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"Oi! What are you two love birds doing?!" Jakob shouted as him and Ethan burst through the door. I'm guessing Chris' mum let them in. "We aren't doing anything." Chris replied as he paused the movie.
"Sure, sure. Are the girls here yet?" Jakob asked as he came and jumped on Chris' bed at our feet. "I guess this is where the peace and quiet stops?" I said to anybody who was listening and they all laughed. "You betcha!" Chris smiled as he ruffled my hair.
I rolled my eyes as I rolled over so I didn't have Jakob at my feet. "Where you going?" Ethan asked as he also jumped on the bed but on my legs. "I was trying to get away from boys but I guess I'm stuck now." I rolled my eyes. "Aw. You love us really." Jakob smirked.
"I hardly know you." I replied.
"So? Chris loved you before he met you." Jakob piped in and Chris hit him. "Shut up dude!"
"Chris! Lara and Gala are here!" Mrs Lanzon shouted up the stairs as I heard two girls giggling as they came up the stairs.
"Hey guys!" A girl with blonde hair chimed as she walked in and over to Ethan, sitting on his legs. "Hey babe." Ethan sat up and kissed her cheek. I'm guessing that is Gala. She's drop dead gorgeous!
"How was the shopping?" Chris asked as Lara and him hugged.
"It was good! We bought you guys a bunch of food." She smiled as she dumped a bag on the bed.
"How come I don't get a hug or kiss?" Jakob frowned as Lara leaned forward over Chris and hugged him. "I'm sorry man." She laughed as Jakob pulled her down on top of himself.
Ok none of them have noticed me yet. I've always been invisible. Very quiet unless I'm with someone I'm comfortable with.
"Larzy babe." She laughed at Chris' nickname for her as she turned to look at him. "Yah?"
"Haven't you noticed Ella?" She looked at me. "Ella! Hey!" She got off Jakob and hugged me. "Hey! How've you been keeping?" I hugged her back.
"Gals? This is Ella. Chris 'girl' friend." Ethan explained to Gala as she looked at me wondering who I was. "Hi! It's nice to meet you!" I smiled and she smiled back. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Gala. Ethan's girlfriend."
"She's my best friend. Not girlfriend." Chris told her and I looked at Ethan. "Oh god. Lauren is gonna freak." I laughed.
"I should post about this then." He took his phone out and went on snapchat. "SELFIE!" He shouted as we all got in the shot. Chris' arm was around me as I was doing the peace sign. Lara and Jakob were pouting. Ethan was holding his phone, scrunching up his face and Gala was just smiling.
"This is so cute! Send it to me!" I smiled as he captioned it 'let the party begin 👽😈' and posted it to his story, also sending it to us all.
I started laughing as my phone started blowing up with Lauren's texts telling me how jealous she is.
"What is it?" Chris asked as he looked down at my phone, reading the texts Lauren has sent me. "Maybe we could make a video message for her? Or FaceTime her? Or post a photo saying we wish she was here?" He said to not anyone in particular but more at me. "Who's that for?" Jakob asked leaning over and reading the texts. "Hey that's your sister right?" I nodded and he smirked as he took my phone and his phone as he done something.
"What are you doing?" I asked him as I tried reaching for my phone but he held me back as I heard ringing. His phone was up very close to his face before I heard that familiar voice.
"Hello? Who is this?" She asked as Jakob slowly moved the phone back from his face. I can't believe him.
"OH MY GOD! HOLY CRAP! HI!" Her screams filled the room causing us all to laugh. "Hey. Lauren." He smirked and she just stared at him.
"Lauren! Speak! Stop making a fool out of yourself! You've already met him just talk on FaceTime to him." I told her as I rolled my eyes and Chris chuckled slightly and I looked up at him. "And what are you laughing at?" I asked him politely, I think. "A pretty gurl."
"OTP OTP OTP!" I heard Lauren yell as I turned to look at the phone and rolled my eyes. "Ignore her." I muttered to him. "Are you two gonna kiss again?"
"Shut up?" I asked her as I could feel my cheeks going red. "You told me that on your date you two kissed." She continued. "Lauren! Shut the fuck up!"
"You said that you want it to happen again and that you want more than for him to kiss you." Everyone laughed except me. "Aw babe. You're cute." Chris said as he tried to kiss my cheek but I pushed him away and got up off the bed. I walked out his room and went downstairs.
"Hi Ella! Everything alright?" Mrs Lanzon asked and I nodded looking down. "Yes. Would I be able to go outside into the garden for a while? I just need some fresh air."
"Yes of course! The door is open. Chris' dad Peter is out there." She smiled and I nodded before going outside and sitting on a seat that was there.
"Hello. You must be Ella!" A man said scaring the shit out of me. "Oh god. You scared me," I laughed him joining in, "but yes. I am Ella. You must be Chris' dad?" He nodded and I smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you Mr Lanzon."
"I am indeed but call me Peter! It's nice to finally meet you too. You're all Chris seems to talk about these days." He chuckled as I could feel my cheeks burning. "Uh haha."
"Well why are you out here?" Peter asked as he put his phone down. "Oh um. I just needed um fresh air." I smiled slightly. "I wasn't born yesterday. What's really happened?"
"Well my sister is a huge fan of your son so I was texting her then one thing lead to another and we all ended up on FaceTime to her. Then she said something about Chris and I kissing and then said something about me wanting more than for him to kiss me. He called me cute and I just walked out. I mean him and I aren't even dating! I don't want anything from him like that! Everyone laughed at me. Even Chris." I put my head in my hands as I sighed.
"It's ok. I'm sure they will forget in about 15 minutes. Just ignore your sister. Feel free to sit out here though for as long as you want." He smiled and I nodded as I could hear all the laughter from Chris' room.
I knew I shouldn't have came. I'm not even a part of their group. I'm just some random person. Chris hasn't even come to see if I'm ok.

