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Long time ago, there were three worlds. One is a world where people or should I say humans can transform thoughts and dreams into reality. It can be in the form of *real* space or cyber space. And the second one is a world where thought and dreams from the people in the *real* world is transferred there for unknown reason. That's why many data like forest, unfinished building and etc. is here cause it's based on the real world.

Digimon like us were born too from children thought or dreams but even though their thought and dreams disappear, we didn't. Why? Cause like everything in digital world, nothing's disappear forever. And besides that, our data can reformed itself in the form of a digitama at primary village when we're died or at the end of our life.

And lastly, the third world. It's a world where dark thought and dreams from the real world were transformed here. You can call this place, the world of darkness. Digimon can reformed there too.

That's why there's two types, vaccine and virus. We, vaccine digimon lived in digiworld, meanwhile virus digimon lived there. But they, as to live up to their names always crossed to our world. It caused a distortion and created havoc inside the digiworld. Not just that, they can even crossed to the real world and created havoc outside too. That's why to beat them, eight human children were chosen and brought to digital world to defeat this being. Their digimon partner, can protect the digidestined and alongside them, they can beat any virus digimon as long as they worked together by all means.

"So to simplify, you guys are needed to fight the virus digimon so that our world won't be destroyed by them. Any question?" Motimon explained.

"I get the part of saving digiworld thingy but my question is why us?" Taichi asked.

"You guys are chosen by the prophecy. We, people of digiworld trusted the prophecy completely and it's proven until now. That's why we need you all, digidestined to work together with us to beat them so that our world won't be destroyed. It's an undeniable fate for us.''

Taichi having hard time thinking, about the risk and other stuff that may resulted in worse situation for digidestined cause they literally won't be resurrected. Unlike digimon, who can revived again after dying so many times.

"But enough about explanation, should we find our friends now?" Izzy and Taichi just nodded and walked together with their digimon on their hands.


A/N : Pheewww, it finally finished. Even though, it's worse than I thought. But oh well, who cares? At least I updated this story. Unlike my other story who stuck in the same position before my exam started.

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