Chapter 25

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Georgia's POV

I can't eat anything without puking it back up.

The doctor said that was perfectly normal, but it sucks.

"Mummy?" I hear Eloise call and I walk into her room and see her sitting by her dollhouse she got for her third birthday.

"Yes baby?" I ask and sit down next to her and her big brown eyes look up at me.

"Can you play princesses with me?" she asks shyly and I grin.

"Of course!"

Liam and the boys are at the studio for a while so I'm spending time with Eloise.

"Mummy?" she asks and I look down at her.

"When am I gonna have a whittle bruffer or sister to play with?" she asks, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I don't know baby." I say my eyes welling with tears but I blink them away.

"It's nap time." I state and tuck her in before walking into my room and collapsing on the bed.

I want another baby.

I miss having a baby.

Eloise is growing up too fast.

I mean there still is a chance since Liam and I did it recently.

My phone started to ring and I grabbed it.


"Hey baby!"

"Hi Li!"

"How has your day been?"

"Good. Tiring taking care if Ellie."

"Aw I'm sorry. But the boys and I are going out to a club to celebrate finishing the Midnight Memories video, is that alright?"

"Of course. Have fun."

"I love you."

"I love you too Li."

I'm glad he's going to have fun, I just miss him.


I wake up with gurgling in my stomach.

I rush up and Puke up everything and rest my head on the wall.

Again with the vomiting?


I walk downstairs and find the boys passed out on the couch.

I look around for my boyfriend's face, but can't find him.

I walk into the kitchen, nothing.

I call his phone but immedietally get voicemail.

Where is he?

I walk back into the living room and smack all of their heads with a pillow.

The all groan and sit up with annoyed expressions.

"What the hell?" Louis says groggily and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Where is Liam?" I ask and their eyes widen and they look around.

"I don't know if he came home with us..." Harry says and scratches the back of his neck and my eyes widen.

"Then where the fuck is he?!" I yell and they wince at my loudness.

Zayn stands up and walks over holding his hands out.

"Calm down Georgia. I'm sure he's fine." he says and I feel my stomach lurch again and I rush to the bathroom.

I hear footsteps come in and rub my back as I finish and I'm pulled into a warm embrace.

"It's ok Georgie." I hear an Irish accent say and I snuggle into his chest.

"I have a doctor's appointment I have to get ready for." I groan and he chuckles and helps me up.

I quickly get dressed and Eloise wakes up, and I carry her downstairs.

"Boys can you watch Eloise while I go to my doctor's appointment please?" I strain and they nod and I let Eloise go run to play with them.

"You want me to come with you?" Niall asks and I nod and he grabs the keys and drives to the appointment.

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