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Ella POV
I woke up to the smell of boy filling my nostrils and tight arms wrapped around my waist with my feet tangled with another's.
I looked over my shoulder to see a sleeping Chris. Every now and then he'd partly jump in his sleep. It was pretty cute. I hope he's dreaming good things though. Nothing bad.
I felt a weight on my side all of a sudden as I looked up to be met with the familiar beady eyes. Sammi!
"Hey girl!" I stroked her head gently.
"How you been?" I asked, why am I talking to a cat?
"Babe?" Chris mumbled as his head rubbed against my shoulder.
What do I say? I'm not his babe I thought as I stayed quiet.
"Ella?" He questioned as he removed one of his hands from my side.
"Yeh?" I kept my head faced away from him as I petted Sam.
"Good morning." I could feel him smile through his words. He's always so happy. 
"Morning." I smiled as I turned my head so I could see him. His face was so close to mine right now.
He rubbed his nose gently against mine.
"No Chris." I jerked my head back quickly.
"I'm sorry. I just-"
"No. I shouldn't have stayed over and I'm sorry I did. I should probably be going." I rubbed my eyes and smiled slightly at his messy hair and tired look on his face.
"I'll drive you home." He butted in quickly as he stood up clumsily.
"No it's ok. I can get the bus." His faced dropped instantly as I bent over and picked up my bag.
"Stay for breakfast then? It's the least I could make for you." The clock was ticking, I glanced at it. It was nearly 10.
"Fine." I sighed before looking at my phone. There were hundreds of texts from my parents asking where I am and if I'm ok.
I quickly texted them saying I'm fine and that I was at Chris' before turning to look at him. He was on his phone texting away smiling. He's probably texting that Leah chick. I rolled my eyes at the thought and shook my head.
"Hey where you going?" He asked as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into himself as I was about to leave his room.
"Chris. This isn't appropriate you have a girlfriend and you're my ex. I'm going downstairs. Now please, get off me." His grip loosened enough for me to pull away before walking downstairs and going to the toilet.
I could hear Chris follow me downstairs as I was in the bathroom and speak to Ingrid.
"She hates me mum." The frown was visible within his words.
"I'm sure she doesn't son. She wouldn't have come see you if she did or stay the night." She reassured him and it was true. I don't hate him. Just strongly dislike him at the moment.
"She fell asleep crying. I wasn't gonna make her go home was I?" He started to raise his voice at her.
"Don't even start this again Christopher."
That's when I left the bathroom. I couldn't have them argue.
"Good morning my sweet!" Ingrid hugged me, I of course hugged back.
"Morning," I smiled before sniffing the air, "I smell bacon." She laughed before nodding.
"Bacon rolls for breakfast." Chris cheered before going to the kitchen.
"You're getting special treatment." He reached for a roll before squirting a whole load of tomato ketchup on it.
"Good morning buddy to you too." Peter spoke as he put his phone down to look at Chris who already had a mouthful of roll.
"Morning." He mumbled through his mouthful of food.
"Chris! Manors!" Ingrid nudged him before she handed me a plate with a roll for myself on it.
"Sorry." He spoke again with a clearer voice, a little less food in it this time. She glared at him before sitting down herself to eat.
"Hey Ella. Long time no see ay?" Peter smiled at me and I nodded.
"Very long time," I answered before taking a bite of my roll, "This is delicious Ingrid. Thank you."
"It's no problem dear."
There was small talk during breakfast. Questions about Scotland and why I went. Chris never told his parents I was pregnant. What a cock.
Once we had all finished I said my goodbyes. Chris wouldn't stop nagging me about him driving me home so I gave it.
"Fine but don't think it means anything." He nodded and picked his car keys up.
"I'll be home soon." He said to his parents before we went out to his Mazda2. It was plain and silver. Nothing interesting. I climbed in the passenger side and put my seatbelt on.
The drive home was quick. Not much talking. Not much anything really. Apart from the hum from the radio it was silent until he pulled up in front of my house.
"Here we are m'lady." He got out quickly and went round to the passenger side to open my door.
"Um thanks. I am capable of opening a door myself though." I rolled my eyes before getting out the car.
He nodded and shut the door behind me, "Sorry."
"Yeh it's fine. Bye" I walked down the path to my house.
"Bye." He mumbled before he got back in his car and drove off again. Going home I hope.
I walked in the house and shut the door quietly. "I'm home!" I shouted before kicking my shoes off at the door and looking around for the others shoes. They weren't there?
"Mum?! Laur?! Dad?!" I shouted as I checked the living room. I then checked the kitchen to find a note.
'Out for food will be back soon text your order of food.
Mum x'
I grabbed my phone before quickly texting that I wanted KFC and the usual before walking into the living room and laying on the sofa. I turned the tv on to some shitty animal show before scrolling through my phone.
My phone pinged as I looked up at the notification.

Unknown: Stay away from Chris. He's mine 😈

I ignored it as I continued to scroll through my Instagram feed. I mean Chris is nobody's. If anything he's his Mum and Dads not some random. Especially not that Leah girl. It's probably her. Trying to get in my head but I can assure her. She won't.
I heard my parents car pull up into the driveway before hearing them in the house. I walked through to see them. "Where's my chicken?" I looked around to see who was holding it.
"Here sweetie." Mum held it out to me and I thanked her before taking it through to the kitchen to sit down and eat.
"So How was yesterday and last night?" Dad winked at me as him and Lauren put the messages away.
"He has a new wench." I rolled my eyes thinking about Leah and her slutty ways. I looked her up. All she posts are pictures at parties and sucking Chris' face off. All she gets are hate comments from fans telling her she's a whore and a slut.
"What's a wench?" Mum asked as she looked it up on her phone.
"A prostitute." I shrugged as she tried to hold her laugh in.
"Oh yeh, Leah? No one likes her. Even Jake and Eth hate her." Lauren added in as I smirked.
"Either does Ingrid. I totally winded her up yesterday about Chris' shirt she was wearing, saying it was mine. Yeh. She left after that." I said as I sipped at my Tango.
"What else did you two do?" Dad piped up again as he places the eggs carefully in the fridge.
"I told him. We cried. I slept. He slept. We woke up. He called me babe. I ignored him. He told Ingrid I hate him. She said I didn't. Had breakfast, bacon rolls. Talked about Scotland. He insisted he drove me home. Now I'm here." My mouth full of chicken I spoke quickly and clumsily.
"So it went alri-"
"No! His parents don't know why I left. He didn't tell them." I cut my mum off angrily as my eyes landed upon the table.
Mum placed her hand on top of mine slowly and gently. "It's ok. No need to get angry." She whispered calmingly as she gently rubbed the pad of her finger over my hand. Calming it was, very.

A/N: I am sorry I haven't posted a new chapter since August last year ;) I just haven't been motivated to write. I tried to make this pretty long but it just got boring. I'm thinking maybe I'll stop writing this? I don't know. I'd love opinions and feedback 💎
Vote & comment x
Also if you have any suggestions for what I could do next in the story message me or DM me on insta

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