Chapter 9 - Unexpected

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Toru's POV:

"Toru?" I hear a voice... Taka's voice.

I open my eyes and Taka is standing right in front of my bed.

"Taka.. what time is it?" I'm puzzled.

"I don't know... but I really need to talk to you..." He sounded embarassed, that's not like him.

"Okay, what is it?" I say, I rub my eyes,... it must be fucking early.

"Uhm, yeah... you know how I feel about you and Laura breaking up?" He starts to explain.

"Taka, it's been a month..." I don't get what he's trying to say.

"Yeah... uhm Toru, I fucked up... I know I shouldn't have but I told Laura the truth." He scratches his head.

"Wh-What do you mean...?"

"Eh, how you and Lucy kissed when we were in Manchester... and how she has a massive crush on you.." He goes on.

"You... WHAT?!" I stand up quickly.

Taka takes a step back:

" I just thought she deserved the truth, I know I shouldn't have been the one to tell her but I just couldn't help it, she is fucking miserable at the moment, she did nothing wrong Toru, but still she blames herself for everything, she deserves to know everything."

Unconsciously I clench my fists.

"What were you thinking, Taka?.. I know I should've told her when it happened, bu-but you had no right to do that man..." I take a step towards him.

"I know I'm sorry ..." He only looks at the floor.

Unbelievable that Taka told her... what does she think of me know?... I fucked up big time.

"No... you shouldn't be sorry... I'm the one who fucked it all up..."

Taka nods:" Maybe after some time she will forgive you."


Two weeks later

Laura's POV:

I'm still not over it. I still don't get why he did it.

Was it something I did?

I spent the last nights analyzing our relationship looking for possible mistakes that I made, but still it doesn't make sense to me... It's driving me insane.


On top of all that Mary told me that I need to find my own apartment as soon as I can because me crashing on her couch isn't going to work anymore or something.

How can I possibly go looking for apartments in my state? I barely make it into the shower a few times a week.


After that I needed some fresh air so I'm currently going for a walk in the park and I'm thinking too much...

Maybe I just wasn't enough, I mean I can be so moody sometimes and I even annoy myself with it and how I'm a pessimist, it probably got him down so much that he didn't wanna be with me anymore... or maybe it was how insecure I am in everything that I do except for work...

Or maybe it was everything... the whole package... That's probably it...

He's a rockstar and rockstars never date people like me... He just realized that and then Lucy came along and he knew he wanted her instead of me and I wasn't even worth telling... so it was my fault...

I can feel tears in my eyes but I don't care.

I don't know how I'm going to fix all this.


I find a park bench and sit on it until I calm down a bit.

I open the front camera and look at my makeup... I shouldn't have done that,... I look like a freaking mess, my mascara is all over my cheeks and my winged liner is not so winged anymore.

I fix what I can and then I think that a coffee would make things way better.

There is a starbucks right around the corner so I decide to go there.

This was the first time that I did something for myself in the last 2 month probably.


After I waited in line for way too long and paid way to much for a simple latte I hurry to get out of there since I get really bad anxiety in places like that... just too many people and too many thoughts... so it's best to get out as quickly as possible.

I try not to make eye contact with anyone and look at the floor.

Suddenly I run into someone and the coffee spills all over the person's jacket and all over myself. i fucking hate being clumsy.

"I-I'm so sor-"I mumble but when I look up I freeze.

It's Toru... I feel every emotion all at once. I just stare at him in shock... he didn't come here alone...


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