Chapter Three

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December 26 2016

"Come on you guys will like it." I told my entire family my moms side. My grandparents, Aunt Kerry, Uncle Rick, their daughters Sarah and Chelsea, my Aunt Sue, Uncle Wayne, and their sons Noah, and David, my Aunt Robyn and Uncle Jesse, and their son and daughter, Bruce and Shelby. My entire family are huge hockey fans, so for their Christmas present Dylan and I decided that we'd get them tickets to the first World Juniors game. And afterwards they'd all get to meet Captain Canada, Dylan Strome.

"Please tell us what it is." Noah asked.

"Since you've been asking me for almost three hours now, fine! Just so all of you guys know, what I'm about to tell you, is your Christmas present." I said. Everyone was finally quiet.

"Okay so, I know all of you love hockey, and how you were all planning on watching the World Juniors game on the TV." I paused as everyone nodded at me to keep going. "Well my boyfriend and I have come up with a great idea. It was mostly his actually...So youre all coming to watch the game tonight, live!" I yelled. Everyone started cheering.

"Wait, but what doss this have to do with your boyfriend, who I'm really doubting exist." My Uncle Wayne said.

"Right, this'll probably be everyone's favourite part." I said. "Well you see my boyfriend is Dylan Strome." Everyone looked at me stunned. I started laughing at them all.

"What?!" Sarah yelled.

"How did you end up with him?!" Chelsea asked. I laughed again.

"Never mind that. So Dylan and I were thinking that after the game, you could all meet Captain Canada too." Everyone started cheering again making me laugh.

"Thats why you're wearing a team Canada jersey huh?" My Grandma asked.

"Its Dylans." I giggled out.

"That's cute." She said.

"Okay well the game starts in about four hours and it takes two hours to get there from here, so we should get going if you wanna get food too." I said. I stood up along with everyone else and got my coat and shoes on. I got in my truck and my grandparents came in. I drove to the arena with my grandma talking my ear off on how, 'I should be careful, because these hockey players travel a lot, keep an eye on your guy or he might sleep with someone else while you're not looking'.

"Gram, I'm gonna be fine." I said as I got out of the car. I pulled out my phone and texted Dylan saying that I'm here and just gonna grab food with my family. Dylan texted me back saying that I should go in and say hi to him. I went in and got stopped by security.

"What are you doing miss?" The security guard asked me.

"Oh I'm Samantha Andrews and I was just going in to see Dylan Strome, my boyfriend." I said.

"Proof?" He asked. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of Dyl and I laughing and goofing around. "Alright come on in." I went into the building and found Dylan right by the ice with one of my all time best friends Mitch Marner, who was on the team last year with Dylan.

"Mitch!" I yelled running over to him and hugging him. "Oh my god I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too, bestie!" He said hugged me back. Dylan cleared his throat causing Mitch and I to laugh.

"Ugh fine." I let go of Mitch and went over to Dylan and hugged him even tighter and longer.

"Now I get to say that I've missed you." He said as he picked me up off the ground a bit.

"Missed you too, babe." I said.

"Get back to your family. But thank you for saying hi to Mitch." Dyl said.

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