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I stretched my arms as I slowly stood up, getting out of bed. I looked around my room. It was exactly how I left it.
I looked at the photos on my wall. Many were of family and old friends.
I missed Australia when I was away I really did but it was cool to be in a different country on the other side of the world.
I made a couple friends while I was away but I like being by myself. My auntie was great. She got me into all them British soaps that they like watching on tv.
I did go to a couple concerts when I was there. Nothing fancy or expensive. Just the cheap seats up the back.
I do hope to go back sometime. Not to live or anything just for a holiday. My auntie said she'd put me up anytime. Her and I got very close while I was over there.
"Ella? Are you up?" Lauren asked from the other side of the door and I opened it.
"Yes. I'm up. Why?" I questioned as I scratched my head.
"Well you might wanna uh either make yourself scarce or make yourself presentable." She said as she looked at her phone.
"Why?" I yawned trying to look at her phone.
"My mate is coming over and well I don't want you to scare him." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.
"I have to go out anyway." I smiled before shutting my door and going over to my mirror. Yeh I'm really not looking presentable right now.
I quickly got some clothes to get changed into and my toiletries and went into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

I got a bowl and made myself cereal before going and sitting at the table opposite mum to eat it. "It's a lovely day today." She smiled and I nodded as I ate.
"Yeh it's beautiful day for me to ruin." I laughed half heartedly as I put a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
"What do you mean?" She asked as she looked up at me and I looked away.
"I'm going to go see Chris." I stood up as I finished spooning food into my mouth and put the dish in the sink.
"Ella.. you're just back. Do you think that's a good idea?" Was this really a good idea?
"He has a right to know mum." I told myself as I went upstairs and put what I needed into my bag.
This was the best thing to do right? He needed to know. He has every right to know. I can't keep ignoring him.
"Dad?!" I shouted as I went into his office.
"Yeh? No need to shout. I'm only here." He chuckled and I nodded.
"Right. Anyways can you give me a lift to Chris'?" I looked at my phone and rolled my eyes at the usual daily text from Chris.
I mean it was cute he done it always asking how I was and stuff but it's just getting annoying now after a year.
"Are you coming then?" He spun his keys in his hand and I nodded following after him out to the car.
Dad and I spoke for a while just catching up on the way to his. It was really fun if I'm honest.
"We're here. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" I got out the car picking up my bag carefully.
"Definitely. Thank you. I'll get a bus home." I shut the door and he drove off before I walked up to Chris' front door and knocked.
I waited a minute until a girl opened. I'd never seen her before. She had brown hair that was to her shoulders, she was very pretty and had blue eyes but I think they are contacts.
"Um can I help you?" She looked me up and down as she put her hand out to the side. She had Chris' t-shirt on. That's what he wore on our first date.
"Is Chris in?" I asked and she laughed and rolled her eyes.
"No fans." She began to shut the door but I pushed it back open against her.
"I'm not a fan. I need to see Chris. It's important." I heals the door open. This girl ugh.
"Leah? Who is it?" I heard a woman ask as this Leah girl glared at me.
"No one important. Just a fan." She reply but that voice must have been Ingrid.
"Let me speak to Ingrid then." I smiled politely and she groaned causing me to hold in my laughter. This must be his new girl. Haha.
"Ugh don't fucking talk or go near Chris." I laughed and she looked at me with a cold hard stare.
"Why? Scared he'll come running back to me?" I smirked before walking in and pushing past her.
"Ingrid?" I stood leaning again the door frame of the kitchen where she was watching tv. She turned around and looked at me.
"Ella?!" She stood and I nodded before she came over and hug me tightly. "How are things?! I haven't seen you for like a year!"
"Things are alright. Yeh I know. I moved in with my auntie." She pulled away from the hug and walked into the kitchen.
"Oh yes! Chris said you went away to where was it again?"
"Oh yes! How was that? Chris never said you were coming back?" This Leah girl came in and I looked at her and smirked.
"It's was really cool and fun! Where is Chris? He doesn't know I'm coming back. No one knew haha." I smiled so did she.
"He's up in his room asleep. He's going to be so happy you're back! He's was so down when he found out you left. The only thing he's been happy about is music."
"Oh really? What about her?" I pointed at Leah and Ingrid rolled her eyes and I laughed.
"That's his 'girlfriend' more like some hooker he picked up off the streets." She whispered so she couldn't hear and I got tears in my eyes laughing.
"That's funny. It's ok don't worry. He'll get out his little phase soon." I calmed down as I took a deep breath.
"Can I go up and see him?" I asked as I stood up and she nodded before I walked past Leah.
"Can I have my top back?" I asked her and she looked at me mouth wide open.
"Your top?! This is Chris'!" Yeh? Ok? So? I can lie just this once.
"No. That's mine." I smirked and she shrieked before running upstairs and changing her top before coming back down.
"Bye bye." I smirked before she left and slammed the front door.
"Good one!" Ingrid shouted through and I laughed as I began to walk upstairs and walked into his room, peacefully sleeping Chris lay in bed.
One leg out of the duvet and him lightly snoring. Cute. I walked over and stood above him.
"Chris?" I whispered, no response.
"Chris!" I said louder but still no response.
"Chris!" I clapped and he jumped awake and looked at me.
"Huh?" I mimicked smirking.

A/N: Ok I'm trying to update both my books but it's getting hard lol. I think I might just stop the other one atm and just focus on this one. I dunno :/
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