Chapter 15

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I started school so updates will probably take some time.



That knife and those letters under the stairs were making me more nervous as the days passed so I decided to ship them to New Orleans where I would take a flight and take them to the police station.

I decided to take Riley with me since Ian was busy filming a movie or something but she insisted on taking the dog. She could'nt live without that dog.

"Riley leave Jupiter here! She barely fits in the car--" I was trying to reason with her when my stomach decided to flip.

I cover my mouth and ran to the bathroom where I fed the toilet. Ian appeared and sighed.

"Again?" Ian says worriedly as he held my hair back.

"There goes my breakfast...Stupid stomach flu." I say and get up to wash my teeth.

"I'm taking Jupiter." Riley was now standing in front of the bathroom with crossed arms.

I looked at Ian who was leaning on the doorpost and he shrugged.

"Fine but if she gives me problems..." I say sternly and Riley nods.

Ian dropped us at the airport and we were off to New Orleans. We were staying at Joseph's place and Riley was really excited to meet him.

I knocked on Joseph's door and Riley squealed and hugged him when he answered.

"You must be Riley?" Joseph says with a chuckle and I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't expecting a dog?" Joseph says looking at Jupiter with a questioning look.

"You don't mind right?" Riley gave Joseph her famous puppy eyes.

"No, but--" Joseph was cut off by Riley.

"Yay!" She says excitedly and enters the apartment with Jupiter.

"Could you watch her for a while?" I ask Joseph.

"You just got here--" Now I cut Joseph off.

"Thank you," I say and kissed his cheek.

I left him with Riley and went to the post office to pick up the package to take it to Marcus.

"Marcus!" I called him when I got to the police station. He was outside smoking a cigarette.

"Sage?" Marcus asked incredulously.

"Yes, me you idiot." I say and gave him the package.

"What's this?" He asked in confusion.

"Evidence," I say and smirk. "Can we open it inside?"

Marcus' eyes went wide and he nodded. We went inside quickly and led me to his private office.

He opened the box and gasped when he saw the knife. I explained to him everything. The suspiciousness of the letters, how I found the knife, and the fact that the murderer was possibly stalking me.

"We'll scan these for fingerprints," Marcus says but then looks at me in concern. "Do you or Riley need protection?"

"No," I shook my head. "We almost got the killer and I can't lead him away."


"Oh, I feel like crap." I say after puking for the fourth time in the day.

"You're not pregnant right?" Joseph asks as I sat in the balcony with him.

"It's impossible, I take birth control pills." I say and shake my head.

"Uh oh..." I hear Riley say from the kitchen.

"Uh oh what?" I turn around and gave Riley a look.

"Um... I was taking my allergy pills last month and I accidentally sort of..." Riley dragged off.

"Spit it out, Riley!" I say impatiently.

"I dropped the case and your pills fell too! They were all over the floor and they all looked alike-- Sage!" I had gotten up and stalked out of the apartment.

I wasn't mad. I was scared.

I went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. I got back to the apartment and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Sage?" Riley knocked on the door and I opened it.

"I can't read it." I say and handed her the stick.

Joseph was now behind Riley and they both looked at it.

"A smiley face! You're not pregnant" Joseph says and I face palmed myself.

"Smiley face means she's pregnant, dummy." Riley scowls at Joseph.

"Well, that's wrong..." Joseph says and frowns.

I was in shock. I rubbed my temples and took a deep breath.

"I'm not ready for this! Neither is Ian!" I growl in frustration.

"No one is, love." Joseph says softly.

"Being pregnant is horrible." I groan.

"You say it like you've been before." Riley says and I realized what I said.

"Let's not tell Ian. I'll tell him when I make a choice." I change the subject and walk to my room.

Joseph followed me and sat down next to me on the bed. I laid face down and covered my face with a pillow.

"Ian will understand, love, don't worry." Joseph tried to calm me since I was now sobbing.

"You don't get it, Joseph, Ian and I have been together for less than six months, I'm raising a teenager by myself, and Ian is at an important time in his career... We don't have time for a baby!" I say through short gasps.

"Hey..." Joseph grabs my waist and gets me to sit up. "You're Sageline Prior. You may be tiny but you're wise and your heart is brave... You'll make it work."

And at that moment I did feel like I could do anything. It will work.



Riley and I have been keeping the pregnant secret for four months now.

I was beginning to show so I decided I'd tell Ian after I knew the gender of the baby.

So today we went to the doctor's and had my baby checked. Only Riley knew the gender since she wanted to make me a surprise and she took me to a cupcake shop.

"Why are we here?" I say and ogle at the cupcakes.

"To satisfy your cravings... And to find out the gender. See I'll buy a cupcake with filling inside and when you take a bite, the color will tell you." Riley smiles and points to a seat so that I could wait.

I sat down and she came with a vanilla cupcake with white icing.

"Okay, now bite!" Riley says and I take a bite of the cupcake.

It was delicious but when I looked at the cupcake the filling was... pink.

"A girl?" I ask and grin. Riley nods and I got up and hugged her.

"Ian's going to flip!" I say and finish my cupcake.


Remember when I said he would flip?

Well, he did but on the bad side of the bed... And I haven't even told him I was pregnant.

And there he was glaring at me with fiery blue eyes.

Love, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now