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Its January 14th 2014 in Toronto Canada, in the evening.

My best friends Miranda, Allie, Vicki, and I were skating on a busy pond. The other three could skate one hundred percent perfectly, I mean Vicki plays hockey anyway. I was struggling so much. I haven't skated since maybe 7th or 8th grade, and I'm in 10th now.

"Sam come on!" Allie yelled.

"Its not that hard!" Miranda exclaimed. Did I mention that Miranda also does figure skating.

"Easy for you two to say! You play hockey and do figure skating, I can't even remember the last time I went skating!" I said tiredly. My friends kind of ditched me after that and left me to struggle with skating. It took me about fifteen minutes until I decided on going to the side and takin off my skates.

"Hey." I looked up and saw a guy around my age, maybe a year or two older.

"Hi." I said a bit awkwardly.

"Whats wrong? I saw you talking to those girls earlier, then they kinda just left you to struggle." He said. I nodded.

"Yeah, they don't really feel like spending they're night helping me skate, so I figured just watch from the sidelines." I untied my other skate and pulled it off.

"Well, I'm Dylan. Dylan Strome. I play hockey in the OHL for the Erie Otters." Dylan said. "How would you feel if I helped you try to skate. I mean you seem nice and funny and you're really pretty." I blushed and smiled.

"Well thank you." I said looking down. "I'm Sam Andrews, I'm in grade 10 and I play on the soccer team." I said. He held ot his hand for me to shake and I gladly.

"Here come on put your skates back on and I'll help you." I laughed a little and put my hockey skates back on. Dylan helped me get on the ice and start walking kind of.

"Okay you're doing pretty good, just try to not lift your feet up as much" I nodded and tried it. Dylan was right in front of me, just to support me if I fall. "Try to go a little bit faster." He said skating a little bit further away from me. As I tried skating faster toward Dylan I looked over and saw Allie, Vicki, and Miranda pointing at me and Dylan and squealing a little bit. I laughed and looked back at Dylan, causing myself to lose balance and slip. Dylan caught me almost right before I landed. he pulled me back up to regular height again. 

"Thanks." I said quietly. We were barely even an inch apart from each other.

"No problem. Hey after this, what do you say after this we go grab some food, like a burger or pizza or something." I looked over at my best friends and they apparently knew what he was saying, and they started nodding at me, and gave me a thumbs up. 

"I'd like that." I said. I felt my cheeks start to heat up and my hands flew up to my cheeks.

"Don't hide it, it's cute." Dylan said. I smiled and blushed even more. I pulled my left hand up and pushed my sleeve up to look at my watch. 7:28 pm. "Why don't we go now, I can take you home after, and make sure you're safe." I nodded and we skated off the ice, carefully. We each took off our skates and put them in our bags. He had a regular hockey bag, while I just had an Adidas soccer bag. Dylan grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.

"Here we are. Let me take your bag, I'll put it with mine in the trunk." Dylan grabbed my bag and brought it the bag of his car. He came back around and got in starting it right away.

It was a beautiful start to an amazing relationship.

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