"I think I'm going to go back up now." I said to Peter as I stood up. "Yes. That's ok. It was nice talking to you. I'll no doubt see you later." He smiled and I returned it before heading back upstairs to Chris' room.
"Do you think she left? I should have gone after her." I could hear Chris' voice through the door. "Nah. She wouldn't have left" Jakob? I think.
I opened the door slowly but it creaked causing them all to look at me. "Where did you go?!" Chris asked sounding kinda relieved. "Talking to your dad." I said as I sat on his desk chair as there was no room on the bed for me.
"Are you ok?" Chris asked and I nodded in response. "Are you sure?"

"Nah that movie was scary shit!" I laughed as Chris untangled himself from me as the film we were watching which was 'The Ring' came to a end. Chris got total freaked out with it. Whoops?
"No it wasn't! You're just a baby!" I laughed as he clung to me. His arms around my waist. "Am not!"
"Haha you idiot! You are one! A big baby!" He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him.
"Am not." He whispered before closing the small gap that was once between us.
Everything stopped. Nothing mattered. Everything left. It was just Chris and I. This was perfect.
That brought me back into the real world. I looked to see everyone was looking at us with their phones pointing at us. "Don't post that anywhere. Please?" I don't want anything getting out that I've kissed Chris because that could lead to some trouble.
"We won't." Gala smiled at me. I haven't really talked to Gala that much but the time I have spoken to her was really nice.
"Who's ready for the real fun?!" Jakob asked as he looked at his phone for a second putting it back down. Everyone nodded and he jumped up. "Truth or dare Ella?" All eyes were on me.
"Dare?" I guess this will be ok to do right?
"Take your t-shirt off"
"Sorry? What?" Am I hearing him correctly?
"You heard. Take your t-shirt off." I shook my head as I looked away.
"Come on. Don't be a chicken." Why isn't anyone else telling him to stop? "No?" He shook his head. "Come on El!"
"No! Stop! I'm not doing it Jakob!"
I looked at Chris then down. I just shouted at his best friend. He's probably pissed at me now. How great.
"Uh Gala, truth or dare?" I mumbled and she smiled. "Truth." I'm crap at truth or dare. Well thinking up stuff for others. "Do you really love Ethan?"
"Yes. Yes I do really love Ethan." She smiled as he leaned forward and kissed her. "You two are cute."

"Chris? Are you awake?" I whispered to Chris who was sleeping with his arms around my waist and his head on my stomach. No reply. "Any of yous awake?" I said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear if they were awake. "We're awake." Gala and Lara whispered back as the stood up slowly. Getting out of the grips Jakob and Ethan had around them, I did the same.
"We should do something to them." I smiled as I looked around Chris' room to see a pencil case. I walked over to it as quietly as possible and opened it. I took out three sharpie markers in gold, silver and bronze. I passed the silver and bronze to the girls before walking back over to Chris.
I leaned over his bed and began to start writing on his forehead.
"Guys what are you writing?" I asked the girls as I looked over at them. "I'm drawing dogs on him." Lara said as she drew lightly on Jakob. "I'm drawing cats and writing that he loves me." Gala smirked as she drew on Ethan.
"What are you doing?" They asked me and I smiled. "Chris has a newly grown moustache and beard now. I guess we could say." I giggled as I was soon being pulled down.
"Baby what are you doing?" Chris asked very sleepily. I think he's still asleep if I'm being honest. "Nothing babe. Don't worry." I whispered as I pecked his lips and he smiled. "Mm. Night." He whispered before falling back to sleep instantly.
"I can't even decorate him anymore." I frowned as I put the pen lid back on and cuddled into him.
"Goodnight girls."
"Night Ella."
"Night El."

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