Chapter 23

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Georgia's POV

It was weird to see the paps attack us like that.

When Liam came home my phone started to go off.

Liam's mum.

"Hello Mrs. Payne!" I greet and Liam's eyes widen.

"Hello dear! I was just wondering if I could drive up there and take Eloise for the weekend." she asks and I smile.

"Of course! I know Eloise misses her grandmum." I giggle and I hear her laugh too.

I put the phone on speaker and motion Liam to come over as well.

"Hello mum." he greets and I hear a small gasp.

"Hello Liam! How are things?"

"Just same old same old." he chuckles and I smile.

"That's good. So what time should I come pick her up?" she asks and I look at Liam, who shrugs.

"Whenever is great mum." he says and I see him smile.

"Perfect, I'll leave now. I can't wait to see you guys! Love you!" she says and we say goodbye and hangup.

I smile at Liam and he gives me a grin, before pinning me down on the couch.

He connects our lips and I giggle a bit at his eagerness.

"Well I better go get Eloise's stuff ready!" I say and quickly slide away from him and run upstairs.

"Tease!" I hear him call and I laugh.

I go into her nursery and grab a few of her toys, and teddy bears, and a couple changes of clothes.

I yawn and zip up the bag.

I am exhausted, for a reason I don't know.

I cough into my arm an carry the bag downstairs.

I see Liam and he smiles, but it quickly fades when he spots me.

I set the bag down and I hear him quickly move over to me and embrace me in a hug.

"What's wrong baby?" he asks and I shake my head.

"I just don't feel well." I mumble and he breaks apart and feels my forehead.

"Dang Georgia your forehead is burning. And you look awfully pale." he says worriedly and I groan.

I feel a tight pain in my stomach and I cry out and lean against Liam.

"Georgia? Georgia?!" he calls my name but I don't answer.

I just see little black dots cloud my vision and I pass out.

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