Chapter Twenty-Six

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Our bowling alley and lunch "date" finished and we drove back to the university residence. We went to my dorm and I grabbed my suit case from under the bed. I opened it up and started folding/rolling some clothes, everything I brought I had to take back. Dylan sort of helped by putting the Netflix on, on my laptop. He turned on the movie Now You See Me 2 which just made me want to stop packing and watch it with him. He was just sitting in the rolling chair at my desk, with the laptop on the desk, and he was just eating chips.

"You're doing a great job, babe." He said smiling to himself, still paying full attention to the movie.

"Thanks, you too." I said sarcastically, only earning a military salute from him in response, as he was paying too much attention to he movie.

I had packed all my clothes by the time half the movie was over.

"Can I just leave the blankets and sheets at your apartment? It'll make moving back in, in August much easier."

"Yeah, you can keep them in the spare bedroom closet I guess, there's only other blankets and sheets in there anyway. If you need to you can probably keep a few other things in there." He said, only now look in at me. I nodded as a thanks.

It didn't take to long to pack everything else. I'm probably just going to throw out the food that's gonna go bad by the time I get back, and the stuff that needs to be refrigerated.

"We can empty out the place today and just spend the night and most of tomorrow at my place, it'll make leaving a lot easier, and you can bring everything over that you need to." Dylan suggested. I nodded again.

"Probably a good idea." I answered. I turned off the movie and put my laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, wallet, and a novel in my Jansport backpack. I then grabbed the suitcase and duffel bag that had my stuff, while Dylan grabbed the blankets and sheets that were folded up on my bed. We had already thrown out all the food that needed too and we're gonna take another trip up to grab things like crackers and chips, peanut butter, Nutella, that kind of thing. Once we brought everything out to his car I went back in with the room key to hand it back in and sign it off.

Goodbye residence for another year.

We went back to Dylan's apartment after stopping for gas first. We then packed some of Dylan's stuff. And by "we packed", I mean I pulled a Dylan and watched Netflix on the bed he wasn't using while he packed all his clothes that he was gonna need.

"You're really no help you know that right?" He asked as he zipped up his suit case.

"Yeah but you did the same thing to me." I shrugged. He just smiled to himself, shaking his head, and laid on the bed on his stomach with me to watch another movie.

We got take out Chinese food and spent the rest of the night just watching movies and spending time together.

Fuck I've missed this.

And him.

Mostly him.

I woke up the next morning at about 5:30 and almost hit my head on the laptop that was sitting in front of me. I could smell the oh so familiar smell of Dylan Strome. I smiled slightly to myself, well as much of a smile I could muster up being this tired. I rolled over and snuggled further into him, falling back asleep slowly.

Dylan woke me up about three hours later at quarter to nine.

"We gotta get to the airport or we'll be late checking in and late for the flight." He said quietly. I rolled over and fell off the bed, only causing Dylan to start laughing really hard. I got on my hands and knees and started crawling to the door. I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, and honestly I didn't care enough to change, and all my clothes were in the back of Dylan's car and that was just way to much effort. Dylan was still chuckling at me as he followed me to the kitchen. I put my hands on the counter and pulled myself up.

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