in her ear as I rubbed her shoulder. She continued to sob into my side. I let a few tears run down my face. They dropped onto her hair but she wasn't bothered.
All I thought was a sick joke but it wasn't. It was reality and I was going to have to face it.
I held her in my arms as she sobbed. I'm guessing she bottled up all her emotions. She's just letting them out now. I'd do the same.
I rocked her and I back and forth gently as I played with her hair. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear. The tears rolled down my cheeks, silent. All you could hear in the silent room was her sobs.
"I-I'm sorry!" She cried again repeating herself.
"No. This isn't your fault." I gulped as tried reassuring her but I could tell it wasn't working.
"It is! I didn't do enough! I failed! I killed our son! If I had done what I was meant to when I was pregnant we'd still have our son!" She shouted, crying as she pulled at her hair in distress. I pulled her hands away and held them by her side.
"Don't do that. No. None of this is your fault. I know for a fact you did nothing wrong. Don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. I promise. None of this is your fault. You didn't kill anyone. You didn't fail." I cradled her in my arms practically. Like a baby. Like she was my baby. She wasn't. My baby was dead.
Her sobs got quieter her breathing got slower. She was falling off to sleep. This was best for her right now I think.
"Sleep tight." I whispered as I squeezed her body gently as she fell of into a deep sleep I'm hoping. I sat there with her for a while before I decided to move her into bed.
I lifted her up carefully as I stood up myself before I kissed her head and laid her on the bed. I pulled the covers off the bed. Well enough for me to slide her into the space for her.
Picking her up again carefully I moved her into the side of the bed. I pulled the covers up over her and kissed her forehead.
"I missed you." I whispered before climbing into bed next to her. Not to sleep this time. I pulled open the drawer in my bedside table taking out the small baby scan photo.
I looked at it before I held it to my chest before quietly crying to myself. I had everything planned. Everything had gone to shit. Everything is ruined.
I laid down softly still holding the picture against my chest as I closed my eyes. Tears still flowing out. I didn't even try to stop. It just continued for what felt like years and years and years.

A/N: So this is short. I'm sorry. That was a good bit in all but yeh. I just needed to update. Ngl this made me a bit emotional 😢.
I'm sorry I haven't updated but I've had a lot going on in my personal life and if you know me from my fp on insta then you shall know. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this as it's 2:50am and I sure as hell am falling asleep 😴.
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Twitter: xchloeharperx

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