Chapter Sixteen

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It's been three days. I haven't told any of my friends back home, or my parents. My dad would kill Dylan, and so would Vicki, and Mitch. I'm surprised Mitch doesn't already know, him and Dylan are so close.

I haven't done much the past couple days. I've been to class yesterday and I'm going later today for my night class. I wanna move back home, that's what I've learned. But I also don't want to drop out. Transferring isn't really an option. The only other college I was accepted into was in BC, that's way to far to just drop everything here and go out there. 

I sat on my bed, propped up with a pillow against the headboard, on my laptop listening to music. Currently it was Forget You by CeeLo Green. It's been just a playlist of breakup and cheating songs. It's November 17, and usually by now I'd already be listening to my Christmas playlist. I blame Dylan. He's called me tons of times over the past couple days, and I have yet to answer one. Haven't even answered a text, I just can't bring myself to blocking him. He was such a big part of my life for three, almost four, years. I gave him everything, and what do I get? I get to find him in bed with another girl. She was in the bed that I've slept in so many times with him. The bed that I've told him so much shit. Even from when came here at the beginning of last season when he was with the Coyotes still, I skipped over the first half of the month of senior year, to be with him in Arizona. It might have been the beginning but I still missed so much, and for him. Katelyn walked into the dorm with Jordan.

"Have you talked to him?" She asked. I shook my head. "Good. Here are the notes and the homework from the classes today." She said setting a textbook and a notebook on the end of my bed. 

"Thanks." I said.

"I thought you said you were gonna go to class today." She told me. "Also give me your phone and unlock it."

"I need time. He was everything to me. And unlike Ariana Grande, he was my everything and I knew it before we were nothing. And why do you want my phone?" I asked.

"All of your pictures with him need to be deleted, you need to block him on everything, it needs to be gone. He's out of your life. He decided to do that, not you. You need him out of your life completely." 

"It's just, he's so hard to let go. I was -- am, in love with him. Have been for a very long time, and that just can't let go. How am I supposed to just let go?" I asked. My phone started ringing, again for the sixth time today. 

"If that's Dylan, I'm throwing your phone out this window." Jordan said. I looked at it and there was a picture of me and Mitch, and Bitchy Mitchy was the name on my phone.

"It's just Mitch." I said. I picked it up and stood up, walking out of the room and just into the hall. 

"Hey, Mitch." I said.

"I heard what he did." He said sounding angry.

"How did you hear that?" I asked shaking my head. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes again.

"He texted me and said that he made the worst mistake and lost the best thing that's happened to him, and before he even said anything else I knew he dumped you." Mitch  told me.

"He didn't dump me, I dumped him. Informally. I went over to his apartment and found something, I really didn't want to see." 

"He cheated on you, didn't he?" Mitch asked, I could tell he was getting even more angry.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"He's dead. I'm coming down there and he's gonna be done." He told me, mostly just mumbling to himself. "I can't believe he'd do that. I told him when we met and became friends, then when I learned that you two were dating a while later, I told him that if he ever hurt you in any way, he was dead. Now it's happened, and his life is over. Goodbye to his hockey career, and I will literally go to jail if it means he's away from you." He said.

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