Erie Story

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So I meant to post this after it happened but anyway,,,

On Friday January 19 I went to the Otters game against Kitchener, in Kitchener. Now, if you know me, you know that currently Owen Headrick is my favourite player, and I've met him twice before in Guelph. Now honestly on Friday I didn't know if you could even meet players in Kitchener so I didn't expect to, I was just gonna leave after the game. 

I my friends Katie, Brianna and I were in our seats which were right near some of the Kitchener season ticket holders spots, and the families around us were just so nice and talkative and just amazing to be around. But anyway, we were in our seats just talking, i was right after warm ups but before the game started. I wore my Owen Headrick jersey because, what else do you wear to a game ?? 

A man came down wearing a Soo Greyhounds ball cap, he came towards us and started talking to us and hes like, 

"So do you like Owen Headrick?" and of course I said "Yeah, he's my favourite player!" And he comes at me and says "Oh yeah, I'm his uncle, and his mom and dad and siblings are up there" and he pointed to a box that was LITERALLY RIGHT ABOVE US!!!! I cried a little on the inside. and so we keep talking for like 5 or ten minutes and he shows me pics of his kids with half of Canada's World Junior team IN HIS HOUSE LITERALLY FOUR DAYS BEFORE!! 

And yeah so before he leaves he's like "Yeah, if you want after the game if you guys stay here we'll go get that jersey of yours signed." And I cried inside a little more. And then I said "yeah that'd be awesome" so he told us just to stay there and he'll come and bring us to where the family can meet their kids and then he left and went to his seat and the game started.

The Otters lost 3-0 but like I had a really good chat with the old guy behind me and one kid and his mom. And this one kid holy shit, his baseball coach works with the Leafs somehow, and this kid FACETIMED MITCHELL FREAKING MARNER!!!!

But yeah so then after the game we waited there and Owen's uncle came down and brought us to where the change rooms are. I met Owen's entire family and I was talking to them for a while before Owen came out and I swear to god I was shaking the entire time. And so Owen came out eventually and his Uncle called him over and I shook his hand and he laughed at me because I was shaking and I'm still shook. 

So basically Owen was right at my ass and signed my jersey. I got yet another picture with him, and his family loves me. That was my Friday night, how was yours? (Lowkey it's two weeks today and I'm still not over it and every time if goes into my mind I start shaking again.)

Okay, I'll update a chapter asap, have a good day :)))

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