Chapter 17

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Georgia's POV

I wake up with Liam's arms wrapped around me and I hear crying.

Oh no Eloise.

I quickly get up and slip a robe on, and race to the nursery.

I pick her up and cradle her gently.

"Shhh it's ok baby, mummy's here." I sing softly.

Her big brown eyes are staring into mine, and she pats her stomach.

"Hungy." she says and I carry her into me and Liam's room so I can get dressed.

I set her down on the bed and she quickly crawls next to Liam, and snuggles into him.

I quickly grab my camera from the shelf and snap a photo.

Awww this is so cute.

I slip on a blue v neck and sweatpants, and carefully pick up Eloise and carry her downstairs.

I set her down and she waddles over to her high chair, and points at it.

"Up. Up." she says and I quietly laugh and put her up in the chair.

I pull out her sippy cup, and fill it with apple juice, and hand it to her.

I get out a muffin, and cut it into little pieces for her and set it on her tray.

I watch her eat it and suddenly get a whiff of the smell and taste the metal in my mouth.

I rush up to the bathroom, and puke up my insides.

After I am done, for now, and walk back into the kitchen and take Eloise out of her high chair and sit her on the floor with me so we can play with her toys.

These past couple days, I haven't seen much of her and I really missed her.

I taste the metal again and hurry into the bathroom.

Thank god there is one close to the kitchen.

I hear Eloise waddle into the bathroom after I'm done puking, and she stands in front of my huddled up figure.

"Mummy ok?" she's asks, and I sit up and pull her onto my lap.

"Mummy will be just fine. In a couple of months, you will have a new brother or sister in your life baby." I tell her and she pouts.

"No. You foget about Eloise. No baby. No baby." she chants and gets up.

"Shhh we will talk about it later ok?" I tell her and she pouts again.

We walk back into the room, and start playing with toys again, and I hear footsteps come down and see Liam half clothed and he smiles groggily and sit down with us.

"Good morning baby," he says to me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Morning Li." I say back with a smile.

"How's my little princess?" he says and starts tickling Eloise as she starts laughing like a hyena.

When he stops, he starts playing dolls with us and I am grateful I still have my camera in my pocket and I take pictures, and one when Eloise insists Liam wears the tiara.

I laugh, and then feel my stomach bubbling, and I rush up to the bathroom again.

Dangit it's already my 3rd time today!

I hear Liam come in, followed by Eloise but I don't open my eyes.

"Mummy be frowing up all day Baddy." Eloise says and I finally open my eyes to see Liam and Eloise standing in front of me.

"Georgie are you ok?" he asks kneeling down so I can see him better.

"Just morning sickness is all. I have to go pick up the prescriptions from the pharmacy soon." I groan and get up.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with you driving like that." Liam warns and I smile up at him.

"I drove a bit when Eloise was in my belly, I will be fine." I say and peck his cheek.

"Promise you'll be careful?" he asks and I nod.

I slip on my shoes and grab the keys.

"It's just in town, I'll be fine." I repeat.

"I love you Georgia." he says and kisses me.

"I love you too Liam." I say and walk out the door.

I start the car, and slowly back up and out, and drive down the street.

I wait at what seems like the longest red light in the world, then once I'm in the middle of the intersection, I glance to my right, and see the blinding lights,

And that's all I see before the truck comes hurtling into me and my car rolls over with me still inside.

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